什么食物或饮料祛辣的效果最好? [美国媒体]


What is the best food/drink for getting ridof the burn of spicy food?


Katey Hollis
When you eat foods rich in texture(oily/creamy)or flavour (spice) the walks of your small intestine get clogged and thisprevents nutrition from getting absorbed. This also takes a toll on the healthybacteria in the gut which produce enzymes necessary for proper digestion offood. To get over the burn if spicy foods it is recommended to have foods richin fiber (oats, lettuce, carrots, cucumber, pineapple etc). Psyllium husk is anexcellent option. Consider it a fiber supplement. Also, having probiotic foodsreally helps. Yogurt/curd is the best known and the most easily availableprobiotic food


Of course there are many different types ofhoney from the traditional honey that has a thick liquid consistency to the rawhoney varieties that tend to be organic and vegan, this type of honey tends tobe thicker and more compact in it’s consistency very similar to butter.


Select the honey type based on your dietand type of dish you are eating or serving.


Abhishek Gangakhedkar
first of all, you have to understand thatwhenever you have an empty stomach and you eat any spicy or oily food acidystarts.


Oily and spicy food increases your bodyacidity level.




1)Morning to the evening:- try to drinkorange, Tangerine (santra), Pomegranate(dalimb) juice. or eat these fruits.

1 )从早到晚: 试着喝橙汁、橘子汁、石榴汁,或者吃这些水果。

Kiran Gudimetla, Master of Science in CSfrom Osmania University (2002)
Buttermilk or yogurt milk as it's alsocalled is the best drink which will reduce the burn caused due to spicy food. Thiscreates a coating around the stomach inside and minimizes the acidity createdby spicy food.


It is also important to drink lots of waterto ensure that there isn't a lot of acidic built up in stomach.


Special Princess
The best drink for getting rid of burn willbe milk….. because I always use milk when I have burn from spicy food. Italways helps me. You can also try…. Or you can have some sugar then drinkwater. This also helps. There is another way…. Just drink cold water after theburn. This 3 ways always help me. I hope this helped you


Mark Magnusson, Digital marketingspecialist
this one is easy…BREAD!

