中国男性冲进女性专用地铁车厢 [美国媒体]


China’s Women-Only Subway Cars, Where Men Rush In


In a bid to curb sexual harassment, one city is reserving seats and space for female passengers. The problem: Men are claiming them.


March 4, 2018
In one of China’s biggest cities, the women-only subway cars are full of men.


It is, perhaps, an inescapable reality in one of the world’s busiest metro systems. Hop on a train during rush hour in the southern city of Guangzhou and you may find your face pressed against the back of a man’s down jacket, your knees banged by someone’s tote and your torso poked by a migrant worker’s sack of construction tools.


Room is hard to find. So when the Guangzhou government began reserving cars for female passengers worried about being groped and harassed, they filled up — but not with the intended passengers.


“Men are totally clueless,” said Lu Lili, a 28-year-old bank employee, who was waiting for a train on Guangzhou’s Line 1 to appear. “It’s basically all the men trying to squeeze in.”
She gestured at the passengers like her, waiting for a women-only car. Many were men.


“In the past, there would be workers trying to tell them and remind them repeatedly: ‘This is a women-only car,’” she said. “But all these men still want to rush over. They really are uncivilized.”


The women-only subway cars are in many ways a metaphor for China. It is a country with too many laws but, in many areas, too little enforcement. The government bans gender discrimination but does not define what it is. Those who complain risk getting punished. As a result, women who have been sexually harassed rarely file police reports. Offenders are almost never brought to justice.


Based on a proposal from a member of a key political advisory body to the ruling Communist Party, the effort was launched to push the concept of “caring for women and respecting women.” Ye Zichuan, the head of Guangzhou Metro’s publicity department, stressed that the cars were labeled for women but not “only for women.” He said that there was no legal basis to segregate passengers by force.


The designated subway cars — two at the back of the line — are meant to be in effect only on weekdays and during the morning and evening rush hours. The doors for those cars are labeled “women cars” in pink Chinese characters and festooned with illustrations of blossoms.


Critics in China say they serve only as a distraction from the real problem of male attitudes there.


Female commuters in China have long complained that some men take advantage of the packed trains to cop a quick feel. More than half of women surveyed by the state-run China Youth Daily newspaper in 2015 said they had experienced “inappropriate touching” on public transportation in China.


Jane Zhao, 25, a human resources executive in an e-commerce company, said a man once groped her chest on the subway.


“But because there were so many people, you don’t know who did it, so it’s difficult to call anyone out,” she said, adding that she had heard similar stories from her colleagues. “You don’t dare to make a scene in the car.”


In a bid to raise awareness of the problem of sexual harassment on public transportation, a group of young feminists in Guangzhou raised more than $6,000 last year from the public for an advertising campaign.


But the authorities blocked it, saying it would cause “panic to the public,” according to Xiao Meili, one of the founders of the collective.
The authorities later told them that only government organizations were allowed to sponsor public-interest ads, Ms. Xiao said.


Ms. Xiao called the concept of women-only subway cars “really stupid.”


“On the surface, it looks like the women-only subway cars are meant to protect women,” she said, “but the effect is that women are told that they have to stay in one place in order to avoid getting sexually harassed.”


Then, there is the issue of the crowds. Guangzhou has the world’s fourth-busiest metro system, after Shanghai, Beijing and London, according to Metrobits, a nonprofit website that analyzes urban transportation systems globally.


In a day, there are roughly eight million passenger trips on the Guangzhou subway, Mr. Ye, the city subway official, said by email. During rush hour, the average rail car has 310 passengers, he said.


Weary subway workers, wearing red vests emblazoned with the word “volunteer,” say that shortly after the cars were designated for women, they tried dissuading male passengers, with little success. They spend their time mainly yelling at passengers to “move into the center of the train!” and “don’t squeeze on board if there’s no more space!”


Many of the men on the cars said they supported the idea and wound up in one for women by accident.


“Men should give way to women and display their care and concern for women,” said Jiang Hui, 25, a bank worker, who was lingering near the line for the cars designated for women. “After all, women’s bodies are weaker than men’s.”


Japan has this sort of problem and they got the female only cars as well. In either countries though, subways are too overcrowded and public transportation in general is stressful. It would be nice to have separate cars for the passengers that want silence and another one for open communication or phone calls. Or no eating or drinking cars if people don't want to see others spills in the cars. But China is probably too big to really enforce anything.


Bill Scurry
This system seems to function a little better in predominantly Muslim countries like the UAE and Egypt, for some reason.


Carl R
The Dubai system has one car which is half first class, half women-and-children only. The police have dual incentives to patrol that car. The culture also encourages/requires formality between men and women in public.


Sadly, separate cars won't deter a perverted mind.


Because "separate but equal" has worked so well before.


This isn't the only situation that Chinese men behave cluelessly as she says in the article. It's just so bizarre that you need to isolate women to protect them and then the very people they need to be protected from barge in and squash them all over again. Why don't they have male only cars so they leave everyone else alone? Oh yes that's right..they'd barge into the other cars. I'm reminded of when Golda Meir answered the idea that men were proposing that women have curfews so that the rapes would stop..she suggested the men get curfews. Since it was the women who weren't behaving badly. This is only one of the reasons we need to worry about China's possible dominance in the world...their attitudes towards women.


Hello, men? Can you just NOT touch any woman who has not given you permission? Can you just NOT?


And pressing your body or parts of it onto her and pretending you aren't touching is still touching! Which is the favored method on trains. "My penis is in the back of your neck? How did that happen?"


J. Harmon Smith
The sad truth: 1) Some men regard females as interesting but unworthy of much consideration or respect. 2) Some men place the highest value on their desire for jollies, far more important than any other factor. 3) Some men think females "like it" and/or find them irresistible.



This is talking about the Guangzhou subway. The women only cars are complete bullshit, they are barely marked so you may not even know it's a women carriage, especially during the morning rush. There are actually no rules, they encourage women to use them, but they don't enforce any rule to keep men out. All they do is clog up the platform with confused people, and overcrowding in al lthe other cars. Just like in the article, quite a few women find these women only cars sexist and a bit demeaning.
“Men should give way to women and display their care and concern for women,” said Jiang Hui, 25, a bank worker, who was lingering near the line for the cars designated for women. “After all, women’s bodies are weaker than men’s.”
She's clearly never encountered a 72 year old ayi on the subway before. The women especially elderly, in my opinion, are more aggressive getting on and off the train than the dudes.




Yup I accidentally boarded one in Shenzhen before now during rush hour.
It's really easy to do, I can't really blame Chinese for doing it as well. Unless you start segregating people I don't know how you would stop it though, and I think segregating people is probably a step backwards.


It's pretty sad to have to separate men and women because some people are shit
If they want to make it work, they have to enforce it, possibly with fines. Who seriously thought "yep, let's put a small sign there, and people surely will respect it"


The article mentions they can't do it because it's illigal to segregate. However, they have something similar in Japan and I remember it mentioned there is a fine for offenders so it seems like it possible


It happens though. I remember a western female colleague of mine that came in to work really upset because some dude had a hard-on and was rubbing it up against her ass on the subway ride. She didn't notice it at first as she was just listening to music and kind of zoning out and it was crowded, but it really freaked her out when she realized what was going on.


You would think with all the cameras it wouldn't happen...


This happened to a non-local colleague I work with in Hong Kong, and she smacked the guy in the balls and then dragged him (not by the balls by this point) to security at the next station.
Usually just saying stop is enough though.


Yeah good on her. Not everyone wants to or is able to get into a physical confrontation about it. I know I wouldn't if it was someone twice as strong and powerful as me.


Having separate cars seems like a regressive move reminiscent of something from the middle east. I don't get how they thing something like this would work, there's at least the strong religious traditions that will keep it enforced in the middle east, having it part time on certain days at rush hour in China seems ridiculously shortsighted


It's rush hour — do I wait for another train, possibly making me late and subject to repercussions from my Chinese-style management, or do I go on the women-only car where there is room?
Not hard to see why many men are making the second choice.


I once went in a women only Subway Car in Osaka. I didn't know they had them there, it was so weird and i felt like shit after i realised my mistake. The japanese women even laughed because i was glowing bright red (as a European).

