棱镜,棱镜,告诉我,这个世界谁最可信 [俄罗斯媒体]


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All you have to do is compare China and US education. It is clearly obvious who takes education as priority while the other always makes war top priority. Intellectually challenged man children run America.


LOL i love it well done Mr Guo Ping


Brian Niziol
It is all about who has the best gear. By the way America has been lying about Huawei I would say Huawei are out in front.


Chinese (HK) 中国(香港)
Am I the only one who didn't care that much about Huawei getting 5g contracts in foreign places until America starting pissing and whining like a lunatic....Now every success for and poke by Huawei is that much more satisfying...

难道我是唯一一个不在乎华为在国外获得5 g 合同的人,直到美国开始像个疯子一样发牢骚... ..。现在,华为的每一次成功和成功都让人更加满意... ..。

I don't know who is the most trustworthy. But I know that the US is the least trustworthy of them all.

我不知道谁最值得信赖。 但我知道,美国是其中最不值得信赖的。

Imagine being this American...


I have to agree with azzuri09 here. While RT is controversial, quoting them as a source per se is not. Especially if the event that is reported on has actually happened as it was displayed.

我不得不同意意大利蓝衣军团的说法。 尽管RT是有争议的,但引用它们作为消息来源本身却没有争议。 特别是如果报道的事件实际上是按照报道那样发生的时候。

We need to look at both the sources and then piece meal the story together and come up with the final story. A good example of this should be stories that were published from both sources about Iraq,Libya,and Syria to say the least. I cant even mention Yemen because our media doesnt even post about it lol.

我们需要同时看这两个来源,然后把整个报道拼凑起来,得出最后的报道。 这方面的一个很好的例子应该是,同时发布的关于伊拉克、利比亚和叙利亚的报道。 我甚至不能提到也门,因为我们的媒体甚至没有发布也门的报道。哈哈。

Lol,that's one way looking at it. But maybe you can also say that US should not point fingers at others if they are doing this since day 0. They should not be scare mongering other countries about Huawei if they are caught spying and tapping phones of people themselves(even tapping g phone calls of so called allies like Angela Merkel and Dilma Roussef). I havent heard of any country calling off buying iPhones l,Facebook or American technology because of spying issues. They always say that to change the world,you have to start with changing yourself first, and this applies to our beloved country alot. I think Snowden is a hero cause he didnt do it for money,he had a bigger vision.He actually left alot of money on the table.

哈哈,从一个角度来说, 但也许你也可以说,如果美国从开始就这样做,他们不应该指责别人。 如果他们自己被发现从事间谍活动和窃听别人的电话(甚至窃听所谓盟友的电话,比如 默克尔和罗塞夫) ,他们就不应该恐吓其他国家使用华为。 我还没有听说有哪个国家因为间谍问题而放弃购买 iphone、 使用Facebook 或美国的技术。 他们总是说,要改变世界,你必须首先改变自己,这也适用于我们深爱的国家。 我认为斯诺登是一个英雄,因为他不是为了钱才这么做的,他有更远大的理想。
