Quora:特朗普宣布将对所有进口钢铁和铝产品征收关税。美国会失去他在欧洲和北美的盟友吗? [美国媒体]


Quora: Will U.S lose European andNorth American allies to China, given that President Trump is going to hit U.Sallies with the same tariffs as China? What is the point of being an ally whenthe ally gets the same treatment as the "enemy"?


Robin Daverman, World traveler
LOL! This is like one of the funniest questions I have seen. In case youhaven’t noticed - the so-called “trade wars” are almost always exclusivelyamong friendly nations.


You see, if you are indeed perceived as a hostile nation, there would behardly any trade to begin with. Basically, anything that can be “weaponized”,you wouldn’t want to allow a dependency on a potentially hostile power. A vastarray of trade items can be “weaponized”, like food, water, energy,telecommunications, critical raw and processed materials, machinery and parts,transportation, banking, etc. So all these things are off-limit. Otherwise,what do you think will happen if you get in a piff with Country A, when CountryA is your sole supplier of bread? How long can you last without bread? Duh. Andthen, with all of those things that can be “weaponized” off limit, what do youhave left to trade with each other? Underwear and perfumes? LOL!

你想,如果你被看作是一个敌对国家的话,那么几乎一开始就没有任何贸易存在。 基本上来说,任何可能武器化的东西,你都不会允许它依赖于潜在的敌对势力。一大批的贸易品都可以武器化,如食物、水、能源、电信设备,关键原料和半成品原料,机械设备和部件,交通运输设备,银行业等等。这些都可以禁止。否则的话,如果你和国家A发生冲突时,你认为会发生什么呢?假如A是你们面包的唯一供应商?没有了面包你能维持多久?所以当所有的这些东西被禁止时,双方之间还剩下什么能贸易?内衣和香水吗?LOL

How much does Russia trade with the US, for example?


Not among the top 15 here. What about the US trade with Russia?


About $20 billion a year. About the same level as Kazakhstan.


TRADE WARS ARE FOR ALLIES. If you are not an ally, there is no “trade” to“war” over!
So what do you get as an “ally”? Well you don’t get bombs, blockades, andgeneral embargoes. Those type of measures are reserved for hostile powers.Trade wars, though, really only work with one’s allies. Allies that you trustenough to develop a trading relationship with. So “being an ally” means thatyou don’t want to kill each other. You may even defend each other in a war. Butyou still want to be paid. I mean, if you look back a bit, to the years afterWWII - the UK was still paying the US for the WWII debt until 2006. UK settles WWII debts to allies
In 2014, countries are stillpaying off debt from World War One

So what about China? Well China is busy trying to be an “ally” toeverybody - the US, the EU, Russia.
·        The Core Interest of the US is smoothinternational trade. China says, I follow all the rules you set out in WTO,World Bank, and IMF.
·        The Core Interest of the EU is EuropeanIntegration. China says, name me another country who’s been more supportive ofEuropean Integration than I have been.
·        The Core Interest of Russia is Security.China supports Russia’s security interest through Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
·        …

l  美国的核心利益是自由国际贸易。中国说,我遵守WTO、世界银行和IMF中你设立的所有规则。
l  欧盟的核心利益是欧洲一体化。中国问到告诉我任何一个比我们还支持欧洲一体化的国家。
l  俄罗斯的核心利益是自身安全。中国通过上合组织来支持俄罗斯。

You can’t stomp on somebody’s toes if you want him as a customer! Generally speaking, if you want to be a reliable trade partner toeverybody, you have to make the commitment that you will NOT weaponize trade,and you will ONLY retaliate against a SPECIFIC country ifand only if it hits you first. If you stick to that, over time, you’ll beviewed as a reliable trade partner.

你不能得罪你的客人! 一般来说,如果你想成为任何人的可信赖的贸易伙伴,你就应当做出不会将贸易武器化的承诺,只有也仅仅只有在别人首先袭击了,你才可以针对它进行报复。这样坚持一段时间,你就会被视作一个可信赖的贸易伙伴。

Lei Sun, learning things about China is alife-long process
Oh please, don’t even call it “same tariffs as China”. If you look at thetrade volumes of steel and aluminum, you’d understand the tariffs areespecially designed to screw over US allies. China won’t even get affected thatmuch.


When it comes to steel import to US, China is ranked at 11th and accountsfor about 1% of total imports, even behind India’s 2%. Meanwhile Canada has thebiggest share of around 16%, followed by Brazil, South Korea and Mexico.


For aluminum, the numbers are even more skewed. Canada stands for 56% offoreign aluminum in US, followed by Russia’s 8% and UAE’s 7%. With the newtariffs on steel and aluminum, Canada will get screwed over the most. MeanwhileChina isn’t even getting hurt much since they need the US market as little asUS needs Chinese steel and aluminum. This is consistent with the fact thatofficial response from China is generally quiet.


I for one don’t think the entireWhite House is so stupid to not realise this. But they still did it, why? Ican’t help but wonder if it has to do with the ongoing NAFTA-talks. Trumpadministration can use the tariffs as a big stick to subjugate Canada (alsoMexico to a lesser extent) and thereby force a better deal for US. The purposeof NAFTA is to have “free trade” after all. By setting up a biggerhurdle, it motivates Canada to try harder to reach the goal. IfNAFTA doesn’t conclude with an exception forCanadian steel and aluminum, then it defeats the purpose of NAFTA. Butthe question here is what must Canada give up to get there? This also helpsexplain why the White House emphasised the part about “won’t exclude alliesfrom tariffs” at the moment.


Another interesting aspect in this trade war is the EU-reaction. First ofall, EU imposed steel tariffs last year against China, so it’s pure hypocrisyto protest about the same thing they once did themselves. Second, if you lookat trade volumes, EU isn’t getting much hurt either, but they scream very loud.I regard the EU reaction as a political move. EU has its own ambitionto overtake US as the leader of the western world. Thisis barely veiled since Trump became POTUS. Trump’s tariffs offeredEU an opportunity to seize the moral high ground as well as hurting US economya bit with counter-tariffs. It should be noted that George W. Bushtried 30% steel tariffs in 2002. But he had to cancel it one year later becauseit hurt the US economy quite a bit, partially due to foreign counter-tariffs.


DanielWong: I really wonder why even bring China into thepicture. This is obviously targeted at NAFTA and EU countries.


Lei Sun: Because China is the western world’s favourite boogeymanlol.

Lei 因为中国是西方国家最喜欢的恶魔。

BobMacKenzie:The person asking the question is obviouslyaffected by negative propaganda being consumed in his home country. He haslittle knowledge of world affairs. China I think is appreciated by morecountries than not. It is hard working, progressive and peaceful in itsdealings with the world.


Roger Willcocks: yeah, ah, I’ll grant the firsttwo. I’m not sold on the third (peaceful).Anymore than I’m sold on it in thecase of the USA.

Roger是的 我赞成前两点,但是不认同第三点。我更愿意认为美国在处理国际事务上更平和。

Bob MacKenzie: I give people the benefit of the doubt and atthis point I have seen no reason to think China is anything but peaceful withpeaceful intent. If I were in their place and had the misfortuneto watch US aggression being enacted against so manycountries over the past seventy years and listened to the bellicose nature of some of the rhetoric coming out of USMSM I would want to build an army as well.As you suggestin your words, it is prudent to be careful though.


Shivam Kumar China is ANYTHING but peaceful!! 


Allen NgOh No! Another hateful Indian Troll. Too manyin this world。

又一个讨厌的印度阿三,quora 有太多的阿三啊。

Alex Wong, just like to learn about the USA
USA has essentially declared an all out trade war with Canada. Forgeteveryone else.


Who supplies USA with steel? Canada supplies 16%.
Who supplies USA with aluminum? Canada supplies 60%.
This is after the insane attack on our aerospace industry by slapping a300% tariff on Bombardier.

谁供应了美国钢铁?加拿大供应了16%。 哪个国家供应了铝?加拿大供应了六成。这是发生在对我们的航空工业进行疯狂的攻击,对庞巴迪征收了300%的关税之后。

Which of these tariffs even affect China at all? Trump is attacking Canadaon every front and then people talk about China?


Liberals in Canada can't accept these attacks and concede on any front, they'll essentially be committing treason. The NDP hasalready demanded we retaliate. Hardly any Canadian thinks anything but astraight exemption is acceptable with no concessions. Many think we shouldretaliate immediately.


Liberals can't be seen to concede and also can't be seen as the one thattorpedoes NAFTA.
Trumphas created a perfectly terrible situation. Canada's only options are to committo a full retaliation and switch to EU/China for trade.


Leo Wong, US citizen living in Shanghai
You ask: what’s the point of being an ally when the ally gets the sametreatment as the “enemy”?


Let’s forget about the questionable term “enemy” for a second. Get thefacts straight: as far as steel is concerned, China have already been screwed,multiple times, over many years. The “allies” are just now facing possibly thesame treatment.


US has erected multiple trade barriers in the past against Chinese steelproducts. As a results, you see the China Steel Exports to the US have beenhovering at level far below small countries like Philippines(!) and Thailand(!)in the chart below. In 2016, US held the distinction of being the smalleststeel market for China among the countries tracked. Who track these trades? Ourvery own US International Trade Administration produced the following data.


The latest steel protectionist measures were implemented in 2016, in theform of four new antidumping (AD) andcountervailing duty (CVD) orders that wentinto effect on June 2 (corrosion-resistant steel products) and July 14(cold-rolled steel flat products).


As a result, Chinese steel exports to the United States decreased sharplyin 2016. The United States purchased just 0.9 percent (ameasly 0.95M tons) of Chinese steel exports, adrop of 57% from 2.21M tons in 2015. Chinese exports to the United States in2016 roughly equaled levels during 2009–10, the years of the GreatRecessions.


So, you see. US allies do enjoy some benefits — delayed trade barriers, inthis case.


Put it another way, US allies should NOT be thinking like:


Rather, the realities unfold like this:


Shan'anRuan (阮缮安), Know something about China
I see that you put enemy in parenthesis. China is technically not an enemyto the US. At least not yet.


International relations are not a binary category with the world dividedinto allies and enemies. There's also neutral and friendly bilateral relations,and not-yet-hostile competition or rivalry. And the relationship between the USand China belongs to those in-between categories: neutral, maybe friendly, butnot allied (not in a treaty alliance). A competitor, but not yet an enemy.Though, China is already listed by the new US defense strategy as a majorplayer in Great-Power Competition, and a ‘revisionist power’. It's to thateffect already seen as a potential enemy.


As Lei Sun pointedout in his answer, US allies do not even get the same treatment as China - theidentified Great-Power Competitor. It’s precisely those allies that are hit thehardest, while China is barely affected at all. More details here.
China shrugs off ‘stupid tradeprotection measure’ by U.S.

正如Lei Sun 在他回答中指出的那样,美国的盟友甚至没有得到与中国同样的待遇——中国是被认定的大国竞争对手。正是这些盟友受到的打击最为严重,而中国几乎没有受到影响。更多细节请点击China shrugs off ‘stupid tradeprotection measure’ by U.S.

As Robin pointed out in his answer, trade war only happens between non-hostilecountries. It’s on the basis of this non-hostility that trading relationshipsare formed to begin with for you to war over. But this non-hostility is notguaranteed to last forever. Allied relationship is also not guaranteed to beunaffected by trade war. When trade-war goes out of hand, a weakening ofalliance is possible, which may turn previous allies into friendly or neutraltrading partners, if not outright hostile. While the worst-case scenarios areunlikely to happen, certain damage can still be done.


Technically China is not seeking alliance out of most other countries, butonly friendly, bilateral relationship. Further more, China’s internationalreputation is not exactly stellar. Being an authoritarian one-party state makesmany (developed) countries reluctant to form a close relationship with China.China’s trading practices and military tensions with some of its neighborsdon’t exactly help.


On the other hand, trade-wars started by the Trump administration maypotentially push some of America’s former allies further away from America andcloser into China's orbit - even if they don’t form alliances with China, theymay choose to remain neutral when conflicts happen, or only help Americahalf-heartedly if at all. So, while America may not exactly lose its allies toChina, this can nonetheless be bad for future Great Power Competition. Thusthis move, along with other retreating actions under the Trump admin, quiteconflict with the Power Competition vision they set out.


I’m not sure why, but it seems that at the moment the Trump admin has notmade the Great-Power Competition national defense strategy and the containmentof China a first-order priority. This maybe because: i) China is still the US’sbiggest bilateral trading partner. Trading relations are already too big, toodeeply penetrated and intertwined to outright carry out containment strategy.ii) Trump is not yet able to go hard on China yet because he still needs Chinato contain North Korea.


Still, that’s not exactly an excuse to go hard with allies instead. Itmaybe just be the Trump admin is having trouble articulating adequately itsAmerica First ‘doctrine’. America First is not America Alone, Trumpclaimed. But why does trade-warring with allies looks like it’s precisely goingin the America Alone direction?


Another reason may be because of the influence of the ideologicalnationalist faction in the Trump admin. They chastised those who want tomaintain America’s international network of influence as sinister globalists -including general Jim Mattis (the proponent of the Great Power Competitionstrategy). But withdrawing from international alliance networks that Americahas built for its own self-interest would only leave room for China to fill in.China is on the way to expand its influence and become a global power, orsomething just short of that. To counterbalance a global power, you mustyourself be a global power. If you are motivated only by rational self-interestand practical considerations, that’s the route you would choose. Butideological anti-globalists may be too constrained by ideology to understandand opt for that route - which ultimately hampers national interest.


How to Win a Great-PowerCompetition
Now, viewing from China’s perspective: this is precisely an opportunityfor China. If handled correctly, it may enable China to form closerrelationships to the countries alienated by Trump’s decisions. Ideally, Chinashould seek to play this Power Competition game primarily on the economicfront, and avoid military confrontations with America for as long as possible.The economic front is where China’s strength lies, and also the front thatChina most benefited from Trump’s decision. Because America’s military power isstill unsurpassed, and its allies won’t easily switch side in militaryconflicts just because they got treated badly on the economic front.
China’s leaders should try their best to capitalize on this opportunity asfast as possible, to secure and harden the benefit gained from it, to makepermanent the relational changes resulting from it. Because, after Trump leavespower, his successors may seek to overturn his policies, and by then theopportunity may have passed.


Henry Young, former Bank Manager (1974-2008)
As Angela Merket had previously said European countries need to take careof themselves more and not rely so much on US which has been a key ally ofEurope. The reasons are obvious: unpredictability, American First (ie Europesecond to last priority, depending in the issue under discussion), foot moredefense bills, etc. Already Europe had suffered as collateral damage from USsanctions to Russia. Now US new tariff on steel and aluminium would definitelyhurt some European countries, the extent of which varies according to eachindividual countries. Obviously any country who suffer would find US no longerfriendly to them when the fact and history shows that import control via tariffwould only hurt the country who impose the tariff. Other countries would haveto find other markets.


i think to look at losing an ally is somewhat incorrect. Rather a countryshould really find a true independent path for themselves and not rely too muchon other countries. For US, their record shows that they had done regimechnage, orchestrated the toppling of past S Korean presidents and S Vietnampresidents, invaded Panama, cancel aid to Philippines when they find Dutertewalk a independent path (more interesting, US is selling guns of 1970s to Philippines which isinferior to the guns used by the rebels and later Philippines thank China forthe guns they got from China which are superior to that used by the rebels -this fact tells the truth frankly - US is not reliable and as a Chinese, Ilearnt that US sold target warships to Taiwan (what a good bargain for US -those ships were destined to be target for firing testing (to be destroyed) andyet US get money out of the ships) These facts answer the question clearlywithout any further elaboration. That is why China walk its own path, not anally of any nation.


Joseph Boyle
Youhave found China is an ally. Although not a treaty ally, it massively funds USdefense spending by purchasing hundreds of billions in US Treasury securities.This is better than many of the treaty allies. It may even have been more thanChina’s funding of its own military in some years; I haven’t done the math yet.


lejandroPeralta,studied at The United States of America
I don’t think so, China is too pragmatic to let everything goes too far.But…
Trump is gonna destroy everything anyway. Given his illusionary, I hardlybelieve he can understand who are allies or enemies.
Trump is Putin’s servant. Donald Trump is a soldier and loyalist ofVladimir Putin, and no difference to Putin, they have the same goal:to isolate the United States, destroy and disunite the EU, instigate tensionsand, favoring Russia’s stance.
China is Russia’s new best friend, China, as a pragmatist itself, foundopportunity to gain victory and success so they have increased their tradeswith Europe and North America when the racist Trump is still in power.
Overall, we are the losing side, and we need to pray in 2020, when Trumpwon’t be re-elected again.


Marcus Troyka
No, China isn’t really friendly to Europe and certainly won’t protect themfrom Russia (although they get what they deserve for violating every agreementthey ever made with Russia).
The idiotic trade war will almost certainly hasten the implosion of the USeconomy though. Prosperity comes from free trade, and you don’t gain anythingby putting tariffs on things. All this nonsense of using tariffs as abargaining chip to force other countries to do what you want them to is sheerignorance, the primary losers due to tariffs are the countries imposing them.


Yigui Sun, MSc. from Copenhagen BusinessSchool
Won't happen.
What is China's foreign policy? Two facts: 1, non-interventionalism. 2,China do not have allies, not the sort of allies that the US always had. Wehave business and development partnerships, but not amilitary ally for the purpose of warfare.
And I doubt if europe and north american countries will react much to whatUS will do.


Shané Richter
A better question would be why is china an enemy, did they do something toyour family? Did they harm anybody you know? Did they invade or enslave somepeople? Why is it that supposedly all the god loving people always need anenemy.
As for Europe trump is simply a wake up call, that america was always init for its own interests, its just no longer a secret.


Clifford Heseltine, Science fiction writer publishedon Amazon
Perhaps the biggest problem, and one that only a businessman like Trumpcan address is this constant need to categorize every nation as either ally orENEMY!
Maybe, just maybe, it's time to consider nations as associates orcompetitors and stop trying to foment wars.


Gordon Graham, BA Political Economy,University of California, Berkeley (1973)
OurGlorious Tweeter-In-Chief, Hair Gropin'Fuhrer Drumpf, hasn't a clue what anally is until he needs one to volunteer. Fewer and fewer people and economiesare willing to do so.


DonHarmon,BA & MA International Relations & Military Studies, University ofSouthern California (1969)
Tariffs are usually intended to protect industry at home, ratherthan as a weapon against another country. Another reason might be to respond inkind to another country's tariffs, bringing an end to a tariff contest.Therefore, a tariff could be invoked against a hostile country, but alsoagainst an ally.


Omar Martinez, studied at Merced College
I don’t want ant to I impose a sense of upcoming war, but wearen’t not friends with anyone—simply trade partners. The only nations thatwill truly have our back is the British Commonwealth. So, taxation on everyoneis going to occur. There is no true friend.


Highly unlikely.
Can China guarantee the security of European or American nations? No.There might be economic policy shifts, but noone's going to leave the U.S.security umbrella.
U.S. power still protects NATO countries, and U.S. power still dominatesthe American continents. China can't challenge that power in either sphere.That's the point of the alliance, and a change in trade policy isn't going tochange that.
