如果要花十倍以上的钱才能享受到我们又怎么可能拥有好事物呢? [美国媒体]



Phase 1 of the California high-speed rail project (520 miles) is now claimed to have an estimated cost of $78 to $98 billion. This is $150 million to $180 million per mile. This is $94-118 million per kilometer.


The system will be five to ten times the average cost of $17–21 million per km of high-speed rail in China and about three to four times the $25–39 million per km average for similar projects in Europe.


The California high-speed rail hopes to have 2 hour 40 minute trips from San Francisco to Los Angeles with some non-stop trains if the trains average 220 miles per hour from San Jose to LA.


China plans to extend China’s high-speed railway network to 30000 kilometers by 2020 lixing most of the big cities general manager Lu Dongfu said. The plan is to have high-speed railway lines covering 38000 kilometers across the country by 2025.

China has allocated 732 billion yuan (US$112.4 billion) for fixed-asset investment this year – less than the 801 billion yuan for 2017 but roughly in line with the average of the past five years. China is adding 3500 kilometers of high-speed rail network in 2018.


China is allocating about $30 million per kilometer for fixed assets. This includes more trains and other fixed assets for high volume utilization and maintenance of existing track.


How China has such low high-speed rail construction costs


China has lower high-speed rail unit costs as a result of the development of multiple competitive local sources for construction – including earthworks bridges tunnels and rolling stock – that adopted mechanization in construction and manufacturing. Furthermore large volumes and the ability to amortize capital investment in high-cost construction equipment across a number of projects also helped to reduce costs.


Other factors include a relatively low cost of land acquisition and resettlement localization of the design and manufacture of goods and components as well as the standardization of designs for embankments track viaducts electrification signaling and telecommunication systems. For example the slab track manufacturing process was imported from Germany but the cost of the Chinese-made product is about a third lower than the German product as a result of large volumes and lower labor costs. The technology developed for construction of tunnels not only resulted in a low unit cost but also enabled tunnels to be constructed at a rate of 5-10m per day. High-speed tunnel construction costs in China are about $US 10-15m/km a fraction of that in other countries. Tunnel costs are heavily influenced by geology and labor costs and in the case of China the latter has certainly helped to keep costs down.


An analysis of the construction costs of the 27 high-speed lines in operation at the end of 2013 revealed substantial variations in unit cost ranging from Yuan 94 million ($US 15.3million) to Yuan 183 million/km. (1 US dollar is 6.3 yuan)


With a handful of exceptions the unit cost of 250km/h lines was Yuan 70-169m/km. The weighted average unit cost was Yuan 129m/km for a 350km/h project and Yuan 87m/km for a 250km/h project.

除了少数例外,250公里/小时线的单位建设成本为0.7亿-1.69亿元/公里。加权平均单位建设成本是250km/h的项目元为0.87亿元 /公里和350km/h的项目为1.29亿元/公里。


Julius2.000 days ago
When politician interferes with any projects be it local or international the budget always sky rocket. So corrupt!!!


Pie2.000 days ago
USA built 0 mile of high speed railway in the last 8 years while China built 20000 miles of high speed railway but mass media still praised the other guy as deporter-in-chief and infrastructure-in-chief. Our 3 airports around New York City area look like 3rd world country our infrastructure such as electricity in East Coast is 80 years old USA built less than 100 miles of NEW inter-state highway in the last 8 years while US population increased 20 millions in the last 8 years especially when you compared to Republican Dwight Eisenhower who built 41000 miles of NEW HIGHWAY for our homeland for our country and for American people but media still praised that guy as deporter-in-chief and infrastructure-in-chief.


Jason2.000 days ago
Government projects require unx labor even though non-unx still goes through the same inspection process. That is an old-fashioned rule whose time has run it's course. Outside government unxs are insignificant. Proving just how much governments could save by ending unxs in all government employees. Good job China on continued innovation. Our Country just gets bogged down in litigation regulation and corruption. It's like opposite world.


wow2.000 days ago
We are stuck with low speed trains with daily accidents. How can we handle high speed trains???


QX2.000 days ago
California is following Venezuela path of mismanagement.


Clutch City2.000 days ago
An elevated mg-lev train would probably be ten times less money ten times safer and higher speed. But no lets build archaic technology. I swear.. this is a classic 'fleecing of America' case the forces behind this thing don't care about what's best and most practical for the people they just see an opportunity to milk the public of billions.


evereachyu2.000 days ago
China built from 0 mile to 15000 miles high speed rail just in 10 years. From president Reagan go through Bush senior Clinton another Bush Obama to the Great Trump the US federal debts had being grown from $1 trillion to $21 trillion; while the great land of opportunities still don't have a single mile of high speed rail. We are still talking for nothing.


Alexander2.000 days ago
Well done China very well done indeed. Keep up with the good work and make China Strong and Great Again


I have been China many times and their BULLET trains are amazing. They are talking about raising the speed limit to 1000 km/hr in 4 years and I am not sure how that can be done. However Chinese government only says things it means. Why can't CA open bid to the world and including Chinese companies? Why does it have to be built by American? There might be a lot politics but 65% cost reduction will be a big save.


na2.000 days ago
We don't need high-speed rail. We are not copycats.


This is *exactly* why trade with China is neither free nor fair. Workers in the US have to pay for sewage treatment animal and child safety food quality inspection air and water quality building codes and zoning laws. If US workers could opt out of those costs they could compete fairly with Chinese workers. But nobody wants to live in an s-hole like China. So we want it both ways. Cheap stuff under the guise of "it's a free market" while leaving our workers uncompetitive due to the burden of a standard of living the Chinese aren't forced to pay for.

