Draft policy seeks self-reliance for India in defence production印度寻求国防生产“自力更生”,已制定政策草案
左手倒影 2020-08-17 阅读(189)
US will ban Tiktok on September 15 unless an American company buys it, says Trump特朗普说:除非一家美国公司收购,否则美
明月多情 2020-08-17 阅读(285)
Sales of China's iconic sedan brand Hongqi surge from Jan. to July今年1月至7月,中国标志性轿车品牌红旗的销量飙升China's le
爱你无解 2020-08-13 阅读(355)
‘Chinese’, in NEP’s 2019 languages list, dropped印度新教育政策的语言列表中,“中文”被除名
曾经蜡笔 2020-08-13 阅读(235)
LAC face-off: India to add 35,000 troops along China border as tensions simmer中印对峙:随着紧张局势加剧,印度准备向中印边
我一直在 2020-08-13 阅读(296)
IAF officer who played key role in Rafale delivery hero back home in Kashmir在“阵风”交付中发挥关
瞬间的永恒 2020-08-07 阅读(149)
India risks ‘Japanification’ as bad loans surge, says Viral Acharya前印度央行副行长:不良贷款激增,印度面临
入戏太深 2020-08-07 阅读(181)
India vs China Comparison 2020 || Economy, Military, Industry, Technology, Trade, Education etc经济,军事
舍得放手 2020-08-04 阅读(532)
India moves to buy 6 more Poseidons from US for $1.8bn印度将再从美国购买6架“海神”号巡逻机,价值18亿美元 NEW D
疼爱 2020-08-04 阅读(145)
Covid-19: Race for Indian vaccine hots up, human trials on in 6 cities印度新冠疫苗竞赛激烈,在6个城市进行人体试验 NEW DE
别人的拥抱 2020-08-04 阅读(91)
The 'i' in iPhone 11 now stands for India-made: Apple for the first time makes a top-of-the-line mo
情所困 2020-08-04 阅读(114)
Mukesh Ambani is world’s fifth-richest person with $77 billion fortune774亿美元!印度首富穆克什·安
左手倒影 2020-08-04 阅读(96)
57% of Mumbai slumdwellers have Covid antibodies: Sero survey血清调查:57%的孟买贫民窟居民体内已经有新冠抗体 MUMBAI: A se
不回头 2020-08-04 阅读(81)
Next 10 years will be India's golden moment in key sectors, says Silicon Valley venture capitalist硅
华零落成诗 2020-08-04 阅读(194)
India's First Maglev Train || Mumbai to Navi Mumbai Maglev Train Project ||Top India Mega Project印度第
瞬间的永恒 2020-08-04 阅读(127)
Few better partners than US, & you can trust us: PM Modi莫迪总理:没有比我们更好的伙伴了,你们可以信任我们 NEW DELHI: Making
华零落成诗 2020-08-04 阅读(38)
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