在法院暂停川普的穆斯林旅行禁令之后, 这7个穆斯林国家向美国输送了72%的难民. [美国媒体]

川普总统在周日再次猛烈回击了法院关于暂停他颁布的旅行禁令的裁决, 表示在这个裁决生效之后, 72%的抵美难民来自旅行禁令上的7个国家.

Post court ruling, 72% refugees entered from banned Muslim countries

在法院暂停川普的穆斯林旅行禁令之后, 这7个穆斯林国家向美国输送了72%的抵美难民.

February 12, 2017


President Donald Trump, on Sunday, lashed out at the court again for halting his travel ban while saying that 72% of the refugees, who entered the United States following the ruling are from the seven countries that were listed in the immigration ban.

川普总统在周日再次猛烈回击了法院关于暂停他颁布的旅行禁令的裁决, 表示在这个裁决生效之后, 72%的抵美难民来自旅行禁令上的7个国家.

"72% of refugees admitted into U.S. (2/3 -2/11) during COURT BREAKDOWN are from 7 countries: SYRIA, IRAQ, SOMALIA, IRAN, SUDAN, LIBYA & YEMEN," Trump said in a tweet.

"2月3日至2月11日, 也就是法院裁决生效的这段时间, 72%的抵达美国的难民来自这7个国家: 叙利亚, 伊拉克, 索马里, 伊朗, 苏丹, 利比亚和也门. " 川普在他的推特上说.

He said that his order was for cracking down on illegal criminals as promised during his campaign.

他说, 他的禁令是为了履行竞选承诺, 打击违法罪犯.

In another tweet, Trump said: "The crackdown on illegal criminals is merely the keeping of my campaign promise. Gang members, drug dealers & others are being removed!"

在另一条推特里, 川普还说: "打击犯罪是为了信守我的竞选承诺. 帮派成员和毒贩以及其他人都将被驱逐 (出美国)."

President Trump, on Saturday, termed his country's legal system as "broken", adding that 77% of refugees allowed into the US since the travel reprieve, hailed from the very seven Muslim countries he had accused of being havens of terrorism.

川普总统在周六将美国的司法体系形容为 "垮塌的", 声称自从旅行禁令被搁置以来, 77%抵达美国的难民来自他称为恐怖天堂的这7个国家.

"Our legal system is broken! 77% of refugees allowed into U.S. since travel reprieve hail from seven suspect countries," Trump said in a tweet.

"我们的司法体系已经垮塌了, 77%的抵美难民来自这7个嫌疑国家." 川普在他的推特上说.

This came a day after a three-judge federal appeals panel had unanimously refused to reinstate the travel ban from countries like Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

在这之前一天, 一个由三名法官组成的联邦上诉法庭全票拒绝重启7个国家的旅行禁令, 包括伊朗, 伊拉克, 伊比亚, 索马里, 苏丹, 叙利亚和也门.

Within minutes of the judges' decision, the President angrily tweeted his intent to appeal. "SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!" Trump took to Twitter.

在法官裁决生效的几分钟之后, 总统愤怒的在推特上表达了他上诉的决心. "法庭上见, 我们的国家安全正受到严重损害." 川普在推特上说.

Within an hour of the judgment, the hashtag #NoBanNoWall started to trend on the social media.

同时在裁决之后一小时, "没有禁令没有墙" 的标记开始在社交媒体上流行起来.

Trump's executive order that he signed last week, suspended immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries for 90 days, the US refugee program for 120 days, and indefinitely halted Syrian refugees from entering the US.

川普上周签署的总统令要求暂停7个穆斯林为主的国家公民进入美国, 为期90天, 美国的难民项目被终止120天. 同时无限期禁止叙利亚难民进入美国.

The Trump administration has said the seven nations - Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen - have raised terrorism concerns.

川普政府表示, 这7个国家, 伊朗, 伊拉克, 伊比亚, 索马里, 苏丹, 叙利亚和也门会带来恐怖袭击的问题.