太空战:中美会因为资源而发生冲突吗? [美国媒体]

在过去的2015年里,我们见证了三场似乎毫无关联的事件发展:华盛顿和北京太空热线的建立,美国太空发射商业竞争化法案的实行,,以及国际法庭对中菲南海主权争议案的受理。美国网友: 没有人期望美国会遵守任何协议。美国人的不守信用已有前车之鉴了。他们曾与中国签订条约,承诺不再给台湾提供先进武器,但他们仍然提供;他们还试图在伊拉克的大规模杀伤性武器问题上愚弄全世界。


The end of 2015 witnessed three seemingly unrelated developments: the establishment of a space hotline between Washington and Beijing, the U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act (Space Act), and the positive decision on jurisdiction by the arbitration court in Manila’s suit against Beijing concerning the South China Sea. The hotline seeks to minimize incidents arising from satellite operations and ASAT tests, while the legislation could pave the way to private exploration and exploitation of natural resources, including asteroid mining. The court decision, however, means that China’s claims and activities in the South China Sea will come under the scrutiny of an international judiciary. The question is whether the current confrontation between China and the United States concerning the legal status of the South China Sea is a harbinger of things to come in the space commons.



Two contradictory aspects of space have significant bearing on this question. Space has long been seen in military terms—the ultimate ‘high ground’ from which to master other battlefields. But space law has derived to a great extent from the law of the sea, including the key principle that the high seas (waters beyond twelve nautical miles from a country’s shores) can’t be appropriated by any nation, being open to navigation by ships of any flag. Thus, the 1967 Outer Space Treaty (OST) reads that “Outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means.” The passage has prompted much controversy, since it’s unclear whether it restricts or even bans the exploitation of natural resources from the Moon, asteroids and other celestial bodies, given that the treaty also says space “shall be free for exploration and use by all States.”



TDog • 15 hours ago
Treaties are only adhered to so long as it is advantageous to do so. Expect one nation or the other to cite precedent and treaty obligations while it suits them and then ignore them or engage in legalese when it doesn't.

Spectator of Geopolitics • 15 hours ago
There is only one known resource in the outer space and it is already regulated, that is the only geostationary orbit, about 36000km above the surface of the equator of the earth. Since there is a minimum spacing, which is two adjacent satellites have to remain about 1 degree apart, there is a maximum number of satellites that can stay in the orbit at the same time, 360. The actual number of listed ones is over 400. Active ones: 200+.


As of the rest, there may be coordinated effort to avoid collision. It is not as tight as Air Traffic Control, but there are too many objects, some are wastes. There was a reported collision: 2009 satellite collision



Springfire • 14 hours ago
No one is expecting US to stick to any treaty. Americans are documented liars. They sign the treaty with China to say that they will not supply Taiwan with advanced weapons but they continue to do so. They try to fool the world on Iraqis WMD.


They can't be trusted to do anything.

Spectator of Geopolitics • 16 hours ago
which furthermore provides a tripwire, with states often ready to use non-lethal force while remaining prudent not to open fire on each other’s personnel.


The rogue state, the Philippines has repeatedly opened fire on fishermen from other countries.

Jose Rizal  Spectator of Geopolitics • 5 hours ago
Hahahahahaha, what a great bullshiter you are, and Springfire is actually describing China with extreme precision.

Spectator of Geopolitics  Jose Rizal • 4 hours ago
Wasn't what I said truth?


O_Pinion • 32 minutes ago
Lucky that the US got to the moon first rather than the 9 dash line guys. Otherwise the plaque that says"we came in peace for all mankind", would say "China have moon festival for long time so this rock ours"

WHOHE • 15 hours ago
We already own space.

Michael Nunez • 15 hours ago
Using the SCS for an example , Confrontation is just a matter of Time .

Terry "Death to Equality" Xu • 15 hours ago
Ultimately it'll come down to habitation. Wherever people live, there will be claims and delineations of territory


I can see a future with international space, similar to international waters - but if humans were ever to actually live on the moon, there's going to some form of sovereignty one way or another


Maybe the colonists will declare independence, who knows?


As far as economics goes, nations will probably stake out ownership, but not sovereignty. Kind of like how countries can own mines abroad without exercising legal jurisdiction over them



JayWye  Terry "Death to Equality" Xu • 11 hours ago
"The Moon is a Harsh Mistress",by Robert Anson Heinlein.
One of my most favorite sci-fi books. TANSTAAFL.


the Sci-fi genre is full of books and stories about space law,space piracy,space war,etc.

JayWye • 11 hours ago
the Moon is the "high ground",an excellent observation and weapons platform overlooking the entire Earth,and at the top of a steep gravity slope. Easy to defend and difficult to attack. The Outer Space Treaty will be discarded once the first nation that develops the capability to make regular flights to the Moon establishes a manned base there.

