中国官员建议放缓或停止购买美国债券 [美国媒体]


China officials recommend slowing orhalting U.S. bond purchases


Officials reviewing China’sforeign-exchange holdings have recommended slowing or halting purchases of U.S.Treasuries, Bloomberg News reported on Wednesday, citing people familiar withthe matter.


China has the world’s biggest currencyreserves and is the biggest foreign holder of U.S. government debt.


According to the Bloomberg report, thesources said the market for U.S. government bonds is becoming less attractiverelative to other assets. They also cited trade tensions with the United Statesas a reason to slow Treasury purchases, the report said.


The_Mick6 days ago
Americans used to own 85% of all NationalDebt through the Clinton Admin. Then G W Bush and the GOP Congress decided tocut taxes during a double-war, double the National Debt, and pass laws withlong-term continuations in programs not supported by taxes so we STILL arestuck with them today.
By the time G W Bush left office, amajority of U.S. debt was owned by foreign governments - something that can beused as pressure against U.S. interests. With the Trump/GOP tax cuts, even morewill be owned by foreign governments.


jb6 days ago
Wise. Just wait until China starts dumpingUS never-to-be-paid-back debt.


pn14096 days ago
Interest rates cannot stay low forever.


Phil6 days ago
Ooops, the gravy train for Americans may beslowly coming to a halt.


Super Dave6 days ago
China is sending a little message to theUS. We can get tough on trade with them, but they can stop funding ourlifestyle for us. That's right, it's a two way street folks.


Rich6 days ago
This is not good. Now what are they goingto do with all their dollars? Dollar will continue to drop and become lessdesirable as a world currency.


thong6 days ago
China tests its yuan can stand on itsground, if it's not the China will return to Dollar


Badly-Bent6 days ago
The ripple soon to become a tsunami


Tony6 days ago
Haha, learn chinese to serve your newmasters. This is what you get when you intentionally print money to supportgoverment. Zimbabwe happens. Dollar is crashing.


Tony6 days ago
21 000 000 000 000, makes at 10y rate about500 billion in interest payments a year. US is broke.


Edward6 days ago
Many dumb Americans don't understand theimplications of the United States being broke, thinking they can just keepprinting eventually means that the US will lose its world reservecurrency status.
What does it mean then? It means yourdollar will worth much much less. It means paying for $10/gallon gas. It meanspaying $7/gallon milk.
Stupid Americans don't understand that theyare paying low prices now being the dollar is still the reserve currency. Chinawill replace that soon.


Richard6 days ago
If we can't continue to borrow money, howare we going to be able to pay for all the illegals here? Welfare, food stamps,schools, healthcare, the list goes on and on.


Edward6 days ago
More stupid Americans saying how great thiswill be.
Seriously, idiots, how are you dumbAmericans supposed to finance your budget let alone paying for your recent $1.5Trillion tax cut for the rich WITHOUT borrowing money.....especially for China.
Do you stupid people even know how yourcountry finance itself? You BORROW money. You borrow MORE MONEY than you MAKE.Get it????
And you are still too stupid to understandthat your country is BROKE.


Satisfactual6 days ago
The Republican tax plan just added a hugedebt to are current burden, and now we expect other countries to bail us out! Afool and his money..........


Rod6 days ago
So Trump is already starting to reverse theincreasing US debt to China? Great!


Jack Jacobs6 days ago
When do we stop allowing toxic Chinesegoods to be unloaded on our docks...?


JdK6 days ago
The USA either directly or indirectlyemploys up to 50% of the Chinese workforce. Also, the US supplies most ofChina's technological advancement. China needs the US much more than the USneeds China. Why do you think the Chinese people convert their Yuan intoDollars or other currencies.


B6 days ago
Wow, Trump and the GOP policies starting tokick in. Within another year they should be well on their way to tanking oureconomy. Here we go again......


JRock6 days ago
So who else will be willing to finance the1.5 trillion that the Republicans just gave away?


Pete6 days ago
The US is going BROKE .Get ready for moretaxes .


Raymond6 days ago
What China is saying is they can't buyinfluence at the executive level in the US with the Trumpster in charge. BuyingUS bonds doesn't come with increased manufacturing jobs shipped from the USnow.


Lyddite6 days ago
China the new world leader. While Trumpsgolfs, US falls


Charlie, I Am6 days ago
so does china own 12% or 14% of US debt. noworries we can charge a 10% surcharge on all china made products to make up thedifference.


gary siverts6 days ago
China is in deep trouble w/o US exports.Trump has the “Trump card”here.


Roy6 days ago
Suppose China decided to gradually sellthose US Treasuries, and use those dollars to buy controlling interests inmajor US Corporations. That's the best way to win a war without a fight.


Russ N6 days ago
the reason is the interest rate - why wouldanyone want a 2.5% return when you can get 8% on other investments. They may beriskier but if you have enough diversification you still make more $ if some ofthose fail. US will have to raise rates which means more interest payments onUS debt.


al e6 days ago
G. W. Bush not only initiated anunnecessary and illegal invasion of Iraq with disastrous consequences to thepeople of the Middle East with many Americans getting killed and maimed, heallowed torture of POWS contravening our signed agreements and military rulesof conduct, he ran up trillions of dollars in expenses then, intsead of raisingtaxes to pay for his war, he twice lowered taxes causing enormous deficits inour federal budget, the void being filled by borrowing from the Chinese. G. W.Bush will go down in history as a president who has caused more harm thanalmost any other American.
Please enjoy his worthless paintings onlate night talk shows.

