
Big Brother-style facial recognition system publicly shames jaywalkers in China by beaming their im

Big Brother-style facial recognition system publicly shames jaywalkers in China by beaming their image on a giant screen before sending them a fine via text message

人脸识别系统精进,行人闯红灯将被大屏幕公告 当众出丑

By Tim Collins For Mailonline

PUBLISHED: 16:15 BST, 28 March 2018 | UPDATED: 20:36 BST, 28 March 2018

Jaywalkers in one Chinese city will soon receive an instant notification and a fine as soon as they violate the rules, thanks to a new Big Brother-style scheme.


Officials are looking to upgrade an existing system that uses artificial intelligence and facial recognition technology to name and shame offenders.


Images of pedestrians crossing the road against red traffic lights are already beamed onto large LED screens.


Now, the government is consulting with mobile carriers and social media firms to add the extra deterrent for the region's 12 million people.



Traffic police in Shenzhen City, south-east China, have asked Intellifusion - the firm behind the existing scheme - to adopt the new measures.


The firm's cameras are equipped with high resolution seven million pixel sensors, which capture photos of pedestrians crossing the road against traffic lights.


Its facial recognition technology then identifies the offender from a database.


Individuals caught out suffer the indignity of having their photo, family name and part of their government identification number displayed on the screens.


In the ten months from launch to February of this year, the system has caught 13,930 offences on camera at one busy intersection.


In March, police launched a webpage which displays photos, names and partial ID numbers of jaywalkers.


Local mobile providers and social media firms WeChat and Sina Weibo are reported to be involved in the next stage of the project.


Wang Jun, the company’s director of marketing solutions, told the South China Morning Post: 'Jaywalking has always been an issue in China and can hardly be resolved just by imposing fines or taking photos of the offenders.


'But a combination of technology and psychology … can greatly reduce instances of jaywalking and will prevent repeat offences.'


News first emerged that Shenzhen had installed facial-recognition systems, dubbed 'robocops', in April 2017.





Facial recognition is increasingly used as way to access your money and your devices.


When it comes to policing, it could soon mean the difference between freedom and imprisonment.


Faces can be scanned at a distance, generating a code as unique as your fingerprints.


This is created by measuring the distance between various points, like the width of a person's nose, distance between the eyes and length of the jawline.


Facial recognition systems check more than 80 points of comparison, known as 'nodal points', combining them to build a person's faceprint.


These faceprints can then be used to search through a database, matching a suspect to known offenders.


Facial scanning systems used on personal electronic devices function slightly differently, and vary from gadget to gadget.


The iPhone X, for example, uses Face ID via a 7MP front-facing camera on the handset which has multiple components.

以iPhone X为例,iPhone X通过手机上7MP前置摄像头的多个组件来实现脸部识别。

One of these is a Dot Projector that projects more than 30,000 invisible dots onto your face to map its structure.


The dot map is then read by an infrared camera and the structure of your face is relayed to the A11 Bionic chip in the iPhone X, where it is turned into a mathematical model.

然后用红外摄像机读取点图,你的脸的结构会被传送到iPhone X的A11仿生芯片上,在那里它被转化为一个数学模型。

The A11 chip then compares your facial structure to the facial scan stored in the iPhone X during the setup process.

然后A11芯片将你的面部结构与在安装过程中存储在iPhone X中的面部扫描进行比较。

Security cameras use artificial intelligence powered systems that can scan for faces, re-orient, skew and stretch them, before converting them to black-and-white to make facial features easier for computer algorithms to recognise.


Error rates with facial recognition can be as low as 0.8 per cent. While this sounds low, in the real world that means eight in every 1,000 scans could falsely identify an innocent party..


One such case, reported in The Intercept, details how Steven Talley was falsely matched to security footage of a bank robber.


According to the People's Daily Online, the technology was set up at a crossroad near Peking University Shenzhen Hospital on April 15, 2017, as part of a trial run.


The cameras operate 24 hours.


A display screen was also installed at the side of the road and at the pedestrian island.


Chief officer Li Qiang at Shenzhen Traffic Police Technology Department told reporters that the technology mainly relies on the camera to detect a pedestrian crossing during the red light.


Cameras capture an offender's face and sends it to display screens, as well as the police bureau, where using face-recognition technology is used to identify the person.


The monitor display operates in real-time, meaning that head-shots of any offenders will upload instantly and run on a loop.


The system also records the number of times a person has run a red light.


The new facial recognition technology has brought an effect of public shaming. However, officer Li said it serves as a function of giving out a warning, sourcing evidence and promoting road safety.


Shenzhen traffic police department released a press release on March 16 showing a record of 123,200 cases of jaywalkers throughout 2016.


Officials are hoping to roll out the technology to the whole of Shenzhen city in the near future to help reduce the figures.



Some_Person, London, United Kingdom, about 9 hours ago

The UK pioneered fining millions of drivers by camera for trivial offences, as less and less people drive in the future they will need to switch to using facial recognition to fine walkers instead



Nick, Lincoln, United Kingdom, about 10 hours ago

That's awesome.



JustAnotherVoice, New York, United States, about 10 hours ago

So many comments about a police state or big brother could be made. Unfortunately this level of scrutiny is all too common around the world. It has been said that people cannot even go outside without being surveillance within minutes. Our homes have eavesdropping via cellphones and smart speakers. Our tablets and cellphones can become video cameras without us knowing. 1984 snuck up on us and most people don't even realize it.

关于警察或老大哥的评论很多。不幸的是,这种程度的审查在全世界太普遍了。有人说,就算只出门几分钟都有可能被监控拍到。我们的家通过手机和智能音箱监听。我们的平板电脑和手机在我们不知情的情况下就可以变成摄像机。1984正悄悄地靠近我们,但大多数人都没有意识到这一点。(备注:《一九八四》是一部小说,小说中的“Big Brother”是独裁者)


5 Paul, Somerset, about 11 hours ago

You think they don't have that capability in the UK?



Neo, Leeds, United Kingdom, 5 hours ago

Walk with a constant yawn this will confuse it.



iheartu, Abu Dhabi, UAE, about 11 hours ago

China Id, don’t leave home without it!



honisty2, Xinhua, China, about 11 hours ago

Once when I went to China, the border guard's screen was angled just so, and I happened to notice that when I walked in front of the camera at the desk, the software automatically pulled up something in Chinese with my passport photo on which was probably my latest visa application and previous trips before I'd even handed over my passport.



honisty2, Xinhua, China, about 11 hours ago

Theresa May has expressed an interest in the technlogy...



Ianfromdroy, Manchester, United Kingdom, about 12 hours ago

I still don’t know how they can tell them apart.



10 Steve0001, Bristol, United Kingdom, about 12 hours ago

The article seems to have missed out some important information. To identify faces you'd need a database containing the biometrics of every Chinese person. That would be something interesting to hear about. But without that information I'm calling it all bull. Not least because facial recognition is rubbish and that 7 mega pixels without optical zoom is going to be pretty inadequate at identifying faces from more than a metre or two away. Likely the system identities people crossing at a red light and the wide angle photo is published, and then they make stuff up.



honisty2, Xinhua, China, 11 hours ago

They do have a database. It's called the National ID database - every citizen has their biometric photo recorded when they get their ID card.



Honky Lips, Altoona, United States, 12 hours ago

I think they should just execute them...



Oneriotoneranger, dallas, 12 hours ago

Scarier : "China has moved to wipe-out the theft of loo-roll by installing facial-recognition cameras in one of its busiest toilets. People using the toilet in Tiantan Park in Beijing one of the city’s major tourist sites will only receive a 60 centimetre serving of paper after they have conducted a facial scan. After meting out the loo roll, the software will deny the same person paper within nine minutes of their first scan, reports said." What if you have a intestinal problem?



Honky Lips, Altoona, United States, 12 hours ago




Oneriotoneranger, dallas, 12 hours ago

Impressive, they all look alike to me!



15 victoriiinox, Montreal, Canada, 12 hours ago

Big Brother, and you should all be worried as governments around the world will implement facial recognition software to control you



sensiblecommenter, Guildford, United Kingdom, 13 hours ago

Death by truck is normally the punishment for jaywalking in China (normally fished out instantly too) it seems. I suppose a fine is cheaper in the long wring.



Peter Stride, Earth, Canada, 13 hours ago

How do you say "Big Brother is Watching" in Chinese?

"Big Brother is Watching",用中文怎么说??


Wayne Hisler, Albuquerque NM, United States, 14 hours ago

I would welcome this or any other so-called "intrusion" into the life's of us in the USA. Far too many criminals. I would say lets jail who we can get. After we are left with whom we didn't execute, keep them in jail long enough so that they learn to listen and follow laws.



Frankly Scarlett, Whidbey Island WA, United States, 12 hours ago

Wayne. You deserve big brother. Leave the US now.



SAMSUNG GALAXY S9, Manila, Philippines, 14 hours ago

Better follow the traffic rules while walking in the streets of China.


