Horrifying video footage shows the moment a schoolgirl from southeast China was dragged by a teacher while at school.
The girl had refused to go back to the classroom and so the teacher resorted to dragging the young girl using her hair.
The video footage was captured by a passer-by who later shared it on the internet.一段令人毛骨悚然的视频片段显示了一名中国东南部的女学生在学校里被一名老师拖拽。女生拒绝回到教室,然后老师拽着她的头发将她拖回教室。这个片段被路人拍到,随后被分享到网上。
Chinese teachers drags student by hair. American teachers sleep with their students. Hmm tough choice.中国老师拽学生头发,美国老师和学生上床。嗯哼,真是艰难的选择。
stressed dad
Need teachers like her here!!这里需要这样的老师!
That's the way to treat naughtiness!对调皮的孩子就该这么干!
Good. Nice to see a disobedient kid being taught manners. Well done.很好。教那些不听话的孩子一点规矩。干得漂亮。
M.. -> TolerantGuy
As if.. any teacher touched my child like that they would be for it !如果……有任何老师敢这么对待我的孩子,他们会付出代价!
TolerantGuy -> TolerantGuy
What you gonna do? Hit em with a haggis.(回上一条)你准备做什么?用碎布丁打他们?
Evil Ploppy
That's when kids were taught to do what they were told and not what THEY want all the time. Teacher's were show respect and kids did what they were told and grew up better people...这就是教育孩子能做什么事的时候,而不是他们一直“想要”做什么事。老师展现尊重,孩子们做正确的事,成长为更好的人。
I knew it would be China.我就知道是中国。
Good looking
Sorry there is no need for this kind of violence. And if it is the girls father it makes it twice as bad. The poor child will live with this memory etched in her mind for life. What father treats his child like this.抱歉不需要这种暴力。如果那是女孩父亲的话,这将造成双倍伤害。这个可怜的孩子将带着这段刻骨铭心的记忆生活。什么样的父亲会这样对待孩子呢。
China the last bastion of freedom of a different sort....中国是另类自由的最后堡垒……
I bet the school kids in China don't abuse their teachers or try and get away with wearing the incorrect uniform and I also bet they do not hang around in large groups in town centers drinking cheap booze while screaming shouting abusing innocent people or smashing up bus stops which happens in this discipline free Country.我敢打赌中国在学校的孩子不会虐待他们的老师或者是试图并且拒绝穿校服,并且我也敢肯定他们不会和一群人在小镇中心晃荡、喝劣质的酒还尖叫、嘶吼、辱骂无关人士,破坏公交车站,而这正发生在这个没有纪律的国家里。
Tails1 -> Galaxyman72
There is a difference between discipline and abuse.纪律和虐待是有差别的。
THAT'S the way to do it. Kids get away with too much in this country.这就是处理事情的方法,在这个国家(英国),小孩太无法无天了。
Neil Loot
...and that is why Chinese children are better behaved perform much much better in school and later in life than their western counterparts ... main reason why china will be the most powerful country in a decade.这就是为什么中国孩子在学校和随后的生活中比他们的西方同龄人表现得好的多,这也是为什么中国将在十年内成为最强大国家的主要原因。
new mummy
if that was my child I'd be marching into that school and the teacher would end up with two broken legs如果那是我的孩子,我会开进到学校,最终那个老师会失去两条腿。
TolerantGuy -> new mummy
Ahh little Mummies If I was that teacher and if either of you two half-wits laid a hand on me you would be sitting on your fat backsides scratching your dull wooden heads. Dont cry snowflakes.(回上一条)哈,小木乃伊,如果我是那个老师,如果你有哪一只笨手敢放在我身上,绝对让你满地找牙。到时候可别哭哭啼啼的。
stressed dad -> new mummy
No you wouldn't(回上一条)不,你办不到的。
Hereward the Wake
That's the way to do it!!!就该这么干!!!
The correct step is to call the parents to immediately collect their child and keep the child away from the school until a psycological test is made. This is not normal. This is a matter for the parents to deal with not the school. Ditto all bad/strange pupil behaviour.正确的步骤是叫父母立刻带孩子远离学校,直到完成一项心理测试。这不是正常现象,这是父母应该处理的问题,而非学校。同理所有不好的或奇怪的学生行为。
A whip or two of the cane and the matter would be resolved.一条鞭子或两根手杖,问题就解决了。
tom -> JJDDFF
No it wouldn't. The child needs to be taken out of the school until he/she can behave. This is the parents' problem. The teachers are there to teach. They are not bouncers......(回上一条)不,不会。这孩子需要被带出学校直到他/她举止端正。这是父母应该烦恼的问题。老师的工作是教学,他们不是保镖……
Defaultuser -> JJDDFF
And we all know how some UK teachers in the past used to enjoy hitting children a little too much. You don't need violence at school to get children in line but you do need some discipline from the parents. I'm not even against the occasional smack from parents to instil discipline but teachers have long since proved they can not be trusted to use the cane or belt.我们都知道在过去有些英国教师有点过于喜欢打孩子了。学校里确实不应该用暴力来管教孩子,但是的确需要家长来培养孩子一些纪律性。我甚至不反对家长偶尔打打孩子来灌输纪律,但是老师们从很久以前就被证明不能任由他们使用教鞭或者皮带。
Catholic nuns did this daily back in 1950s and 1960s.1950和1960年代的天主教修女天天这么干。
I could never accept any person laying their hands on my child. Absolutely no one has that right.我不允许任何人动我孩子一手指头。没人有这个权利。
You call 'Herewood the wake' un educated but you DON'T have children...so how can you possibly know how you would feel!你说“Herewood the wake (译者注:疑为Hereward the Wake,带领盎格鲁·撒克逊人反对征服者威廉的统帅)”没受过教育但是你没有孩子……那你怎么可能知道你会有什么感受!
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