Why is China - a developing country so ahead of the US - the "greatest" developed country in infrastructure?
Paul B B.Ec. Economics (2016)
Answered 19h ago
That seems like a loaded question and I’m not sure if you’re entirely correct. But I’ll take it for granted that China is “so ahead in infrastructure”.
The reason is probably that the USA built most of its infrastructure a long time ago. Once it’s there there is little incentive to upgrade it. Why spend billions when you can make do with what you’ve got? Also once the capital stock of a country reaches equilibrium a large fraction of savings (pretty much all of it) is used up in maintaining existing capital.
Rewind to 1990 and China had very little infrastructure. As its economy has boomed it has accumulated capital very rapidly. Now it is at a point where there is too much capital. The government has used investment to employ some of the country’s excess capacity and support an ultimately unsustainable rate of growth. The problem is that the capital will not be able to be maintained. It would require an astronomical savings rate. China wants to transition to a consumption driven economy but how can it do this while simultaneously maintaining a high savings rate to support a huge capital stock?
Martin Dièdre studied at Aix-Marseille University
Answered 19h ago
You have to understand China is not a typical developing country. This term is a bit antiquated in that it was more appropriate during the 80–90’s to describe the emerging countries that were not fully developed not part of USSR and not Third World Countries.
China is what we call a newly indusrialized country. Its economy is still not completely dominated by services and trade because the industry is very strong and predominant. Among the features we can find: export-driven and fast-growing economy developing urban centers large corporates strong political leadership and high human development index.
Here is a map of newly industrialized countries (red).
Terry Newman Ten years living and doing business in China.
Answered 16h ago
Because US politicians in order to get votes and corporate support have eroded the tax base to the point that basic infrastructure (and also other basic services like education and health) can no longer be effectively funded. Adding to their woes is the fact that Washington has been paralysed for 12 of the last 16 years due to the failure of either party to control simultaneously the Presidency and the legislature.
Joel Phelan Former USMC NCO and Veteran Programmer Wiggin Libertarian
Answered 17h ago
Joel Phelan 前美国海军陆战队士官,资深程序员,维京的自由主义者
It’s because they started building their infrastructure about 80–100 years AFTER the USA did. Thus the engineering was standardized (mostly by the USA) material costs were down and technology existed that they could reasonably implement that the USA cannot without having to tear out the OLD infrastructure (and as another person answered much of the US’ spending is in maintaining the existing infrastructure roads bridges and train tracks where as China because they (comparatively) have nothing and had almost literally nothing in the way of modern infrastructure 30 years ago did not have these maintenance costs. It’s a problem they will run into going forward.
-------------译者:[email protected]审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------
It also depends on what you mean by “ahead”. You can speak of their better maintained highway system yes. But you cannot do so honestly without admitting that part of the reason it’s better maintained than the US system is (aside from only having been in existence for less than 30 years) that it is less than 10th the size of the US highway system and exists in about a third of the land area as the US system. China also has a smaller railway system much of which didn’t exist before 1990. China could afford to deploy high speed rail for example because it HAD to lay the tracks for something anyway. nothing existed in that route before. The US railways network is over 100 years old (and over 150 years old in some places). That’s rail to maintain and replace. Switching equipment. Safety equipment. And so on. China has a few nice modern airports in large cities. That’s because again they had NOTHING before. They can afford to do a re-build and upgrade project on the main airport in Beijing because they don’t have five thousand airports to maintain (fifteen thousand if you count all airfields) as the US does. China has 188 airports and less than 600 airfields total. The USA has 5194 airports and 15095 airfields total. How exactly is China ahead in air traffic infrastructure again?
China should eventually MOVE ahead as they continue to liberalize their economy and government simply due to demographics (having 5 times the population of the USA the Chinese economy will have to surpass the US economy just to keep the people in jobs and clothes as they move out of being a mostly agrarian society to a more diversified nation - though the current forced relocation of entire villages to metropolitan areas could backfire. Which I suppose is another way the USA is currently ahead of China - we don’t forcibly relocate our citizens off of their property to cities hundreds of miles away (or anywhere at all). Of course a citizen’s property in the USA IS their property. It doesn’t belong to the government which can then take it away with no justification at all required. China’s not there yet.
中国总是向前发展的,因为他们继续开放经济和政府,仅从人口数量看(美国人口的5倍)也能知道,中国经济必定要超越美国经济才能让人们有工作做,有衣服穿,他们也正在从一个农业为主的社会向一个更加多元化的社会转变 - 虽然目前将整个村庄强制搬迁到大都市地区的行为可能会事与愿违。我认为在这件事上美国使用的另一种方式要比中国先进得多 - 我们不会强行让我们的公民搬迁他们的财产到数百英里远的地方(或其他任何地方),当然,在美国,公民的财产是他们的财产,它不属于政府,可以没有任何理由地把它们拿走,中国还没达到这一步。
Kalynn H lived in The United States of America
Answered 19h ago
Because the U.S. and China spend money on different things. Much of the U.S. federal spending goes to our military foreign affairs and NATO. Our spending also focuses on programs like social security housing and healthcare. A new infrastructure plan is expected in the near future. So to sum things up each country spends their money on high priorities. Infrascture I would assume is a high priority for China and hasn't really been for the U.S.
Brandon Hawthorne former Graphic Artist Illustrator Comercia Photog. at Creative Advertising (1963-2010)
Answered 19h ago(前图形艺术家插画家)
China's government and the people in it are much more involved in what's best for China and not just what's going to benefit themselves. Unlike the United States where the people running the country seem to have little interest beyond what's best for themselves and their constituents.
While they are technically a socialist country they encourage entrepreneurship and innovation.
They also tend to ignore copyrights and international patent laws taking advantage of the Innovation done by other countries without acknowledging the contribution or paying for it.
But I think mostly it is just the fact that the people running China really are interest in making China more successful.
Here politicians will fight anything that might benefit the country if they don't think it's going to be a benefit themselves and their constituents directly.
Healthcare is a perfect example if they would just sit down together and work out all the details they could come up with a healthcare plan that would benefit everybody except maybe the people in the healthcare industry who are ripping off the population with excessive healthcare charges.
But each group is afraid that somebody is going to benefit more than they are therefore they'd rather see nothing done at all so that's what happens nothing.
Most developed countries have modern high-speed railways but not the United States.
No we're trying to go back to using coal while the Chinese are trying very hard to get away from using coal and develop clean energy to fight there terrible pollution problems.
We are ignoring the problems and hoping that they will just go away like climate change for instance.
I think that the United States is on a down slope that we may not see the end of for a long time. We lack the one thing that's most important we lack cooperation.
Patrick Bindner
Answered 13h ago
The basic premise of the question is incorrect. China has deficient infrastructure in much of its territory whereas the US has solid & pervasive infrastructure throughout its territory. It is in China’s major cities that Chinese infrastructure surpasses some levels of US infrastructure development & that is entirely due to being newly installed in places that were previously bereft of modern infrastructure. US infrastructure is now old but it blankets the nation.
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