
Why is India so scared of China and seeking help from Western countries?为什么印度这么害怕中国,居然怕到要向西方国家寻求帮助?以

Why is India so scared of China and seeking help from Western countries?





India is scared because it has run out of tricks.

India likes to play the secularism card.

when India became independent - they played the secularism card and got Hyderabd, mysore - bengal - Junagadh - kashmir (not fully) - but now its true colors are out in the open.

India likes to play democracy card -

India tells the world it is a democracy - just because it holds elections once in 4 years. - india is inherently a fascist nation - because it has destroyed the other pillars of democracy - no independent judiciary - no independent media - no law and order - everyone is controlled by the hindu fundamentalist mob.

India is scared because its time is up - the only country that supports India is USA - right now - once there is a change in administration in USA - or this support is withdrawn - India is likely to be given a pounding by all its neighbors - Pakistan - China - Nepal - Bangladesh.




印度喜欢打民 主这张牌-

印度告诉全世界,自己是一个民 主国家——可这个民 主只表现在每4年举行一次选举上。印度本质上是一个法西斯国家—因为它摧毁了民 主的其他支柱—没有独立的司法—没有独立的媒体—没有法律和秩序—每个人都被印度教原教旨主义暴徒控制着。


India is also scared because it can no longer play tricks anymore - in 1951 when China was busy fighting and defeating the USA in Korea - India slyly annexed Tawang China’s lands and led the slogan - Hindi cheeni bhai bhai

in 1954 - India raised the slogan - Indians and Chinese brothers

in 1971 - it trained separatists in bangladesh and separated east pakistan from west pakistan.

in 1984 India trained terrorists in Sri Lanka and created 20 years of murder and death in Sri Lanka -

in 1975 - India tricked Sikkim






All of India’s tricks have run out - and the death of 20 Indian soldiers has sent the message - now no more bluffing - crux time - time to walk the talk.



Krshna Jaya

If you have watched any documentary on 18th century battles between European forces and Indian/African/Chinese forces, you'll notice a pattern: A much smaller European force ends up defeating a much larger native force. What gives?

One of the overarching themes is that the native warriors charged at the European enemy en-masse willy-nilly, without care for strategy or battle tactics.

Why? For GLORY! European-led forces on the other hand, didn't give in to such petty emotions, and instead focused on carefully planned battle tactics and maneuvers. This, besides technological superiority, invariably won them battles against a much native larger foe.

Fear, shame, honor, glory and pride have become tools to control the weak-minded in South Asia. In our societies, a man spurned by a woman is egged to avenge his ‘honor’ and pushed to make irrational decisions. An enemy challenging you to a duel MUST be answered, lest it being shame to you and your clan. While these emotions might have their place in our personal lives, they can lead to our ultimate downfall if we allow them to rule our every decision.





One of the reasons Pakistan today finds itself in an economic downward spiral is because it tried to compete with India, a much larger economy, for military parity. Anyone with an understanding of Economics or Game Theory could have (and indeed did) predict that this would be a losing game for Pakistan. A smarter leadership in Pakistan would have foreseen this, and made peace with India early on, avoiding the existential crisis today. Why didn't it then? Because it would hurt their honor to make peace with their sworn enemies.

It ultimately boils down to a simple question: what matters most: Honor or survival.

If you're too proud to ask for help, or too afraid to fight, you die. True for individuals, true for nations.

Let's talk about China:

My reading is that China sees India as an eventual challenger to its power, if not immediate. Since China has the (economic) advantage now, it wants to use the opportunity to trap India in a web of conflicts which will not allow India to invest in its own growth. The worst thing for India to do would be to take the bait, and start a war that will drain its economy, and increase the gap between it and China.








China is not a temporary issue that will go away. It is a permanent geopolitical reality, at least for the foreseeable future. One epic battle or one glorious war isn't going to fix this problem. Spurts of bravado make for great movie scripts, and indeed are needed on the battlefield. They don't solve geopolitical rivalry.

What is needed instead is a carefully planned long term strategy, which is sustainable in the face of changing domestic and international politics. This means improving our economy before engaging in an arms race against a larger foe, building a coalition of like-minded nations, investing in economic and military self-sufficiency.

It also means thinking out of the box for solutions. If India can find a way to keep out of the inevitable showdown between China and the US, it could benefit from it.

All in all, the way forward is to think calmly. It's a game of chess, not rugby. Hanging on to a typical South Asian sense of pride and honor will only hurt us in the long run. We should have learned this from our history of colonization.






Bala Senthil Kumar

India is not courageous like other countries who:

1.Are happy to trust and keep faith in the- of China

2.Let the premier research language of Mandarin be made compulsory in their schools

3.Donate their sisters and daughters to be wives to the Chinese to help with their female shortage.

4.Celebrate and pray for more of Chinese military hardware.

5.Get colourful underwear masks that China reserves for very special allies.

6.Get the Chinese to even build their own routes and trade channels for just ownership of a few thousand square km of land!


  1. 你愿意信任并保持对中国的信任吗?
  2. 在学校推行研究汉语普通话的必修课。
  3. 献出他们的姐妹和女儿,给中国人当妻子,帮他们解决女性短缺的问题。
  4. 为中国拥有更多的军事装备而庆祝和祈祷。
  5. 购买中国为特别盟友准备的彩色内衣口罩。
  6. 让中国人修建自己的路线和贸易通道,只为了拥有几千平方公里的土地!


Updesh Verma

This is a typical question with political as well as factual answers…

Factually, I term this so called “scare” as preparedness based on ground facts… We are not seeking help…. We are buying systems to defend ourselves in a near war scenario …. We don't have budget as huge as China's hence can't buy ultra modern systems in peace time in one go just to match China stock on that day… We maintain and build our arsenal on a certain pace allowed by our economical strength. Recent border developments forced us to go for some emergency purchases… That's all it is and that's how it should be perceived too…. Just an opinion…. Differences welcome 




Deepak Kumar

For 72 years we were focussed on pakistan centric rather than china.

real culprit is china who promoted pakistan.

evn all these years US promoted pakistan.

now suddenly we see china face to face after doklam and now it comes as a shock to us as we never thought china would collide with us. So again our foreign policy failed.

for now 35 years we have been talking of 2 front war on northern borders.

we as a country should have taken extra care and rigorously worked on modernisation and training of our armed forces in last 25–50 years.

our armed forces are very brave , good but they also need latest art of technology weapons to fight chinese & pakistanis.

We need to think in terms of modern warfare ahead of conventional war.

Taking help from other countries is not wrong , in fact entire world sentiment is against china after covid virus spread by them , but fortunately for them they got away with it.

surprisingly nobody has raised issue in UN.

high time India teaches chinese lesson of life time and stops all trade with china.

indian people should also stop using chinese goods.

Indian govt. should also realise just by banning few apps of mobile is not going to help us.

we need total ban/boycott of chinese goods , companies, investments in india















Rajagopalan K Suryanarayan

India is so scared of China

1.Because India do not have two- bit countries like Nepal or Pakistan as their front. China has been using these two countries as its front and instigating them against India. China itself is hiding behind these two nations.

2.India is so scared that it announced its casualty in the Galvan Valley skirmish.

3.India is so scared that it is able to make China withdraw from the occupied territories in Galvan Valley.

4.India is so scared that Indian PM is bold enough to call a spade as spade when he called the bluff of Chinese expansionist axiom.


  1. 因为印度没有尼泊尔或巴基斯坦这样的二流国家作为他们的前线。中国一直把这两个国家作为自己的战线,煽动他们对抗印度。中国自己则躲在这两个国家后面。
  2. 印度非常害怕,以至于在加尔万山谷的小冲突中宣布了自己的伤亡。
  3. 印度非常害怕,以至它能够迫使中国从加勒万河谷撤军。
  4. 印度非常害怕,以至于印度总理敢大地、胆直言不讳地揭穿中国的扩张主义。



India isn't scared of China. It is not a problem of courage, as the soldiers proved in Galwan.

But, it definitely doesn't want to lose a war that China threatens to force upon us.

A land war would definitely be in India's favour. But it is necessary to match the overall firepower.





Pradip Gangopadhyay

India is not scared but is adopting a prudent policy. Prudence dictates India get as many allies as possible to stare down an aggressive China



Akshay Patel

India can destroy China and USA in seconds.

