China orders factories shut as smognightmare continues
Beijing (AFP) - China has ordered thousandsof factories to shut as it grapples with swathes of choking smog that werenearly 24 times safe levels on Tuesday, casting a shadow over the country'sparticipation in Paris climate talks.
Barry 2 hours ago
US environmental activists drove semi-cleanUS companies out of business with their clean regulations only to be replacedby dirty Chinese ones.
Well done you green do-gooders
No 2hours ago
China disregarded human health and dignityover profit and now has to pay billions to repair.
fear the mullet 2 hours ago
It's time China invests in nuclear powerand ditch the coal / steam system
Realist 2 hours ago
Guess they should have updated theirmanufacturing equipment as they were warned a long time ago. Of the sevendeadly sins, greed is the most abundant in this day and age, and they arepaying the ultimate price.
James 2hours ago
This is why American manufacturing jobshave gone to places like China. It`s more than cheap labor. They can DESTROYthe environment there and nobody cares.
LTBadman 2 hours ago
How do the consider the US as worsepolluters than China? I'm pretty sure here in America not a single city hasEVER looked like China does on a street level view point. The air way up highyes but on the street like fog on an overcast day? No way!
Commenter 2 hours ago
India's doing the same. England did thesame back in the 19th century. US did the same. Development at all costs.
MichaelC 2 hours ago
The reason the government is orderingfactories to be shut down is because of several reasons. While one is climatechange & pollution the other is that China's position in the South ChinaSea's is causing a drop in demand of goods made from China as several countriesare protesting China's aggressive bullying behavior and illegal occupation ofother countries territorial waters.
Tamara 2hours ago
Stop people from driving their cars!!
Tidefan 1 hour ago
Smog doesn't have a damn thing to do withCO2. Smog is a combination of smoke and fog.
rich 1hour ago
If china wasn't so greedy they could havelooked at American history during the industrial age. Pollution, poor workingconditions and greed
NothingToLose 2 hours ago
Climate change summit should have heldthere, then everybody knows who's the biggest polluter.
Tony 1hour ago
The question is why are Chinese burningcoal for heating? Can I just say that in general, China is still a developingcountry that does not have infrastructure to get clean burning energy intohomes? In the West, coal is burnt only for BBQ and has gas powered stoves andheating for homes straight from the utility company.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...