
Telangana: To clear cricket betting debts, M Tech student murders mother, sister特伦甘纳邦:为了还清板球赌债,印度大学

 Telangana: To clear cricket betting debts, M Tech student murders mother, sister



HYDERABAD: A 23-year-old M Tech student, who squandered over Rs 20 lakh in cricket betting and ran debts of several lakhs, has been arrested for allegedly killing his mother and sister to sell their family property at Medchal. The accused laced their food with pesticide.


On Monday, Medchal police arrested P Sainath Reddy, 23, M Tech II year student of CMR College, for killing his mother P Sunitha, 44, and his sister P Anuja Reddy, 22, a B Pharmacy student. According to police, Sainath’s father Prabhakar Reddy had died three years ago in a road accident and his savings and insurance amount, which was about Rs 20 lakh, was deposited in a bank account of Sunitha. However, Sainath, who wanted to lead a lavish life, started betting on cricket matches.

周一,警方逮捕了在CMR学院就读技术硕士专业的P Sainath Reddy(23岁),他杀害了44岁的母亲P Sunitha和22岁的妹妹P Anuja Reddy,后者是药剂学专业的学生。警方称,Sainath的父亲雷迪三年前死于一场交通事故,他的存款和保险价值约为200万卢比,都存在Sunitha的一个银行账户里。然而,想过奢华生活的Sainath开始在板球比赛上下注。

“Sunitha’s bank account is linked to Sainath’s mobile number. He also knew the internet banking details of the account. To place bets on cricket matches, Sainath withdrew Rs 20 lakh over a period of three years. He also sold Sunitha’s 15 tola gold jewellery without her knowledge. Sainath also borrowed a few lakhs through money lending apps,” Medchal inspector M Praveen Reddy said.

警官Praveen Reddy说:“母亲Sunitha的银行账户关联了Sainath的手机号码。他也知道该账户的网上银行信息。为了赌板球,Sainath在三年里从账户上取了200万卢比。他还在母亲不知情的情况下卖掉了她的金首饰(重量15拖拉)。Sainath还通过贷款APP借了几十万卢比。”

As pressure started mounting on Sainath from money lenders, who threatened to send notices to his house and contact his family members, he decided to kill his mother and sister, so that he could sell the family property to clear the debts, the inspector said.


According to the plan, Sainath purchased pesticide at Medchal and mixed it in the rice at home on November 23. Subsequently, he also packed lunch to avoid suspicion and went to a vehicle showroom at Rajabollarum, where he has been doing part-time work. In the night, Sainath returned home after receiving phone calls from Sunitha saying they were not well. He shifted them to local hospital and from there they were transferred to Gandhi Hospital. While undergoing treatment at Gandhi Hospital, Anusha succumbed on November 27 and Sunitha on November 28.



Rene Fernandez

Which sites was he betting on ??? How is the betting business flourishing in corrupt Hyderabad ????




Syed Abdulmuqtadir

Indeed educational degrees won't fetch anything. Shame on this gutter born leech.



Ramesh Sargam

Before such unfortunate events continue, better ban betting and online games permanently.



Rahul Soni

very sad, all bettig should be banned, its of no use.



N Alpha

hang him please. he will not reform..



Ramesh Pathak

Should have taken his own life instead!.




Why the Central Govt is allowing these kind of betting spoiling the life of young Gen

Next tribe




This mother killer should be hanged immediately in a fast court trial.



Leon Fernandes

He could have declared bankruptcy like all the business men do and still have large properties.




No mercy hang him instantly.



Ch Navakanta Mishra

Oh My God! I just lost all trust on humanity.



Kiran Patel

Calls for nothing less than a long indefinite prison sentence without any parole.



Abi Sam

Gambling only leads to crime and self harm.



Sudeep Biswas

Gambling should never be allowed in India in any form




He deserve death sentence



Cvs Test

Typical case of Mental illness..



Ashok Shetty

He has no right to live. Hang him.

