
Isro developing technology to reuse first and second stages of rocketIsro研发技术以重复使用火箭的一级和二级部段 NEW DEL

Isro developing technology to reuse first and second stages of rocket



NEW DELHI: In a bid to cut cost of satellite launchers, Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) is working on reusable launch technology for using the first and second stages of a rocket multiple times. To master this technology, Isro is going to conduct an advanced version of the reusable launch technology (RLV) test in June-July.


Talking to TOI, Isro chairman K Sivan said, "We are working on a reusable launch technology in order to recover the first and second stages of a rocket so that we can reuse them to cut cost and carry heavier payloads. The first rocket stage will be recovered on a vertical landing spot on the sea like SpaceX has been doing it with its Falcon rocket. However, recovering the second stage is not simple. We are, therefore, developing a winged body like a space shuttle. This shuttle will be attached as a second stage in a rocket. It will carry the top portion of the rocket comprising a satellite or spacecraft to space. Once it injects the satellite in its orbit, the shuttle will glide back to the earth and land on an airstrip like an aircraft." He said the "second stage recovery has never been tried by any other space agency in the world, not even SpaceX".

Isro主席K Sivan在接受《印度时报》采访时表示:“我们正在研究一种可重复使用的发射技术,以回收火箭的一级和二级部段,这样我们就可以重复使用它们,以降低成本和携带更重的有效载荷。”火箭一级部段将在海上垂直着陆点回收,就像SpaceX回收“猎鹰”火箭那样。然而,回收二级部段并不简单。因此,我们正在研制一种类似航天飞机的带翼机体,安装在火箭的二级部段。它将携带由卫星或宇宙飞船组成的火箭顶部进入太空。一旦将卫星送入轨道,该带翼机体将滑翔返回地球,就像飞机一样降落在跑道上。他表示,“其他太空机构从未尝试过二级部段的回收,就连SpaceX也没有。”


Isro had conducted the first demonstration test of India's winged body vehicle on May 23, 2016. Then, the RLV had reached a height of 70 km and was manoeuvred back to earth where it glided down into the Indian Ocean and disintegrated.


On the June-July test, Sivan said, "The test will be different this time where a helicopter will take the shuttle to a considerable height and from that height, the winged body will be dropped. The shuttle will then glide back to earth and land on an airstrip." Isro is also planning to conduct a third test of the RLV from the orbit. There is speculation that the landing strip could be made in Andaman and Nicobar islands. However, no final decision has been taken yet.


Currently, SpaceX rules the Rs 39,000-crore global market of satellite launches. The Elon Musk-promoted US company which had 0% market share in 2009 gobbled up over 50% (projected) of the market share in 2018 mostly because of its reusable technology where it uses first stage rocket multiple times. On the other hand, Isro's share is just 0.6% in the global market. In 2018, Isro had launched PSLV just thrice for foreign satellites. Instead, SpaceX launched Falcon rocket 20 times for commercial purpose. As the market is set to grow to $7 billion (Rs 49,000 crore) by 2024, Isro can grab a significant share if it is able to master the RLV technology.




Bharat Darshan - Delhi - 5 hours ago -Follow

Involve and engage private sector in rocket launches where technology maturity has been achieved. The private sector can help making launches more commercial, economic and competitive.



rcs77 - Location - 5 hours ago -Follow

All the best, ISRO!



Mohan K - Hyderabad - 5 hours ago -Follow

Wow exploring reuse of first and second stages of rocket is something which goes as an austerity measure from ISRO and every Indian welcomes the same.



Sooraj Bopanna - 4 hours ago

Why cant we di something unique??. We always copy what has been done before and tout that we have leadership position. Even the “chip” developed by IIT Chennai was based on a tehnology introduced in 2000 and defunct now.

When do we change to innovators instead of being learners/copycats??




MOhammed Ansar - 2 hours ago -Follow

Give grants and allow young researchers at iit to come with ew technologies, these young minds can ignite the fire at isro again....



Indian cat - USA - 6 hours ago

Copycat of SpaceX. Development of India.



Dean - traveller - 55 mins ago -Follow

isro is so late.



Hrishi - INDIA - 1 hour ago -Follow

wishing our scientists all the very best..



Pradeep - 1 hour ago -Follow

ISRO is developing in to a powerhouse of space technology, by its consistent performance and determination to excel.



Lakshmi Narayanan - 2 hours ago -Follow

ISRO could have revealed this after doing it. Now SpaceX might do it before ISRO



Sridhar Ganji - 9 mins ago -Follow

ISRO must first improve the launch capability on par with private space agencies like SpaceX.



Pichaimuthu Ramachandran - 24 mins ago -Follow

Good Attempt. This is not new to ISRO. Only it has not taken shape till date. The study was conducted in 1989 by Dr.Govindan who has got the president award for Kevlar Fibre discovery in India. Almost 30 years after that it getting shape now.



Ranjit Kr - 30 mins ago -Follow

First learn to reuse waste and water then think about rockets..



Ranjit Kr - 31 mins ago -Follow

Did isro steal this technology from space x???



Abhishiek Ghosh - 39 mins ago -Follow

No caste based reservations in ISRO ?



Bharath Reddy - 46 mins ago -Follow

What happened to the 270 crore ISRO rocket that was sent to space in 2016?

Did it come back ?




Sudhir - 1 hour ago -Follow

We don't need rickets better make jet's, India need good roads, better spend the money for environmental friendly disposal of waste and recycling of plastics, instead of wasting swatch barat funds for painting the Walls,



BIG talking Indians - land of mad cows - 1 hour ago

Indians always talk beyond their ability. No others can talk as big as Indians.



Lakshmi Narayanan - 2 hours ago -Follow

All space agencies were sending rockets to space for so many years but SpaceX was the only one which thought it could bring it back..that''s awesome n out of the box



Aditya Loha - 2 hours ago -Follow

very good



Girish Nair - 2 hours ago -Follow

The Elon Musk effect!!



Excabar Poseidon - Kolkata - 2 hours ago -Follow

Send statues in space that what bhakts want ... build more statues



Sonny V - Bangalore, India - 2 hours ago -Follow

Please move to heavy satellite launches, I am not sure what is stopping us to get that market share as we been sending small ones for very long now



Guru - India - 3 hours ago -Follow

Good, copy it quick.



Rakesh - Singapore - 3 hours ago -Follow

go ahead ISRO nothing is impossible to your wonderful world class team !!!

ISRO,加油!对你们这样的世界一流团队,一切皆有可能! ! !


Sanjoy Pandey - 4 hours ago -Follow

Well, this is a good step to cut cost.



bala r. - Chennai - 5 hours ago -Follow




Arun Choudhary - 5 hours ago -Follow

You will must succeed in your mission soon

