Why Trains Suck in America
Kakashi Hatake,4 months ago
I like trains more than any other form of transportation ..Planes feel like a cramped bus,and buses,well, they are cramped and give me motion sickness
Tarobrob,3 months ago
Europe: 125 Mph Just an average speed
America: 125 Mph max speed,India: 125Mph? iMpOsSible. You complaining about how slow is 100Mph, in India we complain 20Mph!
Nikhil Madhusudhan,2 months ago
Tarobrob IKR, the fastest Indian Railways train has a top speed of 160kmph(99mph) and the top speeds of our other trains are 110kmph(67mph)
Does speed matter so much in India. The main issue is you have affordable rail travel.
John Smith,4 weeks ago
In India they ride on the roof when the trains are full.
Henry Ostman,3 weeks ago
as long as you have roof seating (and standing) speeds of 20mph are way too fast.
Joshua Nishanth,3 weeks ago
John Smith, that's actually kinda rare in most parts of India, because a lot of our lines are now electrified. However, you can still find a lot of people hanging out of the sides of older suburban trains in the bigger cities or on crowded rural lines.
punit p,3 weeks ago
in india some abdul will break the tracks and coz death of 100s and still get away with it, so its ok.
Kevin McNaughton,3 weeks ago
John Smith In India, 90% of the routes are electrified. So you can't ride on roof, you will get electrocuted. Train travel is cheap in India though and over long distances, it saves a lot of time.
Sharad Upadhyay,2 weeks ago
John Smith You must have seen the Bangladeshi one. Plenty of vids online calling them out as Indian railways. They are actually Bangladeshi.
Unicorn Bunny,1 week ago
Tarobrob : Well India is Overhauling n upgrading its train tracks and also building dedicated n saperate tracks for frieghts. So Trains will become faster coz with no freight trains mean lesser trains on same track so lesser waiting in crossing tracks
Rachel Ellebye,5 months ago
As a European, I'm quite surprised in how trains don't function in the U.S. A couple of weeks ago, I went to the Netherlands, after arriving in Amsterdam, I had to take a train to Rotterdam, which took me 25 minutes. I just love taking the train, since it pollutes less than a plane/car, plus I get some time off
Daan Made in Holland,6 days ago
Rachel Ellebye Why the fuck would you go to rotterdam thats one big poluted ghetto we build all factorys there so we in Amsterdam have cleaner air people in rotterdam ar worth nothing to Dutch people
p51mustang24,2 days ago
Rachel Ellebye you will find that often when you get off a train in the US it’s still a 10 hour walk to where you need to be
p51mustang24,2 days ago
Most US cities are incredibly sprawled. Many of our cities were built after cars started taking off, also many people began moving farther and farther out into the suburbs when blacks started moving into the cities in order to raise their kids away from the crime.
p51mustang24,2 days ago
US cities with large black populations are often the most sprawled, like Philadelphia. People don’t like to talk about it, but we all at least subconsciously know it’s not smart to raise a family near black areas.
Fernarias,1 day ago
We have freeways and cars for short trips (LA to SF takes 5 hours and it a nice trip and costs me 30 dollars or half a tank one way, cheap) and once you get to your destination, you have a car to use. For longer trips, we have air travel, and it's quite cheap and fast compared to rail(as Europeans are finding out with their budget carriers that would be cheaper if European countries didn't subsidize air). Also, in the US, airports are everywhere. My small town of 50k has a large airport and there's another larger airport in the city next to me. So when Europeans say, "why don't you have rail", I think you're just jealous
Traveling Tom,5 months ago
Amtrak is more expensive than a plane ticket and slower than a bus. Not a very winning situation.
DërKönigOpal,2 weeks ago
Not to mention, they don't even get you to your location on time 30% of the time.
Selah Wilson,1 week ago
That's unfortunate, for me Amtrak has worked just fine and has been on time to my destinations And to add, is DEFINITELY NOT slower than a bus. I have taken both the Greyhound and the train to Houston Texas, and the Greyhound had us stop in El Paso for over 8 hours because they could not find drivers for the holiday, being stupidly short on people. I will gladly take and have gladly taken the Amtrak over the bus.
In The Moonlight,10 months ago
The only great trains in America are intra-city transit routes, such as the one in Oakland California or Seattle Washington
AdiL oSaFi,5 months ago
6:45 maaaaaaaan wtf !! chinese build 2540 km expressway in 6 years
6:45 处,我的天~中国人在6年时间里就建造了2540公里的高速列车轨道。
Nada Kocovska,3 months ago
My country macedonia has better and WAAAAAAAAAAAAY more advanced fast chinese trains
Chrisdigital,2 days ago
Nada Kocovska LUCKY!! America has no public transportation, it sucks, cars cost a fortune too. Wish I could take a train to work....
Comrade Serb,6 days ago
Nada Kocovska but 40% of your population is hungry
Erik Bakker,1 day ago
Your country macedonia? I thought it was a region of Greece?
I_Delicious_Fucking_Pancake,1 day ago
Erik Bakker Yeah... He was probably talking about Northern Macedonia.
Bernard Finucane,2 months ago
No the reason is not that the US is so sparsely populated. Sweden is sparsely populated, but their trains rock.
Cyrus992,2 months ago
Layout of housing, services and roads are also a factor.
Ajinkya Mate,1 month ago
You know how much smaller Sweden is than America?their cities are closer to each other. Sweden is sparsely populated but the population is concentrated towards the southside.
Thomas Yates,1 month ago
Of course the total size is relevant for the reason explained in the video. If you are undertaking a long journey, it makes sense to fly. If the journey is shorter, it makes sense to take a train , because you don't waste those hours at the airport. I go to Colorado from Florida a couple of times a year. Including travel to the airport, bag drop, and hanging around in the departures lounge, it takes me around eight hours. On the train it would takes me three days.
Indiana Jones,1 year ago
train companies are responsible for building and maintaining railways, but the government is responsible for building and maintining roads.. not the car companies.
Robert Faber,1 year ago
It depends on where you are. Here in the Netherlands, a government-owned company (ProRail) owns and maintains the track, while it is operated by private companies like NS (which used to be government-owned), Arriva and Syntus. Does it work? No, not really. Particularly NS and ProRail have so many fights and arguments over delays and costs that their relationship has become something of a running joke in the Netherlands. I'm not necessarily saying that government-owned rails being operated by privately-owned trains is a bad thing, and there are countries where they make it work, but having the whole system, from rail to train, owned by the same company isn't necessarily a bad thing either, and certainly isn't the one thing that dooms rail travel in the US.
George Orwell,5 months ago
The minute capitalism became a religion in the us, a lot of things started to suck. Electricity networks, trains, highways, housing, social systems... whenever I travel to the us it seems like a timetravel to a country that is stuck in the late 80s and lost its shine. I remember an incident where I made a call from a hotel room to europe that I got charged 150$ for less then 10 minutes.... I pay 30 flat and can call the world from home.
But hey... the free and the brave right ? :-/
DrewPicklesTheDark,1 month ago
It's due to the government getting involved with said capitalism. You either need one (free market) or the other (state controlled infrastructure), when you attempt to have both at once, the government won't be able to have direct control over it, so they instead attempt to regulate it, which in turn fucks up the private companies. US infrastructure would be far more efficient if it was left under private control, or pure government control, but currently it is this pseudo-hybrid that is an absolute disaster.As for outdated shit, that's due to size. Many US states are larger then other countries, so things can only adapt so fast. You go to a place like New York and everything is all up to date, yet travel for a few hours and end up in nowhereville that is still practically in the 50s. It's like Russia though arguably not as big a gap (places like Moscow being modern, while people in Siberia still live off the land).
RainbowYak,1 year ago
As a Swiss person, my heart stopped when I heard that American trains are only 71% on time. No wonder nobody wants to use them. In Switzerland, people think it's outrageous when a bus or a train is more than 60 seconds late (which almost never happens though).
Blanchelincoln,2 weeks ago
Suckup euro socialist... we're doing just fine.
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