中国与西方在向非洲政府提供援助上的差异 [美国媒体]


WhenChina gives aid to African governments, they become more violent


Tuesday,Chinese President Xi Jinping began a five-day trip to Africa inZimbabwe, where the EU only recently resumed providing aid tothe government following years of sanctions. After two days inZimbabwe, President Xi will travel to South Africa, which willhost the first-ever Forum on China-Africa Cooperation to be held inAfrica.


China doesn’timpose its political views, ideals, or principles onto countries to whichit gives aid. In what’s known as its “non-interference policy,” the Chinesegovernment pointedly says that it is not trying to influencethe political decisions of African regimes. As evidence, China often givesaid directly to state leaders and regimes, who are allowed to use it as theywish.


Thispolicy has had dire consequences.  A recent study found that Africanleaders are almost three times more likely to spend Chinese developmentaidin areas where they have ethnic ties, not necessarily where aid is mostneeded.


8:41 AMGMT+0800
I lovehow the West who enslaved Africa and the world and are the only ones that triedto take over the world think they've done nothing wrong.


8:35 AMGMT+0800
WhenAfrican governments allow Chinese aid and Chinese into their countries,endangered wildlife numbers plummet - many species are near extinction, thanksto them!


8:11 AMGMT+0800
It seemsto me similar to aid to israel.


5:52 AMGMT+0800
This isnonsense. The US aid does not promote democracy, it promotes US capitalism andlocal elites. US aid is almost always with strings attached--usually of thetype that involves the military coming in. US aid is mostly military and CIAlinked. It is also a progenitor of violence. Indeed, its support for differentwarlords and tribes because of the resources these entities sit on has causedcivil wars and the division of existing nations. T


3:23 AMGMT+0800
No thefact is there's violence because the US funds opposition groups to thwart anyprogress in countries China does business. Fact... Out of the 400 years therehas been zero economic growth under Western stewardship. Now there is economicgrowth because China doesn't give aid like Westerners do to tell people howwonderful they are for caring. China does business with Africans. The Chinesehave a saying. Give a man a fish and he can feed himself for a day. Teach a manto fish and he can feed his family for the rest of his life. Westerners onlybelieve in giving a man a fish because that gives them 100% control. They callit aid but it's really more about Westerners advertising for themselves howmuch they care. Truly altruistic people don't expect a return. Westerners fearof an independent Africa they do not control. That's what this is all about andthey hate China for steering Africa into this direction. The West doesn't wanta bunch of Chinas that don't blindly follow the West in this world. ISIS andthe European refugee crisis are a result of Western policies where the want todestroy governments they don't like. The US now outsources its foreign policyin undermining governments hoping suffering in the civilian population willcause an uprising and revolution and thus regime change regardless of thecivilian lives lost. ISIS flourishes in those environments and that's why youhave the refugee crisis in Europe. US foreign policy is so short-sighted thatthey didn't see that coming. When is some Westerner going to do a study aboutthe suffering and violence caused in this world by US/Western foreign policy?Where's the moral people who call out American politicians who cannot admitthey fail but instead double, triple, quadruple down on what they did wrongjust in defiance that they don't admit they were wrong?

事实是,之所以存在暴力,是因为在有中国人经商的国家,美国就支持反对派团体从而挫败这个国家的进步。这是事实。400年来,在西方的管理下, 非洲没有获得任何的经济增长。现在非洲有了经济增长,因为中国不像西方那样说自己多么多么的好。中国和非洲人做生意。中国有句古话,授之以鱼不如授之以渔。西方只想授之以鱼,因为这样他们就可以进行100%控制。他们称之为援助,实际上是西方在为自己做广告,说自己多么的关心非洲。真正无私的人是不期望得到回报的。西方害怕独立的非洲,这样他们就无法控制。而他们讨厌中国将非洲带上了独立的方向。西方不想看到非洲国家像中国一样不盲目的听从西方。ISIS和欧洲难民危机就是西方试图推翻他们不喜欢的政府所导致的结果。美国现在的外交政策就是破坏他们不喜欢的政府,这样当地人民在痛苦之下将发起起义和革命,从而发生政权改变,而美国根本不关心无辜市民的生命损失。ISIS就是在这样的环境下产生的,所以欧洲才有了难民危机。美国外交政策太短视了,所以无法预见到这种后果。西方人什么时候开始研究一下西方/美国的外交政策给这个世界带来了多少的痛苦和暴力?

1:59 AMGMT+0800
False!Belgium's King Leopold II's rubber genocide in the Congo and other colonialatrocities created a tradition of violence. Wars prior to the study destroyedentire economies and the aftermath was reinvestment rates that were less thandepreciation that led to steady declines in GNP. While gold in the treasury hasfor thousands of years been the temptation for military adventures, it is alsoa prerequisite for investment. Africa is too weak to export a global Marxistrevolution. They had their revolution against colonialism, revolutions tend notto repeat, and the Age of Revolutions ended with the fall of the USSR. ColonialAfrica was a collection of failed states for centuries that created today'sfailed states. The fear of colonialism makes China the default path out of themisery colonialism created. The West has failed to be the solution to thepoverty and brute force in Africa it created.


1:40 AMGMT+0800 [Edited]
IF youreplace China with USA and Zimbabwe with Saudi Arabia, you argument stands.Saudi army used American-made weapons to suppress peaceful demonstration ofpeople of Bahrain during the "Arab Spring." You did not see anystrong words coming out State department. No news outlet here dwelled on thateither.


1:42 AMGMT+0800
A lot ofAmericans are delusional and sadly somewhat brainwashed by "free"media.


Tony Wu
12/2/201511:13 PM GMT+0800
Handingout aid without the expectation that the aid is used for good is like handingout spare change to street bums. You don't know if they're going to use ittowards the procurement of drugs or their next meal. And not handing out aid toneedy countries based on principle such as their recognition of Taiwan isscandalous Chinese bribing at its finest. There's nothing wrong withbefriending both both Taiwan and China.

