来到德国后,人们面临的最大文化冲击有哪些?(上) [美国媒体]

quora网友:目前我已经来柏林大概两个月了。如下就是我回答此问题的清单。1. 来到这里之前,我就开始学习德语。 但人们说我在浪费时间,因为这里每个人会说英语。 真是坑爹! 许多德国人不会说英语。 还有一些人(通常是官员或文员)对于我不会说他们的语言显得不满,似乎我没有在两个月的时间里学会这门语言就是一个严重的罪行。


What are the biggest culture shocks people face when coming to Germany?



Ben A. Wise love immersing myself in other cultures.
upxed May 30
I’ve been in Berlin for about two months now.
Here’s my longish list:


1. I started learning German before coming here. People said I was wasting my time that everybody here speaks English. That’s not true. Many Germans don’t speak English. Also a number of people (usually officials or clerks) were upset that I don’t speak their language yet as if my not having learned the language yet in the span of two months is some grave offense.

1. 来到这里之前,我就开始学习德语。 但人们说我在浪费时间,因为这里每个人会说英语。 真是坑爹! 许多德国人不会说英语。 还有一些人(通常是官员或文员)对于我不会说他们的语言显得不满,似乎我没有在两个月的时间里学会这门语言就是一个严重的罪行。

2. Maybe it’s only this year but the summer isn’t really summer. There are hot and cold days. Sunny and overcast days. Clear and rainy days. A day can start sunny and end in rain. You can walk out in your shorts and have to wear pants and a light jacket by the end of the day. Also the days are unbelievably long. The sun rises before 5 AM and sets at around 10 PM.



3. WWII and the Holocaust. I am of Jewish descent. Many of my ancestors were taken to Auschwitz and other camps to be exterminated. I remember the first time I saw a stolperstein or “stumbling stone” in Berlin (these are brass plates inscribed with the names of Jews and information about the dates of their deportation and extermination inlaid in the pavement outside their last place of residence) I froze. My heart sank and a deep sadness welled from within me.


4. Ethnic Diversity here is wonderful. There seem to be people from all over the world all coexisting. Yes there have been some glitches but seeing this melting pot of diversity brings hope to the heart. Plus you can have authentic food from almost anywhere—from Mexican to Vietnamese to Turkish to Lebanese to Korean etc etc.



5. Many many people are tattooed so much so that un-tattooed individuals seem rarer than tattooed ones. And so much so that I sometimes wonder if even the businessmen and women under those fine tailored suits are hiding some large and colorful dragon or tiger adorning their skins.


6. I assumed Berlin would be cleaner. Before I came I had a vision of Germany as a glinting-clean place. And although it’s not filthy there’s some wastestrewn about in parks and on the streets—empty beer bottles and food leftovers and dirty plastic packaging etc.



7. And speaking of beer bottles people drink alcohol. A lot of it. I see many people walking around with some kind of drink in their hands or people sitting outside bars or even in parks with an unbelievable amount of empty bottles by their side. Or in supermarkets walking out with cartfuls of booze.


8. Maybe I notice it more because I’ve never lived in a place with so many churches but there are so many of them here. Imposing ones with rising spires and crimson bricks and huge bells resonating blocks and blocks away. Having grown up in Israel I find it hard to imagine how the visions of a carpenter in the Middle-East over centuries and millennia transmogrified into these massive gothic places of worship in a completely different culture and milieu.



9. The other day we went to a pleasant park and there were a bunch of kids playing in the nude splashing each other with water and running around in the sand giggling. My son took off his clothes and joined them and I thought How wonderful that no one is embarrassed seeing naked kids playing around that they are granted this easy unconscious freedom that in many other parts of the would would have been considered inappropriate.


10. Sex seems to be less of a big deal here. I’ve seen a number of adverts in the street depicting some form of sex in illustrations. In the US there would have been a lecherous quality to it some kind of cleavage or exposed thighs something to suggest and tease and taunt. But here there is something unassuming about its depiction—a couple or even a threesome lying in bed covered in blankets a cartoon of a man with his loins covered by a popping champagne bottle and a smiling woman by his side. Unassertive—as if this too is a natural part of life and there’s no need to make a fuss about it.



11. Organic food is available in most supermarkets and is not necessarily exorbitantly priced. In fact almost every little place that serves food will have some kind of organic lemonade or soft drink.


12. Although I am not vegetarian when I came here I imagined würste (sausages) everywhere and a dearth of other non-pork based offering. But in fact it is very easy to get vegetarian food here. From vegetarian gemüse kebap(Turkish food—vegetables in bread) to vegetarian asian dishes to tofu grain- or legume-based meat substitutes in supermarkets it is not only possible to be vegetarian here but even easy.



13. The streets and the curb are wide and spacious oftentimes cobbled and shaded by evenly-distanced stately trees. Having grown up in Israel and lived in India this was novel for me—this European expansiveness.

13. 街道和路缘石非常宽大,经常铺有鹅卵石,每隔一定距离便会被一棵大树遮住。在以色列出生,在印度长大的我,着实被这个吸引了——这就是欧洲的气派啊。

14. Some people can be incredibly proper and strict here. I’ve been scolded for standing out in the street when the bus came and then for standing in the wrong place inside the bus as I was paying. In some places and settings people are expected to behave in a certain ways and are frowned upon if they are not.

14. 一些人难以置信地得体和严格。我常常因为巴士来时站到人行道外侧或者在巴士付钱时站到错误位置被斥责。在一些场合,人们需要遵守一些社交礼仪,否则对方会不开心的。


15. The bicycle is a serious mode of transportation with its own lanes and a substantial number of riders.


16. Drivers are not as courteous as in other places—in less trafficked streets with no stoplight and unlike the US cars will mostly not stop when they see a pedestrian and one has to wait for an opportunity to cross.



17. Things are well made. The walls of the apartment I’m staying in are almost as thick as my outstretched arm. The woodwork is precise and sturdy. Some of the buildings around look like they’ve been in existence for centuries and that they will last for many centuries more. There is an assuring sturdiness in the material existence here—like things are dependable and robust. Also it is not difficult to find obxts that are Made in Germany or Europe—be it knives or rucksacks or wallets etc—that look like they will last for a lifetime. I like that.


18. Almost all shops are closed on Sundays.



19. Parcels are left with neighbors. If you’re not in and you have a package it will be left with one of your neighbors who will then perhaps later in the day come knocking on your door and claim the package with a slip.

19. 邻居可以帮你保管包裹。如果有包裹到了,而你不在家,那么包裹就会暂时寄放在你的邻居家。稍晚一点的时候,你的邻居就会敲你家的门,让你通过凭条去取包裹。

20. People have been incredibly helpful. When I arrived a neighbor helped carry our luggage from the street. Another neighbor helps me whenever I need something in German translated. I’ve had people in the street after asking for directions pull out their phones google the place and give me clear instructions. Of course as with everywhere else there are also unfriendly people but the friendly and helpful ones have left a greater impression on me.

20. 这里的人们真的是太助人为乐了。当我刚到那里时,一个邻居帮我从大街上搬行李,另一个邻居随时帮我翻译我不认识的德语。当我在街上问别人路时,他们经常会用谷歌搜索那个地方,并给我清楚的指示。当然了,林子大了,什么鸟都有的,但是那里友好助人的亲们,真的是给我留下了超赞的印象。
