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BERLIN -- Germany on Thursday offered France Tornado reconnaissance jets, a naval frigate, aerial refueling and satellite images to back the fight against the Islamic State jihadist group.
"France was struck to the bone by the horrific attacks by the IS but we know that this inhumane rage can hit us or other societies at any time too," said Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen, announcing the support.
The offer will have to be formally approved by Chancellor Angela Merkel's cabinet and supported by parliament, where Merkel's "grand coalition" has an overwhelming majority.
Scorpion_J • 11 hours ago
The Germans had better grab their butt, with all those Muslims there they may be next to get hit.
give_me_a_break • 12 hours ago
For all practical purposes, Germany does not have an Military. Today Germans are happy with that. The day for regret will come. In that day, Germany's natural ally is Russia. Sad to say, but true.
bbabbitt • 21 hours ago
Germany is going to need these themselves. With horde of "refugees" invading their country, how long will it be before the ISIS jihadis among them spring into action there?
M60_Man_V_66-67 • a day ago
It is going to take a joint effort by countries around the world to reduce the ugly violence that ISIS is promoting every where. It is the only way to deal with these people that want to die for their religion.
全世界要联合起来阻止ISIS 的暴行,只有这样才能应付这些宗教狂热分子 。
R P Daniels • a day ago
Germany helping France fight a common enemy and cross border cooperation in Europe? Wow, Europe has changed, old opponents are now friends and good neighbors. Does NATO really work and could this be a coalition of European nations and Western Hemisphere countries working together to defeat ISIS? One can only hope...
psyops2009 R P Daniels • 20 hours ago
Western Europe has been flooded with radical Muslims in recent years.
There are 'Muslim No Go Zones' in parts of Europe. Europe is a mess and they have their Liberal Immigration Policies to blame for it!
Scorpion_J psyops2009 • 11 hours ago
In the end Europe will pay the price for letting all those foreigners and Muslims go there.
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