美:支撑美国梦的中产阶级家庭不再占大多数 [美国媒体]


Delegates watch as former President Bill Clinton addresses the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C. on Sept. 5, 2012. (Jae C. Hong / Associated Press)

2012年9月5日,民众代表在北卡罗来纳州夏洛特市观看前总统比尔.克林顿于民主党全国代表大会上发表演讲(美联社Jae C .Hong报道)

The nation's middle class, long a pillar of the U.S. economy and foundation of the American dream, has shrunk to the point where it no longer constitutes the majority of the adult population, according to a new major study.


The Pew Research Center report released Wednesday put in sharp relief the nation's increasing income divide, which is certain to be a central issue in the 2016 presidential race. It also highlights how various economic and demographic forces have eroded long-held ideals about maintaining a strong, majority middle class.


Many analysts and policymakers regard the shift as worrisome for economic and social stability. Middle-income households have been the bedrock of consumer spending, and many liberals in particular view the declining middle as part of a troubling trend of skewed income gains among the nation's richest families.


Median-income voters, particularly non-college-educated men, are also at the core of billionaire Donald Trump's surprising surge in the Republican presidential campaign. His supporters' sense that their once-secure middle-class standing is in danger of slipping appears to be fueling much of the anger against the government and immigrant groups.


The tipping point for the middle class occurred over the last couple of years of the recovery from the Great Recession as the economy continued to reward highly educated workers, well-to-do investors and those with technical skills.

中产阶级衰退的爆发点出现在自大萧条之后近几十年经济复苏过程中, 经济体制不断回报受过高等教育的工作者、富裕的投资人、以及技术持有者。


Rapid growth of upper-income households, coupled with an increase in less-educated low earners, has driven the decline of the middle-income population to a hair below 50% of the total this year, Pew found. In 1971, the middle class accounted for 61% of the population, and it has been declining steadily since.


The Pew research found that the shares of upper-income and lower-income households grew in recent years as the middle shrank — with the higher-income tier growing more. In that sense, the nonpartisan group said, “The shift represents economic progress.”


Pew defined middle class as households earning two-thirds to twice the overall median income, after adjusting for household size. A family of three, for example, would be considered middle income if its total annual income ranged from about $42,000 to $126,000. Pew analyzed data from the Census Bureau and the Labor Department, as well as the Federal Reserve.


Most Americans have traditionally identified themselves as middle class, even those at the top and bottom, reflecting a kind of cultural heritage tied to the American dream of self-reliance. But the Great Recession and subsequent slow recovery have shaken that image.


A Gallup survey this spring showed that just 51% of U.S. adults considered themselves middle or upper middle class, with 48% saying they are part of the lower or working class. As recently as 2008, 63% of those polled by Gallup said they were middle class.


This change in self-identification — and the reality of the shift documented by Pew — carries political ramifications as the state of the middle class continues to be a major focus of the economic debate in the presidential campaigns, with candidates, in time-honored fashion, invoking the middle class in their speeches and policy statements. President Obama has dubbed his programs “middle-class economics.”


Patrick Egan, a politics professor at New York University, says the Pew findings and the Gallup surveys suggest that the public may be more open to policies of redistribution.

纽约大学政治学教授Patrick Egan指出,皮尤的研究成果和盖洛普的调查结论显示,公众也许更欢迎收入再分配政策。

“Americans are always kind of reluctant to embrace open class warfare,” Egan said. But “if more Americans are under the idea of placing themselves at the bottom, you'll see politicians follow.”


Although the median incomes of upper, lower and middle tiers have all lost ground since 2000, primarily because of the Great Recession in late 2007 to mid-2009, upper-income households saw the smallest decline through 2014, the Pew study found.


Seen over a longer period, from 1971 to 2014, the median income of all upper-income households increased 47% to $174,625. The median income for the middle tier rose 34% to $73,392, and for the lower income group, it was up 28% to $24,074. The median marks the halfway point.

回顾1971年到2014年,高收入家庭的收入中位数上涨了47%,达到$174,625。中等收入家庭的收入中位数上涨34%, 达到$73,392。低收入阶层上涨28%,达到$24,074。中位数是高低排序后位于中点的数值。

Pew's findings add to strong evidence that the middle class has been thinned partly by a decline in manufacturing due to competition from imports as well as a broader polarization of jobs that has favored the most educated and technically skilled workers.


Elizabeth Espinoza and her husband, Carlos Arceo, both 38, fall squarely in the middle class, according to Pew. The Downey couple, who have two children, ages 4 and 6, gross about $110,000 between them, not counting benefits, such as healthcare insurance. By Pew's definition, a household of four is in the middle tier if total income is $48,347 to $145,041.

Elizabeth Espinoza和她的丈夫,Carlos Arceo, 今年都是38岁,根据皮尤的标准来看,他们是中产阶级。夫妇俩有两个孩子,一个4岁一个6岁。全家的年收入在不计入类似于健康保险这样的额外收益时是$110,000。因为按照皮尤的定义,一个中产阶级四口之家的年收入范围在$48,347到$145,041之间。

But Espinoza, who works as a student programming coordinator at the UCLA Labor Center, sees her family as barely straddling the middle class. The reason: high living costs, including $850 a month for child care and hefty student loan payments.


“I'm on the border of middle class, and I feel this way because I feel like being part of the middle class means being comfortable financially, and I think we struggle with that,” Espinoza said. “When you look at that expense-to-income ratio, it's just a lot more difficult to have that comfortableness.”


Espinoza said that she and her husband were hopeful about their future incomes rising, but she doubts that they can move up to the upper-income tier. “I feel like upward mobility keeps getting harder and harder,” she said.


(译者注:来自百度百科:社会流动(social mobility),一个社会成员或社会群体从一个社会阶级或阶层转到另一个社会阶级或阶层,从一种社会地位向另一种社会地位,从一种职业向另一种职业的转变的过程叫做社会流动。它是社会结构自我调节的机制之一。一个社会能够创造更多的向上流动的机会,是社会充满活力的象征,是社会进步的表现。)

The Pew study did not address economic mobility — an issue that many economists believe is more important than the change in income distribution. But research on income mobility across generations has found the U.S. as a whole lags behind other Western countries.


The declining middle also reflects demographic shifts, such as the arrival of more low-skilled immigrants, which can be seen in the overall slippage of Latinos in the income ladder since 1971. By race, black adults made the biggest strides in income status from 1971 to 2015, although they are significantly less likely to be middle income compared with adults overall.


At the same time, the increase of women in the workforce since the early 1970s has tended to boost household incomes, as has higher college education enrollment. And of course, strong gains from stocks and high-tech ventures have fueled incomes for some.


As of this year, 9% of Americans are in what Pew called the highest-income category — up from 4% in 1971 and 5% in 1991. A household with three people had to have an income of more than $188,000 last year to be in this highest bracket.


In contrast, the share of American adults in the very lowest income category — a three-person household making less than $31,000 — rose to 20% of the U.S. adult population this year from 16% in 1971.


“The distribution of adults by income is thinning in the middle and bulking up at the edges,” Pew said.


Whether this trend continues will depend in large part on how household structures evolve. Soaring numbers of single-parent households since the early 1970s, for example, have increased those at the bottom of the income spectrum.


Also, trends in marriage rates, immigration, college education and the labor force participation of lower-skilled men in particular will all have a bearing on the future of the middle class in America, said Harry Holzer, an economist and public policy professor at Georgetown University.

同理,结婚率、移民、高等教育和特别是掌握较低技术的成年男性的劳动参与率(译者注:劳动参与率即就业者占适龄劳动人口的比例)将会对未来美国中产阶级的规模产生影响,语出乔治城大学经济学及公共政策学教授Harry Holzer。

The Pew findings, however, are not comforting, he said. “It does suggest, even when you adjust for demographics, it's a little troubling,” Holzer said. “We always expect things to be getting better.”

Harry Holzer说,皮尤的调查并不能令人感到欣慰,“即使考虑到人口结构的变化,调查结果仍不容乐观。”“我们总是希望前景越来越乐观。”

网友 lolamw  
What does a country expect when itimports poverty for decades?

如果一个国家过去数十年一直进口(输入)贫困(即引进低技术移民),你还能指望什么呢?21顶 2踩

     网友 hoffmanellis
     @lolamwWe've been EXPORTING jobs for the last few decades, eliminating middle classwhite collar and unionized blue collar employment. 
This country has sustained middle class growth while accommodating immigrationfor generations. 
The one exception may be found in the construction industry, where non-unionprojects often employ undocumented workers. Otherwise, you're referring toseasonal farm labor, housekeepers, gardeners, janitors and other traditionallypoverty wage work -- jobs which traditionally have been filled by newimmigrant.


网友Everyone Everywhere
And somehow allowing a large groupof low skill illegal aliens from South America will fix this middle classproblem.


     网友 Sixth generation Angelena
     @mj1341 LACounty was 80% white in 1970 and now it's around 40% white. How did thathappen?

     @mj1341 LA 1970年国内80%是白人,现在只有40%了,这怎么解释?

     网友 non-freudian
     @Sixthgeneration Angeleno No wonder it's swirling the crapper.

     @Sixthgeneration Angeleno他只是说反话忘了加滑稽。

Don’tblame the upper class people for the economic problems facing this country..they are productive and hire people.. blame the importation of millions ofunskilled Mexican laborers who have driven down wages and contribute to the taxburden by overwhelming our support services


     @GOOD BYE LA: you are right aboutthe immigrants’ problem. But cheap greedy American non-union companies (big andsmall) are choosing to hire them and pay low wages with no benefits, rather topay living wages to American workers. This not economics’, it's just greed.

     @GOOD BYE LA:你指出的移民问题没有错。但是小气贪婪的美国无工会公司(无论大小)宁愿雇佣移民来少付工资,也不愿帮助正经的美国人维系生计。这不是市场经济,这就是贪欲在作祟。

     网友 whjones18
     @UndercoverBrother1:Greedis the cornerstone of human nature and economics. We're not angels my friend.


Think of how much different theincome distribution would look if it weren't for the fact that our fastestgrowing, large population bloc is composed of very poorly educated, lowearning, illegal immigrants and their poorly educated children. We have"imported" enough of an underclass to thoroughly skew the data, inaddition to putting pressure on wages of legal low wage workers.


     Of course, it's the fault of immigrants and you heard that on Fox. 
     You voted for Saint Reagan who began the destruction of the middle class. ThenBush Sr. Yes, Clinton made it worse then Bush Junior. 
     You voted in your own destruction. 
     Now blame it on immigrants.


     @gilrod2007,blame it on immigrants and women in the work force. Anything to distract fromthe 1% and giant corporations who have shifted all of our countries resourcesto themselves.


     You did read the article? 
     "The declining middle also reflects demographic shifts, such as thearrival of more low-skilled immigrants, which can be seen in the overallslippage of Latinos in the income ladder since 1971." 
"Import" enough poverty and poof we have more poverty and it skewsthe income distribution of the entire country.


And what, no mention ofcorporatocracy? 
How can our manufacturing basecompete with China, when they're able utilize unfair business practices, workerexploitation, and outright disregard for pollution and toxicity?

所以呢?没有人想到公司王国吗?(译者注:译自维基百科:公司王国 corporatocracy 或 corporocracy是一个由全球正义运动的支持者发明的新词,指由大公司大财阀控制的经济体或政府)

     So we should start utilizing those practices to regainthe middle class?

     网友Health (本层层主,答网友averageperson问)
     You enforce strict labor standards, and punish obvious violations. 
     China and multi-national corporations are gaming the system. 
     People tend to forget that capitalism has rules.


     网友GOOD BYE LA
     silly boy,there are plenty of third world countries that are very happy to take overmanufacturing from china… In fact, the wages of Chinese workers have become toohigh and production is moving into other countries... blame our predicamentsolely on the illegals who rape our social welfare systems


     @Health,Business owners with less than 50 employees don't even have to provide healthinsurance for their employees.

     @Health, 公司雇员小于50人的雇主甚至都不用给雇员上保险。

     网友Max Plank
     @einsteinsgirlComplain to Obama.


网友Mon Key
Let the analysts factor in/out 11million illegals and what they have done to the economy/job market.


网友Res IpsaLoquiter
Middle class for a couple startsaround $34k? In California? Sorry, but that's still well within poverty levelaround here. Maybe that's the point of the study that the writer ignores: Ifyou are "middle class" here you have little hope of saving andinvesting for a better future. In Kansas, you can get by making $34k. Here,with our enormous taxes, cost of living, etc, you're in trouble


Years of exporting all themanufacturing jobs overseas and importing illegal cheap labor creates the newunderclass. 
Surprisingly it's hard to find anything made in America with the exception ofmilitary supplies and automobiles. Flat Screen television, all Apple andSamsung mobile handsets are all made overseas.


网友 viper12321
We've spent years importing theworld's poverty, and encouraging Entitlement and Dependency in the inner cityslums, and act surprised that the middle class is gone? 
For "progressive" elitists, independent taxpayers are the enemy. Theytrade government freebies for votes, using your paycheck, until there's no oneleft to rob.


Gee, they covered all the reasonsexcept for the high birthrate among low income 'families' (in quotes because somany of them are single parent). When 'the pill' came along and middle and highincome women began having one or two children instead of 3 or 4 the shiftbegan. Low income women continue having 3 or 4 and those children tend tofollow in their parents low income footsteps. We're, what, three or fourgenerations into that phenomena and the consequences are becoming obvious. Itisn't the 'wealthy' and it isn't 'the government' or 'big corporations'. It'ssimple statistics. When one part of the distributions grows faster the medianshifts.


Welcome to the Democrat plantation.


Crony capitalism at the top; bankstoo big to fail, mandatory customers of health insurance companies, crony greenjobs including the king of corporate welfare Elon Musk. Illegal aliens and mid-easternrefugees at the bottom, accustomed to corruption and reliant on an overlygenerous welfare state. 
Read 2 Californias by Victor Davis Hanson for a glimpse of California's presentand the country's future.

请阅读Victor Hanson所着的《两个加州》,可一窥加州的现状和这个国家的未来。

     @LATfan21You hit the nail squarely on the head. What really is painful is that we electthese career politicians who have spent the country $18 trillion into debt. 
     You would think we might stop reelecting them at some point?

     @LATfan21 你简直一针见血。但是真正令人绝望的是就是我们选出了这些使国家负债$18000亿的职业政治家。

     @Andre-LeonardBut politicians are just kowtowing to the voter's desires. So essentiallyvoters are responsible for the debt the 'elected' politicians tally up. 
     How do we overcome this sort of dilemma?


Obama and the democrats havecombined the poor and middle class to form the "Dependent" class.Dependent on the handouts from their big government.


     I'm not getting any handouts. Are you?


     网友Mon Key
     @iamtheteapartyleaderit's been decades of this, not just O


     网友Naime Bond
     @gilrod2007You don't get a standard deduction at tax time or exemptions for kids? Maybefor medical expenses? State run colleges get subsides; people buying electriccars? Farmers, oil companies....It's hard to find any one that works that doesnot get a 'personal' subsidy (vs a 'general welfare subsidy that serveseveryone e.g. interstate highway) of some sort. 
     Get rid of all of it and go with a flat tax with a healthy exemption at thebottom; Verify every illegal out of every job and benefit and put anyone whohires one in jail and hit them with a fine that would bankrupt all but the top1% of the earners…

     @gilrod2007 你是在报税的时候没有受到所得税标准税减,还是没有享受过儿童免税?比如说在计算医疗支出的时候?州立大学都受到政府补助;购买电动车没有补贴吗?农民、石油公司等等……很少有人没有一定程度上受到过“个人”补贴(而公众补贴是为每一个公民服务的,比如说州际公路)。
