雾霾难忍,北京创建新的环境警察 [美国媒体]


Choked by smog, Beijing creates newenvironmental police


BEIJING (AP) — Officials in Beijing haveannounced a new environmental police squad to root out illegal burning in thecity, the latest government response to the widespread public anger overChina's persistent problems with smog.


Beijing's acting mayor, Cai Qi, said at ameeting Saturday that the force would target open-air barbecues, garbageincineration and the burning of wood and other biomass, according to China'sofficial Xinhua News Agency.


Cai announced several other measures,including a target of cutting the use of coal by 30 percent in 2017, andshutting down 500 higher-polluting factories and upgrading 2,500 more. About300,000 high-pollution vehicles will also be restricted from entering thecapital starting next month, he said.


PaulPaul21 hours ago
without the EPA, the US would be like this.


Sanity18 hours ago
Thank God the US has an EPA. Those of uswho were alive before its implementation know how vitally important it is.Anyone who wants to get rid of or gut our EPA is out of their mind.


Dirk18 hours ago
China has no EPA. Republicans wish wedidn't have one either.


CW18 hours ago
Republicans want American cities to be justlike this as long as their stocks go up 10%


Erik16 hours ago
Where did this myth come from that onlyliberals care about the environment? I do believe Nixon was a REPUBLICAN.
The EPA was proposed by President RichardNixon and began operation on December 2, 1970, after Nixon signed an executiveorder. The order establishing the EPA was ratified by committee hearings in theHouse and Senate.


Matthew18 hours ago
Thank you to everyone who continues tofight for clean air.


BuddyBoy18 hours ago
don't worry about it ... humans haveabsolutely zero impact on the environment


alok18 hours ago
Think, Donald want to bring manufacturingback and remove environmental controls. We will not have to go to China tobreath the soot anymore, we will breath soot right here in our own cities andvillages.


Scott C22 hours ago
The ecofascists here in the U.S. areunbelievably jealous. Why hasn't 0bama implemented this they wonder.


Curly18 hours ago
wtg china blame the bbq grills. sounds likesomething trump would do


Scott T14 hours ago
To republicans, smog is "progress."


Lisa18 hours ago
Too little, too late. That's one way tokill off your own population. And Trump wants to bring it on here. Yay.


james16 hours ago
Eight years of Trumptrash and he'll havemost of America's large cities looking just like this, not to mention all ofthe disastrous weather.


Glenn Rushballs14 hours ago
trump and the Russians are dismantling theEPA as we speak


William Later16 hours ago
We are not the problem. Our air is and hasbeen clean for over 30 years. Yet Democrats want to destroy our economy withmore regulations

