中国子弹头列车以520英里时速擦身而过 [美国媒体]


Blink andyou'll miss it! Incredible footage shows two Chinese bullet trains passing eachother at a staggering 520mph in unprecedented test run


Incredible footage shows the moment twoChinese bullet trains pass each other at 520 miles per hour an a testrun.


The test took place in Zhengzhou, centralChina's Henan province, today in a bid to prove the quality of Chinese madebullet trains, reported the People's Daily Online.


The test has broken the record for thefastest train crossing, according to Chinese state media.


Each of the two trains was travelling at260 miles per hour but when they crossed, their relative speed was 520 milesper hour.


This means that you could travel fromLondon to Zurich in less than an hour.


Currently, the fastest bullet trains areoperating at 192 miles per hour.


Arkley Barnet, Waikanae tis a silly place.,New Zealand, 40 minutes ago
New Zealand long distance trains arelimited to one very slow train a day and it's expensive but perfect, beautifulscenery and no demand as cheaper to fly. But the UK couldn't cope and needsHigh Speed, such as shame as life in the slow lane can be relaxing.


Richard., North Canterbury, New Zealand, 1hour ago
If you have the will, ability and can fix anything...even the train service in Britain mainly need the right people, not the 'incumbents' who only goto work for the money and keep the good people out of jobs.


Tony Blair PM, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 1hour ago
In Chicago, trains run at 10-15 MPH, andpassengers get the pleasure to take in the smell of bum BO and urine.


GuyB, Vancouver, Canada, 3 hours ago
Meanwhile Britain is still studying thepossibility of building HS2. By the time this is built, it would be time toconduct another study for the Maglev! The sad state of British railways.


crebor, Devon, 3 hours ago
The problem is agreeing what to destroy inthe process of building it. China doesn't have that problem...but yeah ourrailways are slow


Laowai, Guangzhou, China, 2 hours ago
HS2 is a white elephant. GB is just notlarge enough to make it worthwhile. Conventional train journey times in Chinacan be 40+ hours. HS trains shave that time by hours not minutes. From personalexperience they are comfortable and extremely efficient.... ALWAYS on time!


Reader Swives, Hendrson, Australia, 3 hoursago
Eurostar passes at 600kmh, and that'sstartling to see. The video would have been better filmed from the front of therain btw.


nicholas buttery, birmingham, UnitedKingdom, 5 hours ago
How long does this train take to stop ?


sara, No Where, United States, 6 hours ago
I wonder if anyone would survive if a trainwrecked at that speed.


TyrantGeorge, Utopia, United States, 6hours ago
America wiped out most of it's rail servicein favor of buses. And the bus, tire and rubber companies were responsible too.In some places, they came in and ripped up tracks overnight. Now we have thetaxpayer funded amtrak service, which is fighting to be the worst service withthe most expense.


crebor, Devon, 2 hours ago
Shame really , travelled on Amtrak manyyears ago out west...loved it and the wide seats


Pipeman, Baccytown, United Kingdom, 6 hoursago
Clean, comfortable and on time. Fabuloustrains.


Voice of sanity, Wolverhampton, 13 hoursago
Using technology and intellectual propertythey stole from both Kawasaki heavy industries and General Electric who used tobe partners in the development. Still it is more impressive than HS2 will everbe.


philiponfire, currently in Phnom Penh,Cambodia, 5 hours ago
they did not steal anything all done withtrade agreements.


sakura, Tokyo, Japan, 4 hours ago
philiponfire, no, China steal theirtechnology. All Kawasaki and others allow is to use the technology in China,but they rewrite them as their own technology and try to export trains usingthem.


Esse Mann, Milwaukee, United States, 13hours ago
Democracy sometimes sucks...Chineseauthorities decided to make them and period. No need to listen to Johns andMaries Doe′s opinions.

民主有时候真的很逊。。。在中国,政府说做什么就做什么。没必要听取Johns 和Maries Doe的观点。