广州每次下雨都会有一些街道被淹 . 更别提遇到台风的时候了. 就因为刮点小风 整个街区都会被淹 . 为什么他们就不能像西方那样建造出合适的排水系统呢? 西方国家没有城市会被水淹 因为我们这里的工程师们是实实在在的会用自己的脑子的 . 我们有堤坝和防洪堤来保护我们的沿海城市 实际上还有下水道和雨水排水系统.
Everytime it rains in Guangzhou some streets flood. Don't even mention typhoons. Entire blocks flood just because there's a little wind blowing. Why can't they build a decent drainage system like the west? No cities in the west would ever flood because we have engineers who can actually use their brains. We have dykes and levees that protect our coastal cities and actual sewage and storm draining systems.
广州每次下雨都会有一些街道被淹 . 更别提遇到台风的时候了. 就因为刮点小风 整个街区都会被淹 . 为什么他们就不能像西方那样建造出合适的排水系统呢? 西方国家没有城市会被水淹 因为我们这里的工程师们是实实在在的会用自己的脑子的 . 我们有堤坝和防洪堤来保护我们的沿海城市 实际上还有下水道和雨水排水系统.
It's the seventh time I had to walk in ankle deep water to buy 2gt at the local corner store this summer and I have had enough enough I say! How could the Chinese ever compare to the Dutch. Amsterdam has never flooded and the Chinese cities could never beat that fact with all the amount of superior western technologies they steal.
这已经是我这个夏天第七次不得不穿过齐踝深的水到街角的商店去买2gt了 我想我说的已经足够足够多了! 中国人怎样才能比得上荷兰人啊. 连阿姆斯特丹都没有被淹过 . 中国人所有从西方那里偷来的技术全加起来也不能让他们改变这一现状 .
No other city in the whole world has such a lack of basic storm drainage and flood protection. This is why China will remain a third world shithole.
Edit: Jet fuel can't melt dank memes peace!
整个世界也没有其他城市会如此的缺乏排雨系统和防洪设施了 . 这就是中国依旧处于狗屎般的第三世界中的原因了.
编辑 : 再光鲜的外表也掩盖不了内里的草包.
Okay first off comparing with Amsterdam is kind of unfair because you're comparing with the absolute most advanced city in the world in terms of water management. It's certainly not representative of all of the West as tons of American cities demonstrate.
好吧 首先你拿阿姆斯特丹来对比就是不公平的 . 因为你是跟就水处理而言绝对是世界上最先进的城市相比的 . 这绝不是(在这方面)有代表性的西方城市 比如许多美国城市体现的那样.
Having said that I think the main issue is that the drainage systems have not kept up with the crazy amount of growth in Chinese cities in the past few decades. So much of the land area is getting paved over and taller buildings are being put in all the time but I doubt the government is upgrading the underground infrastructure at pace.
话是那样 但我想最主要问题是中国的排水系统没有跟上在过去的十几年里疯狂扩张的城市规模. 所以大量的地面都被铺成了道路 并且大量的高层建筑拔地而起 但是我怀疑政府是否同步提升了地下设施的水平 .
It's a perennial issue in much of the world. Everyone notices when you build a new bridge or subway line but when you sink a lot of money into upgrading the sewers people only notice the chunk it takes out of the budget and the traffic it causes so lots of mayors neglect it. The Netherlands pays special attention to it because if they don't they could lose half the country to the North Sea.
这是个困扰着世界大部分地区的长期问题 . 当你建起一座新大桥又或者是新的地铁线路的时候 所有人都会注意到 . 但是当你花了大量的资金在升级下水道上的时候 人们只会注意到这占用了一大截的财政预算 还有被影响到的交通 . 所以很多市长都会忽略下水道的建设. 荷兰人之所以格外关注这些 是因为如果不这样他们就会失去北海沿岸的半个国家 .
China can't even compete against Amsterdam in drainage and flood control. If it wants to become a world power first build cities that don't turn into pools in the rain.
中国甚至在排水系统和防洪措施方面上跟阿姆斯特丹都比不上 . 中国如果想变成超级大国的话 首先就要从建设的城市不要在下雨的时候变成水塘开始 .
China can't even compete against Amsterdam in drainage and flood control
No one can. They are by far the best in the world. Are you saying America isn't a superpower?
中国甚至在排水系统和防洪措施方面上跟阿姆斯特丹都比不上 .
没人比得上 . 到目前为止 阿姆斯特丹是全世界在这方面最先进的 .
Also I don't know how long you've been in Guangzhou but South China is dealing with the worst rain season we've seen in a few decades at least. There has been catastrophic flooding everywhere and Guangzhou was hit with a pretty damn big typhoon just a few weeks ago.
I'm not saying Guangzhou is doing a good job but at least compare apples to apples.
并且我也不清楚你在广州呆了多久 但是这至少是中国南方在最近几十年里曾经经历过的最糟糕的一次雨季 .
到处都有特大洪水 而且广州几周前刚被TMD超强台风袭击过 .
我并不是说广州在这方面做的有多好 但是你至少要跟对等的来比较 .
Same reason as Houston and Miami.
Pretty much. The thinking is land allocated for water drainage is wasted space. Why not use that space to build houses?
差不多都是这样. 他们的想法是 把土地用于建设排水设施是浪费空间 . 为什么不用来建房子呢?
Houston: Our city is running out of space but lucky thing there's this big empty floodplain right nearby. Building houses here is the perfect solution to our space issues!
休斯顿 : 我们的城市空间就要开发殆尽了 但幸运的是 大片空旷的洪泛平原就在城市附近 . 在这里建造房屋是解决土地紧缺问题的完美方案 .
Miami (and florida in general): There's not enough space by this beach why not drain this swamp and build some houses? Better yet let's build on that barrier island next to the sea!
迈阿密(连带佛罗里达大部) : 这里没有那样足够的海滩空间 为什么不排干湿地来建房子呢 ? 还有更好的,让我们在紧邻大海的堰洲岛上建房吧!
Shanghai: The entire city is 3 meters above sea level this is literally the perfect place to build a city! It will never flood! And Pudong totally isn't a floodplain
上海 : 整个城市都只有3米的海拔高度 这真真是个完美的地方用来建立城市啊 ! 这里绝不会发大水的 ! 而且浦东完全不是洪泛平原嘛.
Guangzhou: The city is built on an island on the middle of a flood zone but that's ok it only floods a few days out of the year which is good enough to build a house!
广州 : 这座城市是建立在泛滥河水中间的岛屿上的 . 但是没事 一年只是被淹几天而已 这里已经很适合建房子了!
In all these cases it's caused by the govt not planning space for floodplains.
这些案例都是政府不为泄洪规划足够的空间引起的 .
Classic whataboutism. We are talking about China here and these wumaos just keep mentioning exceptions in the West to make their commie minds feel better.
典型的某某某又如何主义. 我们在这里讨论的是中国的问题 五毛们却不停的提起西方国家中个别例外的情况 好让他们的共产思维好受一点 .
Aren't you the one who is doing comparisons in your OP? You said no other city in the world has bad flood planning which is obviously untrue.
难道发帖做对比的不是楼主你自己吗? 你自己说的世界上没有其他城市有这么糟糕的防洪规划. 这绝不是事实.
Many USA cities suffer from a severe lack of planning in general. At least when compared to their european counterparts.
很多美国城市都饱受严重缺乏总体规划之苦 . 要对比最少也要跟他们的欧洲邻居们比吧.
I heard Qingdao don't flood too much. Wait...
我听说青岛不怎么被淹 .等一等..........
Lol. I lived in a brand spanking new community in Qingdao. When it rained you could barely reach the bus stop. The only good part is old town where the Germans built the sewage system.
笑了. 我住在青岛一个新建的小区里 . 下雨的时候 你只能勉强走到公交站 . 排水设施好的地方仅限于由德国人建造下水系统的老城区 .
meow_power (这是楼主)
Beijing is even worse. You wouldn't believe it but it used to have open sewers less than 50 years ago. Disgusting.
北京还要更遭. 说出来你都不信 不到50年之前 他们还在使用露天的排水沟 . 恶心死了.
For a sec I thought I was on ccj2 lmbo
Besides that no idea I remember something like 2 years ago some people died in a flood... In freaking Beijing. Maybe because when it rains it really rains stringly while in the west often the rains are more mild (where I'm from at least)
有那么一秒钟 我还以为这是在ccj2板块.
此外 我不记得2年前有些人死于一次洪水......就是在北京 . 可能是因为那场雨下的太大了吧 而在西方通常下雨是很小的 (至少我那里是这样)
What does that have to do with anything? If your cities flood when it rains your country is a third world shithole. Full stop.
和那些又有什么关系 ? 如果下雨的时候你所在的城市被水淹 那你所在的国家是就第三世界的狗屎 . 省省吧 .
TIL the USA is a third world shithole. And if the USA is a third world shithole what hope is there for other nations full stop.
Because they were designed by peasants whose only education was killing their teachers... The self inflicted brain drain in China is the root of most of it's problems today.
They are so brainwashed they keep thinking they are better than you but lo and behold their cities can't even survive a bit of wind and rain? No shit global warming is real! By 2025 Guangzhou would be so battered. Forget the pearl river delta once the sea starts rising even building a new disneyland there couldn't save the region. Pearl river more like pearl bay.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...