
-------------译者:北海西铜-hina has hit back strongly at US President Donald Trump's trade threats announc


hina has hit back strongly at US President Donald Trump's trade threats announcing a $US50 billion ($65 billion) punitive package that will slap an extra 25 per cent tariff on American soybeans cars planes and chemicals.


The move is likely to hit car plants and farmers in the President's voter base. China is the world's largest soybean importer and buys about 60 per cent of the US soy crop making it at $US14 billion the most valuable US agricultural export to China.


China is also the world's largest car market and Mr Trump had been seeking greater access for American automakers which already faced a 25 per cent tariff. A quarter of Boeing aircraft are sold to China.


The retaliation comes after Washington hours earlier had named the 1300 Chinese products it proposes to hit with a 25 per cent tariff under the $US50 billion package first announced by Mr Trump a fortnight ago.


Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said China could "afford" the impact of the US measures and attempts to "subdue China through pressure or intimidation wasn't successful in history and won't be today".


On the US list were Chinese electric and conventional cars flat panel TV screens trains robots commercial ovens snowblowers lithium batteries aerospace and engineering parts among many high technology and value-added products.The US Trade Representative's Office said the tariffs were being imposed "in response to China’s policies that coerce American companies into transferring their technology and intellectual property to domestic Chinese enterprises".


"As the Chinese saying goes it is only polite to reciprocate" China's Washington embassy said.


China's commerce ministry said it would hit back with "equal scale and equal intensity" and outlined that 106 US products in 14 categories would attract an extra 25 per cent tariff. US beef corn and cotton were also on the list.



The escalation in threats on Wednesday came despite US officials seeking last week to calm financial markets and downplay concerns of a trade war claiming Chinese negotiators may agree to the trade concessions Mr Trump wants thus averting the imposition of tariffs.


Instead the Chinese retaliation list published swiftly on Wednesday afternoon before a two-day Chinese public holiday for Tomb Sweeping has returned fire on Mr Trump's tough negotiating tactics.


The brinksmanship may still lead to a breakthrough in the coming days with Chinese President Xi Jinping scheduled to give a major speech on "new opening up measures China will take" at the Boao Forum on Monday according to Foreign Minister Wang Yi.


An editorial in the hawkish Global Times said tariffs on US soybeans and corn would hurt US farmers and increase political pressure on Mr Trump and encouraged higher tariffs on US car makers such as General Motors selling into the world's largest car market.


There will be a 60-day delay before the US tariffs take effect while China said its timetable for the proposed new tariffs would depend on when the US acted.


Chinese vice-minister of commerce Wang Shouwen said: "We want to have negotiations on the basis of equality and mutual respect. If anyone wants to fight we will be there with him. If they want to negotiate the door is open."


Mr Trump has criticised China for its large trade surplus with the US and has demanded a $US100 billion reduction in the trade imbalance but the tariffs appear to instead target China's innovation program.


China will lodge a complaint with the World Trade Organisation.



Mr Wang said it was "not possible" to immediately reduce the trade imbalance by $US100 billion as Mr Trump had demanded because it required structural change in the relationship.


China hoped the US could relax its export restrictions on technology products increase the savings rates and increase services trade.


There are fears a trade war between the US and China will unravel the global trading system and impact on economic growth trade-reliant countries such as Australia.


In retaliation for Trump's earlier steel and aluminium tariffs China on Monday imposed tariffs on $3 billion worth of US products including pork wine and citrus. But Wednesday's retaliation round will be far more costly to US exporters.


Chinese premier Li Keqiang said last month that China would improve conditions for foreign companies bringing down overall tariffs for imports and open up manufacturing to foreign investors with no requirement for technology transfer.


Mr Li said the trade imbalance could be solved if the US eased restrictions on high technology exports to China.


Instead Washington has warned allies including Australia that Chinese technology companies present a national security risk in areas including 5G.




Well Australia can blindly follow Trump into HIS trade war and be impacted heavily or we can take advantage of the situation and increase our trade to China to fill in the gaps left by the US. I wonder what the luddites in Canberra will do.


ozinhk22 HOURS AGO
in respect to foreign companies being forced to give up knowledge and technology its seems china is being a bully and maybe trump and europe should change this situation.


mitch of ACT20 HOURS AGO
The companies giving the tech to China are doing that so that the Chinese can make their products to their specifications and in the most efficient way possible to keep manufacturing costs low so that the American companies can sell the products made in China for high profits. To go crying about the Chinese pinching their tech is equivalent to crying over a self-inflicted wound. If the companies don't want to give their tech away then get their products made at home employing their own workers instead of exporting jobs to China.


polym22 HOURS AGO
I am backing China.


Lol haha21 HOURS AGO


Joe Sucato21 HOURS AGO
Fact is that while some US grievances have meat on the bone the Chinese have surpassed the West in some areas such as quantum key cryptography . DO we really think the US would not be trying to get their hands on that ? ..of course. They all do it


Corbachov21 HOURS AGO
Perhaps now that it is going to start hurting them the dumb American voters will wake up. There is a price to be paid for voting in an idiot.


Jack Smith21 HOURS AGO
Trump is the most effective President since the Roosevelts - both of them.


Billnix10 HOURS AGO
Trump is by nature a negotiator. A tough one too! These are opening gambit measures. Everyone should cool off and wait for the negotiations to proceed. It is not going to be the end of the world and if China buys more soybeans from Argentina it will help a poor third world country improve the lives of its citizens. The danger here is that some food commodities are not in over supply and if China targets American exports of products where America is one of the major global producers it may allow other smaller exporting nations to jack up the price which would in the end hurt the Chinese consumers while opening the door for America to export to other non traditional markets. As business people well know imposing tariffs and counter tariffs on imports can sometimes have perverse and unexpected consequences.



pjma4211 HOURS AGO
Start planting soy beans I can see a market opening up in China.


Bobatina12 HOURS AGO
Trump is an outright fool.
His antics will have implications for millions of ordinary people who have no interest in the chest beating of alpha apes.


Culprit13 HOURS AGO
China is just toying with the US. When they wish to get serious they will dump Boeing and go Airbus and say no to US Cars and go European Cars. Now that's what you call a trade war.


Billnix10 HOURS AGO
@Culprit China will not need Boeing or Airbus very soon. It is their plan to build their own airliners in the near future. They buy American and European planes (and cars and other items) so thatthey can learn how to build them by copying the technology. This is what has America (Trump) angry. And Europe should be equally concerned too.


America used to bend over backwards to avoid getting involved in a war.
In more recent history it starts them but rarely finishes them.
I can't see them finishing this trade war as anything but losers and a diminished power.


gobsmack14 HOURS AGO
The advantage the government of China has is that it doesn't have to face elections every 4 years.


Chris Egginton12 HOURS AGO
The advantage China has is a highly intelligent leader.


Billnix10 HOURS AGO
Please do not underestimate America. They are still the Worlds's greatest Nation and Trump intends to make them even greater again. China is big and strong but no paradise for its citizens unless you happen to belong to the elite class ruling this ancient Nation.


Long Xuyen16 HOURS AGO
Time for an independant Australian position. The fta with the US has harmed us economically and the ANZUS treaty has caused us untold dead and massive loss of treasure whereas our relationship with China seems to benefit us financially. Blindly following the USA is folly of the highest order akin to suicide.

该是澳大利亚独立自主的时候了。和美国的自由贸易协定(FTA=Free Trade Agreement)已经伤害了我们的经济;澳新美安全条约(ANZUS=Australia,New Zealand and the United States)则导致我们付出无数伤亡和巨大的财产损失。反之,与中国的(贸易)关系看起来在经济上却有利于我们。盲目追随美国只是最高领导层的愚蠢行为,无异于自杀。

mitch of ACT20 HOURS AGO
More good ol'Trump Making America Great Again and slapping tariffs on those Chinese who've made off with the tech knowledge and IP American manufacturers gave them to make things cheaper than all those now unemployed American workers could. So far it's worked out really well just like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

“好小子特朗普要让美国再次伟大”(good ol'=good ole,俚语,美国称呼乡下白人小子)的又一个大招——向中国人猛征关税!中国人可是用的美国制造商教给他们的技术、知识、IP协议,才能做到那些失业的美国工人无论如何都做不到的低价格啊!!到目前为止效果真是杠杠滴~~如同“自己长得丑于是割下鼻子来出气”(意指“不要因为愤怒冲动行事,用伤害自己的方式来复仇。”)。
