quora网友:阳光普照之下无新奇;有观点认为中国人和欧洲人已经进化出完全不同的社会制度,某种程度上来说,这是由于他们天生就秉性不同。如果我政治立场更正确点,我可能会被诱惑称这为“种族主义”—— 但坦白说沙文主义不是种族主义。
Why didn't China break up like Europe? What makes China stay united compared to Europe?
obin Daverman World traveler upxed May 21 2015
Unification of Language.
There used to be many small countries during the Warring States period in 250 BC.
And the countries have been separated for a while that the written and spoken language started to diverge similar to how language diverged in Europe. Below is an example of the character for "horse" in different states.
In the short-lived Qin Dynasty (221 BC - 207 BC) the Emperor forced standardization of the language. Common language enforced common culture and shared history.
Imagine what Europe would be like if everyone speaks the same language...
Jay Liu I've been told I'm Chinese... Answered Feb 19 2016
Europe and China represent two extreme ends on the spectrum of political cohesion. Europe is an example of an extreme lack of political cohesion whereas China is an example of extreme abundance of political cohesion.
True both regions have seen period of both hegemony and Balkanization Europe had the Roman Empire and China had its period of Warring States but both periods are exceptions to their respective regions. Europe is generally falling apart into smaller chunks whereas China is generally coalescing into a bigger whole.
So why is this? What is the fundamental reason?
It's geography.
The entirety of Europe is one big alluvial plain. It contains some of the most fertile land in the Old World and has attracted migrants for millennia. Once inside Europe these migrants have no choice but to settle and stay there are no lands farther West after all. In other words Europe is where the countless migrations come to an end it is the "last stop" of the Old World. The map below shows the common routes of migration into Europe.
Europe's position ensures that there are always going to be waves upon waves of newcomers into the region stacking on top of each other. The end result is that Europe is the most ethnically diverse region on planet Earth.
Geographically Europe is also filled with convenient natural boundaries that divide it into little cubicles were these diverse ethnic groups can settle and remain relatively protected from each other.
These 2 major factors of natural boundaries and diverse ethnicity makes it very very hard to build a pan-European empire and to make it last. The Romans managed to pull it off for a while only because they had the benefit of the Mediterranean to facilitate communications. But even the Romans were no match for the westward migrations of the Germanic tribes and Huns of the 4th and 5th Centuries AD.
China is quite the opposite of Europe in terms of geography and these difference are what cause China to naturally trend towards unification.
"China Proper" that is Han China or modern China without Tibet Xinjiang and Manchuria is bounded by nearly impassable natural barriers. These barriers made is very unlikely for China to be the target of mass migrations. People can neither enter nor leave therefore China trends towards ethnic homogeneity.
On this map I've roughly fenced off China Proper with the gray barriers. To the west there's the Gobi Desert the Himalayas and the jungles of northern Vietnam. To the north there's the frigid steppe land of Mongolia and Manchuria. This is not a perfect barrier but it did ensure that the only kind of people who would cross from it would be nomads usually in very small numbers so never enough to displace the Han Chinese. Certainly the Germanic tribes that usurped the Roman Empire would not have been able to cross such barriers.
Within China Proper the geography further promotes political unity. Unlike Europe there's no Rhine Danube Pyrenees or Alps. All China has is the Yangtze which has never been able to divide the country for long because the northern kingdoms always conquer the south usually in less than a century. Unlike the back and forth balance of power between France and Germany the north of China is always dominant over the south ensuring that the country will always trends towards unification.
Rohit Patnaik Answered Apr 12 2015
"It is a general truism of this world that anything long divided will surely unite and anything long united will surely divide."
- Luo Guanzhong Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Ever heard of a guy called Tom Abercrombie? He used to be a senior staff writer for NGC back in the days when NGC was still great (or I was still not that bitter; take your pick). I remember little of his writings (his photographs were always the primary draw for me)- but one line he wrote still stands out in my mind- 'The past is another land'...
听说过一个叫汤姆·亚贝克隆比的人吗?他曾经是美国国家地理频道的高级写作人员,那时国家地理频道还是不错的(或者我那时还没有那么挑剔吧;你自己决定吧)。我不太记得他的作品了(他拍的照片是主要吸引我的地方)——但他笔下有一句话依然印记在我的脑海里 ——“过去是另一片天地”……
The Geographic was witness to a century—arguably the most telling in human history—and we were fortunate to have spent nearly half of it there.
美国《国家地理》见证了一个世纪里 —— 可以说是人类历史上最生动的故事—— 我们很幸运近一半的时间有它陪伴。
Geography determines History. History determines Geography. The interplay between the two is the basis of Humanity's countless civilizations.
There is nothing new under the Sun; and the idea that the Chinese & the Europeans should've evolved quite different societal systems because somehow they are somehow inherently different lies in the realm of hilarity. If I was more politically-correct I might've been tempted to call 'racism'- but Chauvinism to be frank is not racism.
阳光普照之下无新奇;有观点认为中国人和欧洲人已经进化出完全不同的社会制度,某种程度上来说,这是由于他们天生就秉性不同。如果我政治立场更正确点,我可能会被诱惑称这为“种族主义”—— 但坦白说沙文主义不是种族主义。
The question OP has asked has been the subject of multiple works throughout history. Not least of them Jared Diamond's books. Diamond argued that central to the concept of Imperiogenesis- the birth of Empires- is Irrigation & Food production. His principal argument is that while large riverine networks foster the growth of irrigation systems & later on the bureaucratic systems necessary to manage them; saline waterbodies retard the spread of civilization & consequently are barriers to Imperiogenesis.
Thus Europe being the centre of a radially-oriented riverine system and cut up by multiple inland-sea systems is less conducive to Empire building than topographically one China with its twin East-West oriented River valleys.
Like most of Diamond's ideas these are indeed thought-provoking & interesting- but fall short when it comes to actual quantitative testing. In cases like Diamond's East-West/ North-South ecological spread idea (I can personally think of only four cases where this pattern didn't hold true) this doesn't really matter- but in this particular case he may have been mistaken.
类似戴蒙德的大多数观点,其确实是发人深思且有趣的——但考察下真实的历史就会知道是不太契合的。正如戴蒙德在某些案例中表达的关于东西或南北走向生态传播的观点(我个人认为只有4种情况下这种模式不成立),这并不重要 —— 但在这个特殊的情况下,他可能是错误的。
Pictured:- Not Dragons.
图片说明:—— 不是龙。
After all Europe is nothing but the Western tip of Eurasia.
In the vast majority of cases irrigational systems did not necessarily correlate to administrative unity- whereas the importance of Communication systems was paramount. The Volga basin was never known for its irrigation systems or bureaucratic structures- nevertheless it served as the core for multiple empires in succession. Vietnam was historically united over Coastal control. The Spanish controlled Italy for centuries. The Eastern Roman Empire lost the entire Anatolian Heartland and yet remained the premier European power for over 300 years.
In this aspect we find that 'historically united' China- with its multiple mountain ranges East-West riverine drainage and North-South cultural/ Biotic split- is actually less conducive to traditional Empire building than the Mediterranean biome that connects Europe- & indeed history tells us that the Mediterranean biome was 'united' for most part of history- under the successive Roman Vandal Eastern Roman Arab Spanish Turkish French and finally British control. It can be argued that Southern Europe remained united for a longer period than China. Northern Europe- a entirely different biome altogether- on the other hand was united only thrice since the fall of the Western Roman Empire- under the Carolingians Napoleon & the Third Reich.
在这方面,我们发现“历史上统一的”中国—— 山脉众多,东西向河流密布、南北文化或物种区隔——实际上比起连接欧洲和地中海的生物群系,更不利于传统帝国的建立—— 而且历史确实告诉我们,地中海生物群落在大多数历史时期是“统一”的——连续被罗马人、(德国)汪达尔人、东罗马人、阿拉伯人、西班牙人、土耳其人、法国人,最后是英国人控制。也就可以认为,南欧比中国保持统一的时间更长。另一方面,北欧——完全是另一个不同的生物群落——自从西罗马帝国灭亡后,只有三次分别在(法国)卡洛林人、拿破仑和第三帝国(德国纳粹)的统治下才统一起来。
Southern Europe is distinctly different from the Northern half
Churchill's 'soft-underbelly simply doesn't exist. The Pyrenees the Alps & the city of Vienna possess such defensive capabilities and confront invaders with such logistical difficulties that I doubt even a modern army can successfully break through them without extraordinary odds in their favour.
Though some say that whole World belongs to China...
Now that we have dealt with some of the misnomers associated with the answer let's analyze this properly under the following headings:-
既然前面我们已经解释了一些与答案有关的用词不当,那么就让我们按照以下标题顺序正确适当地分析一下 :-
1- Civilizational:
It has been proposed that the two very first dynasties of 'unified China'- the Xia & the Shang may have been two entirely different peoples. Even as late as the Qin the Chinese (if something called that even existed) had no standardized language writing systems or trade networks. Unlike India where it was the plains of Punjab or the Indo-Gangetic plains that have traditionally served to unite the country it was North-East China that has served as the nucleus of any pan-Chinese Empire (the Wei river valley or Beijing or Manchuria).
Colder weather has historically fostered populism in societies and thus ensured easy rise of Nationalism- & militarization. Resource scarcity promotes meritocracy and egalitarianism.
No wonder Boromir is so popular among the proles in the fanbase....
In these aspects it isn't surprising that Northern China had a greater appetite for foreign conquest than the other three civilizations I spoke about.
Also the constant inflow of fresh expansionist nomadic blood into Northern China kept it from sinking into civilizational inertia and created an atmosphere of constant warfare & entropy that naturally had to spill over into associated territories.
2- Military:
2- 军事:
In Northern China cavalry reigns supreme. In the South it is imperative that any would-be conqueror maintain strong riverine navies as well as coastal patrols. The connected nature of the coastline backed with the Grand Canal's logistical capacity allow the fast transportation of men & material throughout the land.
While Europe has several of the same factor associated with warfare the absence of strong centralization- to be elaborated on later- as well as the lack of interconnected waterbodies- whether man-made or nature- retard the creation of a all-conquering force. Thus every single potential pan-European conquering force since the Romans themselves has been shockingly one-dimensional (with the possible exception of Spain). Gustaf Adolf's artillery corps the Nazi armoured divisions Revolutionary France's infantry the Polish cavalry First Reich's sheer feudal élan the British Empire's world-conquering navies- were all impressive- but were hardly as multi-dimensional as the average Qi army.
Thus Northern China- backed by its strong bureaucracy powerful cavalry impressive navies- & constant warfare with foreign barbarians- was fitted for civilizational conquest in a way its two counterparts simply weren't. A dramatized illustration of this can be seen in one of the best Chinese movies Red Cliff:-
General Cao Cao demonstrating how to conquer China...
3- Climatic:
If one looks at a World map the primary thing one should mark about Europe is how warm it is. North Korea Kazakhstan & Canada lie on roughly the same latitudes as England and regularly face winters on a scale few European nations south of Norway do. The North Atlantic Drift allows civilization to prosper in Europe in a way it doesn't in Northern China- which in itself is barely much better off than the nomad-controlled wastes of Siberia & Mongolia.
Thus Northern China had to evolve bureaucratic structures to ensure the distribution transportation and storage of grain on a scale & time frx Europe & Southern China simply didn't have to. The resource-rich lands of the latter also fostered a level of decentralization Northern China simply could not afford.
The Centralization of Power automatically fosters external aggression & civilizational arrogance- & the unification of China was merely a side-effect of such sentiments among the Northerners.
Climatically Italy has more in common with Northern Iran than with France. Is it any wonder that the Roman legions met their match with Parthian Persia than in the forests of Gaul?
4- Foreign:-
4- 外部势力:-
Southern China's primary economic & military influences were from Indo-China & Eastern India. Both these zones are extremely resource-rich areas with very strong & old bureaucratic structures & high civilizational inertia. Thus while Southern China received several economic & cultural benefits- it received few military or political advantages owing to the insular nature of stable nations.
On the other hand Northern China not only was at the forefront of nomadic invasions but also had to constantly deal with the machinations of the Korean & Japanese courts keep the Yellow sea clear for trade and defend entire East Asia from nomadic invasions- all the while on resource levels far less than the rest of China. It was only natural for the North to sweep Southward- whereas Northern Europe insulated from external influences by the vast expanse & power of the Ottomans Russians & Arabs- didn't have the same driving forces until late in its history.
The Southern arms of the Silk Route passed through waters patrolled by navies of sovereign nations. The Northern arm of the Silk Route passed through what was pretty much Terra Incognita for most part.
5- Engineering:-
5- 土木工程:-
This is what makes the Chinese unique in all of Human civilization. The Egyptians built the pyramids to recreate the Milky way on Earth. The Chinese built the Grand Canal to forge a nation where none could've existed.
The Grand Canal arose after China was united but later became such an instrumental factor in Chinese civilization that it was this man-made body not China's twin river systems that provided the principal transportation & communication artery. It was the Grand Canal that provided stable bureaucratic systems during the yearly floods. It was the Grand Canal that facilitated North-South transport and buttressed the Coastal defences. It was the Grand Canal that served as the primary guarantor of Imperial control & bureaucracy as well as the main road for the flowing of cultural ideas and the unification of China.
Maintaining the Grand Canal was not only a obligation of large (invariably Northern powers as the North's food supply depended on the canal) Chinese forces but its very existence hindered the stable existence of smaller powers.
Geography determines History. History determines Geography. There's no reason why Gwadar in Pakistan or Eastern Congo or the continent of Asia itself cannot be as inviolate parts of China as the very heart of the Forbidden City.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...