SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Liu Nanfeng has five air purifiers, two air quality monitors and a water purification system in his Beijing apartment. He buys organic. But still he worries for his 2-year-old daughter's health.
"I feel safe at home, but when we go out to the mall, the indoor and outdoor air are the same," the 34-year-old screenwriter said. "It feels hopeless."
China's persistent pollution and regular product safety scandals are driving an increasing number of consumers to build bubbles of clean air, purified water and safe products at home and in their cars.
D 6 hours ago
i often make comments critical of the communist party, and some take that to mean that i hate all chinese. infact its not true. this pollution is terrible. common people dont deserve this.
Hector 5 hours ago
Pathetic...to think, that once there was a China under Mao and the revolutionaries who were on the brink of changing their society into a different type of system of economic justice, social equality, and the transformation of the people's way of thinking and relations. Those who study societies and social structures are astounded at how the whole thing just made a complete turn around and abandoned all that was accomplished to be taken over by the same greed and avarice of Western capitalist economic system of exploitation by the few, the wealthy class of billionaires and their underlings. China is now poised to enter the imperialist camp of international affairs. That's what's meat by "one step forward, two steps back!"
michael 4 hours ago
I spent 10 years in China and ended up with throat cancer - all the doctors I saw thought I was a heavy smoker (I've not smoked a cigarette in my life !) - thank god I am out of there now and back to some clean air with the cancer having been resolved with radiation. It is not worth living over there in such a polluted environment for a job - it made it very very clear to me that the most important thing you have is your health !!!
Jesus 4 hours ago
What, China doesn't have an EPA? Send the Legislatures that keep trying to get rid of the EPA over there.
Randy 9 hours ago
Im sure those chinese made air purifiers work really well
michael 4 hours ago
I was 10 years in China and I see the main problem (other than overpopulation) with respect to the environment is that I have never lived anywhere that has so much greed - there are many many many people who will do anything for money - westerners have no idea about the morality of many mainland Chinese - there god is $$$$ and for many it is more important than family or anything else. I taught at a university and did an interesting survey each year with all my students - they had to rank several items in order of importance - love, family, fame, work. leisure. money, etc. - the first time I calculated the results I was shocked but subsequent surveys were vary consistent - money was always first for at least 80% of the students !!!!!!!
S_Goh 7 hours ago
Unless you are a rich person in China, there is really nothing to be proud of about this country. It has 5, 000 years of poverty and corruption, and now it is marred with carcinogenic food, water, and air.
Anyone in China who is not wealthy and takes advantage of the new two-child policy to have more children is VERY FOOLISH. You are putting your children in a toxic world.
Until third world countries understand that having children continues the cycle of poverty for another generation, NO ONE should provide any relief to them. Let them drown in their own sea of foolishness.
Alexabeth L. 4 hours ago
Pollution doesn't know borders. If it's this bad in China, it's going to seep over to other countries, and that includes North America.
Larry 6 hours ago
Obama believes it's those damn Americans who won't do anything to clean up "their" mess.
Robert Paulson 5 hours ago
Burning coal to power air filters.
Doug 3 hours ago
Lets see all the big American manufacturers moved their operations to China for two reasons. Number one they had all the cheap labor they needed. Number two there were no EPA type regulations and they could pollute as they wanted. Now China is seeing the reward for all that economic boom. Wait, its coming, some CEO is going to set foot in China on the way to move his company to India or some other third world country with the intent of doing the same thing. That CEO will wind up in a Chinese jail on some sort of charge. Isn't environmental destruction wonderful in the name of Wall Street profit.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...