这是我朋友的纹身…… [美国媒体]


My friend's tattoo. When asked "what does that mean?" He replies, "I don't know, I don't speak Chinese." That is literally what it means.


[–]nolabrew 2575分 
I knew a guy who had the characters for 'sesame chicken' tattooed on his neck. When ever we went to a Chinese restaurant he would order by pointing to it. Sometimes they thought it was so funny they would give him the food for free.
Edit: They would almost always bring everyone out from the kitchen to look at it.


[–]monkeymalek 723分 10天前 
Just imagine if some Chinese dude got ‘Cheeseburger’ tattooed on his arm lmao


[–]serg_vw 158分 10天前 
I know a guy that has a cheeseburger tattooed on his belly...he is American


[–]WrennyHF 83分 10天前 
I have "general tso's chicken" tatted on my ankle. I've never been brave enough to just point at it to order.


[–]DarthOtter 33分 10天前 
I mean, you'd have to haul your foot up where it's visible. Not as simple to do.


[–]BRUCEisGOD 9133分 11天前 
Such dedication to being a smart ass.
I respect that.


[–]chojurou[S] 楼主   3646分 11天前 
The first time I met him, he greeted me with the stupidest grin as my eyes gazed over his tattoo


[–]chojurou[S] 楼主   2471分 10天前 
Hard not to notice Chinese characters down the arm of a 19 year old white boy


[–]BConscience 502分 10天前 
Especially one with such poor font. Please, foreigners. If you want to get a Chinese tattoo, at least make it calligraphy. Instead of the basic default font of Microsoft 2003.


[–]HappySoda 155分 16天前 
Bad advice. Have you seen what it usually looks like when a non-Chinese tattoo artist tries to do Chinese calligraphy? Stick with 仿宋 or something easy with straight lines. Just look at the two 我's here. He even made this simple font look like chicken scratch.


[–]echoesreach 996分 10天前 
He's definitely going to regret that


[–]hatgineer 2670分 10天前 
He will only regret that temporarily, when he becomes a dad, the dad joke complex will overtake the regret and he will like that tattoo again.


[–]captainerect 143分 10天前 
Yeah I have a tatoo of a pac-man eating a dick on my foot that I got when I was 19 for a scavenger hunt. Absolutely 0 regrets more than half a decade later



[–]PoMDizzl3 200分 10天前 
You can't say this and not post a photo my dude


[–]lostintransactions 51分 10天前 
"Half a decade"? I still have a tattoo slightly unfinished from "half a decade" ago.
I guess when you are 24, half a decade does seem like a long time. sigh... I am old.


[–]Gogetinvaded 92分 10天前 
Who says half a decade? 5 yrs is much easier.


[–]eljefino 113分 10天前 
1.25 Olympiads bro


[–]chojurou[S] 楼主   73分 10天前 
He's 21 or 22 now I think? He still loves it and actually just had stuff added onto it this last week


[–]Andkcojskaosncicoanw 59分 10天前 
What kind of stuff does one add to a I don't speak Chinese tattoo?


[–]showmeurknuckleball 60分 10天前 
Part 1
I don't know, I don't speak Chinese
Part 2
I told you what it means, stop reading my arm


[–]MasterFubar 113分 10天前 
He'll only regret the scar if he can afford what it takes to get laser removed.
From $200 to $500 per session, 15 to 20 sessions. I know because I know a guy who dropped out of a career in aerospace engineering to open a tattoo removal clinic. It pays much better, according to him.


[–]bosshog_ 36分 10天前 
There is actually nonprofits that are cheaper. Less than 100 per session. I paid 40 per session but this was 10 years ago and in Los Angeles. 3 tattoos removed.


[–]bosshog_ 43分 10天前 
Two flaming eyeballs on my forearms 2 by 6 Inches and a skull on my shoulder that was 5x7. The skull was not shaded in but the the flaming eyeballs where.
Most major cities have non profits for ex gang member, poor folks, or young dumbass that regret tatts. I was a hound dumb ass. I do have tattoos now but places that can be covered


[–]Black-Horse 2878分 10天前 
7th symbol down looks like an Asian Bender


[–]Mnemoceos 614分 10天前 
That's the traditional character for 会 (hui). It's used to express ability, here with the negator 不(bu) to mean "can't"


[–]Minusguy 469分 10天前 
it's funny because hui means penis in Russian


[–]hayabusaten 15分 10天前 
Would that mean that the tattoo favors Taiwanese writing? Because I heard China moved from traditional to simplified whereas Taiwan stayed with the original characters.


[–]903124 53分 10天前* 
The tattoo artist probably just type it on google translate or something and select traditional Chinese. This sentence clearly comes from someone who don't speak Chinese. Also for the word "说" and "话" it's using the computer font, if you see the word on tattoo the left upper stroke is horizontal which is used in computer only.


[–]msvivica 19分 10天前 
Credit where credit is due though, apart from the 我, the characters have pretty spot-on balance, where usually people who don't know them try to Asia-nize them and end up fucking them up...


[–]ZippyDan 22分 10天前 
Taiwan and Hong Kong
But many Chinese can still read the traditional characters as well. It is somewhat vaguely analogous to American English speakers still being able to read and comprehend UK spelling standards, though the differences are much greater.
It might also be analogous to still being able to read and understand Shakespearian English spelling, as, while contemporary Chinese writing for study and entertainment and media all uses the simplified character set, there is still a wealth of historical Chinese literature that Chinese are exposed to which would naturally use the traditional character set. The idea of the simplified character set is simply to make day-to-day life and work easier and more streamlined - it doesn't mean that Chinese can't still read the older characters. Not to mention that Hong Kong media is widely consumed in the mainland China, and Taiwan media increasingly so as well.
Anyway, if a tattoo used traditional characters instead of simplified characters, it would have the effect of making it seem more poetic and classical to a mainland Chinese reader - or of being from Taiwan or HK.


[–]ApoMechanesTheos 1分 10天前 
Were creating simplified characters really worth the trouble? From an outsider's point of view, there doesn't seem to be that much "simplification", and on the contrary seems to have created a lot more confusion by creating an alternate set of characters that people would have to learn in addition to the older ones?


[–]ZippyDan 1分 7天前 
Again, think of Shakespeare.
Imagine how much more difficult your daily life would be if you had to write like that.
At the same time, you can still vaguely recognize and understand Shakespeare, with more mental effort, for the few times that you actually read or watch it. Still, you're no expert in Shakespearian English, and you might misinterpret or outright not understand certain words, references, and puns.
In terms of Chinese, needing to know 6,000 instead of 8,000 character is a significant reduction (note: I pulled those numbers out of the clouds). Additionally, simplified Chinese is easier to read and write, not just because there are few characters, but because the characters themselves are often less complex and require less strokes to write. In other words, you can write the same "words" faster in simplified Chinese.
To draw another inadequate comparison, it is kind of like learning text speak. Sure, you can still read and write with full sentences, proper grammar, punctuation, etc. if needed, but often text speak is faster, more efficient, and does the job just as well.


[–]chojurou[S] 楼主   775分 10天前 
@everyone assuming this is fake and/or asking for a newer pic so here. This was taken yesterday.


[–]zagbag 230分 10天前 
Jesus, he went all out.


[–]chumkinson 140分 10天前 
Tell him to get a new shirt.


[–]lawanddisorder216 9分 10天前 
Is he doing the Zuckerburg thing where he wears the same shirt everyday?


[–]GhotiGhongers 307分 10天前 
I have friend who has Thai writing on his arm. Looks really nice. Asked him what it says and his reply "Please put your used condoms in the bin provided".


[–]portuga 22分 10天前 
Well, it’s a nice inspirational saying.


[–]NewRedditNot4Pron 543分 10天前 
He tried copying his favorite actress's back tattoo, but without success. Through no fault of his own though since he was too busy doing other things. At least that would be my excuse.


[–]DeAvil87 424分 10天前 
Riley Reid?


[–]TheDeadBacon 101分 11天前 
Just googled it, apparently her tattoo says 'When life gives you lemons, make lemonade'
Damn, never thought I'd be interested in that Tattoo


[–] chojurou 166分 10天前* 
Ive done many coverups on 35 year old folks that had this mentality in their 20s. A half decade is a blink of an eye in a persons life. Not really a long enough time frame to regret a tattoo. It usually takes 8-10 years for regret to kick in. Most coverups i do are on mid 30s people with tattoos from their early 20s. Most of em thought the tattoos were wonderful.


[–]YouAreInAComaWakeUp 45分 10天前 
You don't really change all that much between 19 and 24


[–]WhiteBroncoDriver 27分 10天前 
Can confirm. 29 and still immature as I was at 19.


[–]notoneofyourfans 14分 10天前 
Yep. 25 is the new 18. Even science has recognized that even though we give 18 year olds the title, "adult", actual adult decisions don't start happening until the late 20's. I always advise young people not to marry before age 25. There is usually zero reason to do so in today's society.


[–]Szyz 21分 10天前 
Oh, well, if you don't regret it at 24, then you never will, after all you're an old man now and your life is over.


[–]Southernnfratty 996分 15天前* 
中国话 is kind of a dated way to say "Chinese" (almost like how you'd say/write it in Japanese, actually).
Most people in Mainland China say 中文 or 汉语, or 国语 / 普通话 / 华语 if you're in HK/Taiwan/SE Asia. Also colloquially many people say "讲” more often than "说” ; the latter which to me sounds a bit more textbook-y.
But other than that, the tattoo is correct
Edit: 弄纹身的那个人的手写也挺标准的 Edit 2: Guys I was just pointing out a few subtleties lol. The phrase is a bit awk but overall correct. And 说/讲 can be used interchangeably, 讲 just sounds more natural to me

编辑1: 弄纹身的那个人的手写也挺标准的。

[–]hatgineer 487分 15天前 
Edit: 弄纹身的那个人的手写也挺标准的

[–]requimrar 679分 17天前 
fyi this is the navy seal copypasta, but properly translated



Navy Seal Copypasta (also known as the “Marine Copypasta,” “Internet Tough Guy Copypasta” and “Gorilla Warfare Copypasta”) is a facetious message containing a series of ridiculous claims and grandiose threats that portray the poster as an Internet tough guy stereotype. In the original post, the writer claimed to be a former Navy Seal with a long history of combat experiences, using comical typos and hyperboles like “Gorilla Warfare,” “300 Confirmed Kills” and “I can kill you in over 700 ways with just my bare hands.” Since its emergence in mid-2012, the copypasta has spawned a variety of spin-off stories, similar to the John Copypasta meme.





[–]J__d 30分 15天前 
Translating from English to Chinese (traditional works best) and back to English is usually comedy gold. I do it for serious emails I receive.


[–]ThirdTerrene 20分 15天前 
Which are the characters for "Pan-American Secret Spy and Internet Group" because I need to rename all of my group chats now.

