欧洲各国领导人支持叙利亚空袭行动;中国反对 [美国媒体]


Many European leaders and the prime minister of Canadavoiced support and understanding for the U.S.-led airstrikes against Syria, butwarned against allowing the seven-year conflict to escalate.


Venezuela and China, however, condemned the airstrikes asviolating international law.


Here are some reactions:




"As always, we oppose the use of force in internationalrelations and call for respect for other countries' sovereignty, independenceand territorial integrity. Any unilateral military action bypassing theSecurity Council runs contrary to the purpose and principles of the U.N.charter and violates the principles of international law and the basic normsgoverning international relations, and will further complicate the Syrianissue." — China's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying.


"The use of chemical weapon is extremely inhumane andwe cannot absolutely tolerate that. Japan supports the determination of theU.S., the U.K. and France not to allow the use and proliferation of chemicalweapons." — Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.


"By continuing to employ chemical weapons againstinnocent Syrian civilians, the Assad regime has violated international law andabandoned its own commitments to the international community. These strikes arenot seeking to escalate the conflict in Syria, but these violations ofinternational law and norms cannot be allowed to continue." — AustralianDefense Minister Marisa Payne.




"It has always been Bulgaria's position that no causejustifies the killing of innocent people, including children; that the use ofchemical weapons is a war crime and the strike on Syrian targets was a responseto a war crime." — Bulgarian government statement. Bulgaria currentlyholds the rotating EU presidency.


"Strikes by US, France and UK make it clear that Syrianregime together with Russia & Iran cannot continue this human tragedy, atleast not without cost. The EU will stand with our allies on the side ofjustice." — Tweet by European Council President Donald Tusk.


"Before the attack took place last night, NATO alliesexhausted all other possible ways to address this issue to the U.N. SecurityCouncil but ... were blocked by Russia ... I am not saying that the attackslast night solved all problems but compared to the alternative to do nothing,this was the right thing to do." — NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg.


"We support the fact that our U.S., UK and Frenchallies took on responsibility in this way as permanent members of the U.N.Security Council. The military strike was necessary and appropriate in order topreserve the effectiveness of the international ban on the use of chemicalweapons and to warn the Syrian regime against further violations." -German Chancellor Angela Merkel.


"What has occurred in Syria in recent days goes farbeyond the constant violation of cease fires. The response to these atrocitiesis legitimate and proportionate." — Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy.


"The people who have been martyred by chemicals is acertain number but the people martyred by conventional weapons is much, muchmore." — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, saying more must be doneto hold the Syrian regime accountable for the hundreds of thousands it haskilled using conventional weapons.


"Greece unreservedly condemns the use of chemicalweapons and supports efforts to eliminate them ... at the same time, theinternational community should aim for a political and sustainable solution inSyria that will end the war... (and) allow the return of millions ofrefugees."— Greece's Foreign Ministry.


"This was a limited and targeted action to strike thecapacity of building or diffusing chemical arms. It cannot and should not bethe start of an escalation." — Italian Premier Paolo Gentiloni.


"The international community has the responsibility toidentify and hold accountable those responsible of any attack with chemicalweapons. This was not the first time that the Syrian regime has used chemicalweapons against civilians but it must be the last." — European UnionCommission President Jean-Claude Juncker.

- 欧盟委员会主席让·克洛德·容克



"Canada stands with our friends in this necessaryresponse and we condemn in strongest possible terms" the use of chemicalweapons in Syria. - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.


Venezuela's government said it "energeticallycondemns" the attack on Syria, calling it a unilateral action thatviolates Syria's sovereignty and "the most basic norms of internationallaw."


"Mexico reiterates its broadest condemnation of the useof chemical weapons." — Mexican government statement that condemned theuse of chemical weapons but did not explicitly approve or disapprove of themilitary strikes against Syria.
