
China deploys new missile destroyer, frigate in its anti-piracy fleet中国在反海盗舰队中部署新导弹驱逐舰、护卫舰BEIJING:

 China deploys new missile destroyer, frigate in its anti-piracy fleet


BEIJING: China has deployed its latest guided missile destroyer and frigate in the fleet of naval ships participating in anti-piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden and Somalian coast in the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean, a media report said on Thursday.


China's 32nd convoy fleet to the Gulf of Aden and Somali waters set sail from a military port in Zhoushan, East China's Zhejiang Province on Thursday, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy official announced.


The naval fleet includes the guided missile destroyer Xi'an, the missile frigate Anyang and the Gaoyanghu, a comprehensive supply ship, state-run Global Times reported.


It is the first time Xi'an and Anyang are participating in an escort mission, it said.


One of the country's new generation of self-developed Type-052C guided missile destroyers, Xi'an, which entered into service in February 2015, possesses over-the-horizon strike capability at sea, the report said.


Anyang, a domestically developed frigate, entered into service in April 2018 and is capable of attacking surface ships and submarines alone or in conjunction with other naval forces.

It also has strong long-range alert and air defence capabilities. It is part of China's new generation of main combat ships, the report said.


China, which is ramping up its naval and air power by reducing the size of army to expand its global influence, is actively taking part in the anti-piracy operations in the Somali coast where it had also built its first overseas logistics base in Djibouti.


Besides advanced naval ships, China has been deploying its submarines in anti-piracy operations to test their endurance and operational capability, raising concerns in India as they sail through the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea.




India needs better technology & fleets to counter China. If not today, there will definitely be an encounter between China & India. Thus India need to be self sufficient on its defence.



Kamal - 22 hours ago -Follow

Time has come to strengthen our Fleet and ARM mus...



modi navy - holy cow temple - 23 hours ago

India has better destroyers and submarines from Russia and France. All due to Modi



Visvalingam Dorairaju - 19 hours ago -Follow

India need to surreptitiously develop its economy and people. Power comes from a nation that has people of dignity and honour. Otherwise they can be easily bought with money, thus weakening the nations security like it has happened under Congress rule. The strength of a nation is in the strength of its people.



Reverse Swing - 6 hours ago -Follow

Breaking News:

US count finds all Pakistan F-16s intact, contradicts Indian claims.

Dear Bhakts and Sane Indians:

Just google F-16 and verify for yourself.

Feku faked again hahah....the same feku leader India is going to elect in upcoming elections????...


美国发现巴基斯坦的F -16战机都完好无损,这与印度的说法相矛盾。





Sukumar Kamath - Cloud 9 - 3 hours ago -Follow

India has to be self reliant on all fronts of defense sector... Currently most of our requirements are met by importing them... Instead, we should develop and induct new technology into our military.. We should be one step ahead of our neighbors to show our military supremacy and also as a deterrent factor.



Valerian Pereira - india - 3 hours ago -Follow

India should set up:

Naval Academies..Naval Labs./defense Labs

Defense industries/ Naval Ship building yards,,workshops in all coastal States..




Pais Hilary - 4 hours ago -Follow

China has the capacity to turn out one frigate like this every year. It can also commission one atomic powered submarine every three years and a large aircraft carrier every five years. Amazing indigenous manufacturing capacity.



Shaukat Pervez - 7 hours ago -Follow

Very bad news for Hindu terrorists,.



Bculas - 11 hours ago -Follow

We have a des4ease called "self praise". That desease is eating up our reality. Time for us to concede that China is eons better than us in defence and with that as datum start building our forces to counter China. as of now we are not even close to China''s defence forces and the less we boast, the less stupid we look. The whole world knows china''s military power and we look like a laughing stock when we cxlaim we are better.



sour Indians - uk - 11 hours ago

Yes, China deploys new destroyers, frigates, submarines almost daily, all made in China with the latest technology in missiles and radar, some will be equipped with EM and laser guns.

What can Indians do about it?

China must have stolen and copied technologies from India. Only India under Modi can make destroyers, frigates and submarines.





Hora Rajiv - San Jose, California - 19 hours ago -Follow

Chinese government kills all business where it goes with substandard products and cheap prices. Stop buying anything Chinese

