如果低端制造业继续离开中国,而发达国家又能在高端制造业上打败“中国制造2025”的话,那中国经济的结局是什么? [美国媒体]

If manufacturing keeps leaving China on the low-end and developed countries are successful in thwarting "Made in China 2025" on the high-end, then what's the e

If manufacturing keeps leaving China on the low-end and developed countries are successful in thwarting "Made in China 2025" on the high-end, then what's the end game for China's economy?


Timothy Tan, Macro-credit Strategist (2000-present)
Answered Wed
The Anonymous person asking this leading question obviously have no idea how manufacturing works, or how development works.
Manufacturing will never leave China. Why? Simple. China is the BIGGEST market in the world. If low end manufacturing moves out because of cost, you can be certain it is the Chinese that are outsourcing it. As for high-end development, what makes this person think the developed nation can thwart China’s development? China now spending more on R&D than German and Japan. 
China leads in a number of tech and medical innovations, while building its microchip manufacturing with pace. Thwart “Made in China 2025”? Western companies going to China to set up shop.
In fact, in manufacturing of capital goods, China is already competing (successfully) with the major producers of the world.
Remember this: the biggest market of the world determine the terms. US was the biggest market post WW2. China has already taken over pole position now.
So manufacturing will NOT leave China. “Made in China 2025” will be achieved, no matter what the West does.


Li-Ping Yuan, works at Computer Applications
Answered 5h ago
Don’t worry. Market economy will balance itself.
Manufacturing has partially (even mostly) left US, Japan, Western Europe due to high wages. But their economy didn’t collapse, just slow down.
Other newly developed countries, such as Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore, used to rely on “low-end” manufacturing. But such “low-end” manufacturing has all left and their economy are still healthy but slowed down a bit. They may not have developed the most advanced technologies (such as building machines for chip manufacturing), but they do very well in certain sectors (such as chip manufacturing)….. and integrated into the world economy.
I expect China will do the same as these newly developed countries but in a much larger scale. It will have greater and longer impact to the world economy and eventually, very well integrated into the world economy as a major component.
A few things are unique to China are:
Low end manufacturing may partially move out of the country but partially move from coastal provinces to inland provinces. So, some low end manufacture will stay.
High end manufacture in various areas will be developed with the push/support from government. I believe some will succeed as world leaders (e.g. Chinese medicine and related bio-technologies) and some will fail due to too much competition.
Due to the advances of transportation and communication, the world is getting flatter The World Is Flat - Wikipedia. In the future, the most important difference is not between countries, but between rich and poor.

Joseph Wang, ex-VP, Big investment bank - Hong Kong
Answered 18h ago
Ever visit Detroit or Cleveland?
What the Chinese government is doing with “Made in China 2025” is what they  US government *should* have done with “Made in America 1985.” As the low  end industries leave China, then you need to push companies to move into  higher technology. The lesson that China has is that this sort of thing  simply will not happen if you leave everything to the market, so you need  massive government efforts to make sure that the industries that leave China  are replaced with higher technology ones.

Doug Hensley, works at Texas A&M University
Answered Wed
The future of manufacturing is that there will be ever fewer jobs to be had  in the sector, as automation continues to penetrate the sector. Manufacturing  output in the US is rising even as the number of jobs dwindles. The same is  bound to happen in China.
