Several local officials in China's Northeast region admitted they had faked economic data in the past few years to show high growth when the real numbers were much lower, the China Daily website reported, citing the state-owned Xinhua News Agency.
"If the past data had not been inflated, the current growth figures would not show such a precipitous fall," one official was quoted as saying.
Officials in the region acknowledged they had overstated data ranging from fiscal revenue and household income to GDP, according to the report.
Liaoning province's GDP growth was reported at 9.5 percent three years ago and its current figure is 2.7 percent. Jilin's growth was reported at 12 percent three years ago, but its current rate is 6.3 percent in the same period.
Ed13 • 6 hours ago
Must have learned it from our gov't.
da bandit • 7 hours ago
Don't hold your breath waiting for the Obama administration to admit all of the "warm and fuzzy" numbers attached to our economy.
Southern Patriot • 8 hours ago
So, the Communist Chinese lie? Even when it comes to the capitalist features of their economy that their communist leaders allowed to protect their power and status? Now, they want to displace the American dollar in a free-fall economy?
All we need to change this scenario is to get a true conservative who will reverse the exorbitant spending habits of Obama and his sycophantic administration. Reverse the American economy by freeing it from the onerous government regulations, remove the war on coal, reduce or eliminate various government departments or agencies such as the: Department of Education; Department of Commerce and numerous programs currently sapping the American economy.
deegee Southern Patriot • 6 hours ago
And the GOP didn't spend....Why do you think you are $18 Trillion in government debt alone ???Add the rest and you are $50,000 in debt for every man,woman,child and illegal immigrant !!!
bigdan77 deegee • 5 hours ago
If you add the total gross, by including the credit debt, RP says it is 1 million per Us citizen.
Austinniceguy • 6 hours ago
Government officials lie? You could bowl me over with a feather!!!
humor&hubris • 7 hours ago
Probably all governments lie about their economic data, especially if it gives temporary benefit and political cover to those in power. While perhaps only the various US secret service operations know more precisely what is really going on, nobody is officially releasing any "truth" to the average US citizen. Thus we are offered cherry-picked stats claiming unemployment is low (when it is not); "free" money is readily given to certain large business operations (while retirees get near zero interest on savings accounts and low-risk investments); and endless expansion of fat government payrolls continues while social security recipients get a zero cost-of-living increase. With or without Chinese duplicity we have more than enough home-grown nonsense to contend with where key economic stats are concerned.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...