Is India stronger than China?(3)印度比中国强大吗?(3)Quora读者的评论:Shreekanth PrabhuOriginally Answered: Who is
Is India stronger than China?(3)
Shreekanth Prabhu
Originally Answered: Who is stronger, India or China?
Economically if you go by the size of GDP, China has 4 times that of India (at least). But per-capita income-wise China is not in the league of developed nations. China also has lot of poor people. . Again Militarily China is stronger and it has made greater progress in manufacturing itself. India has many Corporations which can be global companies on their own. China essentially has been a value-adder. India has greater head-room to show its mettle in research as well. India needs to play to its strength. If India can get rid of its legacy systems and mind-set India can lead.
Vdhay Kumar N, Consultant at Oil and Gas Industry (2017-present)
Is India stronger than China?
thanks for A2A
Strength is just a perspective, England is so small and with limited population and monarchy but you can remember how it played a big role in colonization and world history.
Russia and USA, they too with minimum population are so much forward and protect their very long borders with available manpower.
Hope India will go ahead with more of works and not words.
Akshay Rathore, IFS(PROBATION) at MP Forest Department (2018-present)
Originally Answered: China or India, who is stronger?
Economically china's GDP is far more than india's. Social and health indicators viz infant mortality rate , maternal mortality rates , life expectancy, human development index value , proportion of poor's etc. Politically China is permanent member of UN security council so he has special veto power which India has not. Strategically and militarily China has upper hand in both conventional and unconventional warheads. So right now India is not at par with China. But we can because of our favourable demography and resources.
Sulav Karki
Originally Answered: Who is more powerful between India and China?
It’s a relative question. Both India and China are huge Countries with more than a billion people, Both have large armies although China has more and is more advanced and Both have nuclear weapons. India and China have actually fought already back in 1962 in which India lost but if a full fledged invasion were to happen, i don’t think there would be any clear winners and all losers. Economically, of course China is more powerful than India, in terms of military as well China is more powerful.
Yoginder Sharma, former War veteran- lost leg in 71; later GOC in C. at Indian Army (1955-1994)
Sure, for an Indian, India must always seem stronger and better.
But, seriously, how does one compare 'relative-strengths’ of the two most populous countries in the world? Is it a straight-line mathematical count of Military strengths. In that respect, China wins!
But, in the nuclear context, that is a simplistic way! Beyond the minimum-deterrence and assured second-strike capability, nuclear build-up is an overkill. Both are thus evenly balanced, by that bottom-line nuclear criteria!
At the geo-strategic level China has made a huge headway in the fields of Infrastructural development, cyber warfare, strategic-reserves and power-projection, and in its Complete National Power!
In all these, it is already in the super-power league, while we are still a developing regional power. However, a Sino-Indian conflict cannot remain contained, it will escalate into a global conflict, hence the importance of creating countervailing alliances.
Yes, I give a example.
This is where I just walked by. You see there are no skyscrapers, shitty place indeed. Even police patrol is needed to ensure no one will protest against the government. Sad!
Mumbai is indeed far better.
Avkrishna Rao, studied at Master of Business Administration in Business Management
Leave alone defence and economy!
In China people are assets and Indians are liability!
All these factors throw away all the positive elements into the gutter!
This is my opinion based on observation and no criticism please!
Shaik Abdulhameed, works at Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India
Originally Answered: China or India, who is stronger?
no doubt,china very stronger than india on both sides like econamy and military.but first we have to understand,when such country add nuclear weapons and medium range missliles it is not right to compare country's military strength. in case of economy chainas' imports huge than us,fully convertable market economy is our india's strength.we have to watch this china a permanent member of us security council but democracy is our main money and corruptions are main weaknesses of our country.
Abhinash Dutta
I have been reading the answers to the question and have seen that all the Chinese writers have answered in affirmative. I just can't help thinking that perhaps after posting their answers, they all are having a quiet laugh at our expense as we puff up with ego and pride. Alternatively the Chinese just may be too modest to show off their achievements.
Daniel Cohort, Big Data Director in China
Chinese economy is way more stronger and diversified than India’s . India does not have what is required for a global power : manufacturing prowess.
As for military power, India has better relations with western countries, so it could obtain more western technologies than China does. But it seems India has not been able to make good use of it and its own defence industry is far behind China’s.
Robbie Jena, Industrial Ecosystems and Strategy Architect
Originally Answered: Who is stronger, India or China?
Long ago, like 100,000 years ago India and China were friends and equal to everything…Now in 30 to 60 years, same will happen.
Piyush Abhishek Singh
Originally Answered: China or India, who is stronger?
Well China is ahead in almost all aspect supported by statistics but in recent years China has made more enemy than friends while India has made more friends than enemy. In Layman terms India know how to live in a global society while China is behaving like a child. If China and India are placed politically on global level then India is ahead of china.
Tamim Taj, learner
Originally Answered: Who is more powerful between India and China?
I'm sorry my Indian friends to break this to you. But facts remain facts. In terms of military, china is ahead of India, economy ? China is ahead with all the obvious reasons, population ? They have more than India so more labor market. They've got land to cover all that people too.
Biggest reason why they're more successfull is because they're not divided like India
Ramesh Raja, Managing Director at Real Estate (2004-present)
Originally Answered: Is China more powerful than India?
China’s economy is larger than India. China’s population is larger than India. China has military budget larger than India. China have more soldiers than India. So China is powerful than India.
Raven Xu, B.S. Software Engineering, Northeastern University (2020)
Originally Answered: China or India, who is stronger?
only one point to explain it, China now is often compared with USA, but how about India? Who will compare India with USA
Priyadarshan Gajendra, KNOWS English, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada and Tamil at Home (2007-present)
No one is stronger and no one is weaker. If you and me just plan to fight then, you will defiantly have 10 people behind you and even behind me same. The question is who is human to all the things in this Universe. Only Weapons manufacturers and suppliers and War dreamers will benefit and make profits, by making India and China fight to see them destroying themselves to make the lands not to live
Raul, Lead at Germany (2009-present)
No.. India knows it very well and hence it's politicians are too cautious while dealing with China. More than Chinese mighty army,India is worried about Chinese aggressive strategy- they have cheque book power, when they decide to take a decision, they don't Step back. That's their might,no country can dare to raise their eyebrows.. that's China. And for a surprise,Indian army stand has surprised everyone in world.
没有. .印度非常了解这一点,因此政客们在与中国打交道时会十分谨慎。比起中国强大的军队,印度更担心中国咄咄逼人的战略——他们手中有着支票簿,当他们决定做出决定时,他们不会退缩。那是他们的力量,没有一个国家敢挑衅他们。这就是中国。令人惊讶的是,印度军队的立场让世界上所有人都感到惊讶。
Iftikhar Alam, works at Startup Founders and Entrepreneurs
Originally Answered: Is china is more powerful than india?
Is the gap widening or closing in? Widening?
You have your answer there..
China literacy rate: 96%
India: 72%
China GDP per Capita ranking: 72nd
India: 139th
China Population living under $3.1/day: 2.5%
India: 58.1%
Sanjana Poddar, studied at MBGHSS
Originally Answered: China or India, who is stronger?
Right now china
In future india provided ppl start focusing on real issue rather thn the issue like gay marriage transformation of religion and other not so important stuff
Srinivas Rao Holi, former Retired from private company.
Originally Answered: Is India stronger than China now?
In all aspects India is behind china
Like area, population,GDP, Economic activities, defences, Military,innovations,export market,domestic consuption,natural resources etc.
Now it is second biggest economy in the world after USA ,very soon it accelerate to first position.
Rowan Ma
no, it IS not. India has advantages such as average age, number of population, English skills…etc
but the disadvantages are also huge, level of education, social classes, poverty …etc. India will only be a stronger India, not the next China.
Kraj Sevim
No. Although both strong/powerful nations are skilled in the military, China might have some advantages. Manpower, and nuclear weapons.
Harini Madhusudan, studied at Cluny Convent High School
Originally Answered: China or India, who is stronger?
I feel India has embraced it's huge population as an advantage. We have a huge population of youngsters. China on the other hand is technically advanced. Right now, China is the better country. But India does have the scope to advance.
Rajvansh Singh, lives in India
China is definitely stronger from india..
Be it army , nuclear weapons, political conditions and as research that it would be one of the leading countries of the world in the coming years…
Crayon Elephant, International Field Agent at SFA (2018-)
I wonder who came up with this kind of meaningless questions? You dont even have to ask cuz the answer is too obvious - INDIA is stronger!
Kilian Zhang, A Humble Thinker
Yes. India is slightly stronger than China.
India has dem-cracy. China is a semi-authoritarian country. India wins. 1:0
India has population of 1.3 billion, China has 1.4 billion, but China’s aging. 2:1
India treats Pakistan as big threat. China little bit worry about Taiwan. 3:2
India has more West support, while most West countries see China as their biggest opponent. 4:3
Indian people are very creative at Religions. China imported Buddhism from India. So 30% of Chinese ideology actually shaped by Indian philosopher. 5:4
Indian people are better mastering English. While most Chinese can only speak Mandarin or even merely some kind of Chinese dialect no one can understand. 6:4
India managed to send their probe into Mars, while China still aimed Moon. 7:4
China has better infrastructure, such as high speed trains, highways, mega hydro-power plants. Although India is catching up. 7:5
India land mass 3+ million km² , China has 9+ million km², but most of area are desert, mountains. 7:6
India locates close to Persian Gulf, give them edge to get oil more easily and economically.
China’s oil shipping boat should pass Malacca Strait. 8:6
Nowadays China have 4 times bigger GDP(11.3 trillion $) then India(2.3 trillion $). But India has more higher GDP growth rate. 8:7
Overall, so far in December 2016, India is slightly stronger than China.
Pei Wang, Trainee at SFA
Definitely YES.
I don't see many aspects in which China is better than India. On the contrary, India perfectly exceeds China in many aspects.
For example,India has launched a rocket with astonishing 104 satellites! That's a remarkable achievement. But as I know China hasn't sent more than 10 satellites in one time.
Let's look at the economy, India’s economic growth rate now has surpassed China, and China is still on the down trend, this situation will last for many years. According to the report of Havard, by 2024, the economy growth rate of India will be more than 8%, while that of China is only 4.4%, so India can do much better than China. India has a large group of young laber forces, it’s population structure is very reasonable, but China is getting old, it lacks laber forces. So you can see India is on the rise in all aspects, but China is gradually going down. There’s no doubt that the future belongs to India, the whole world will see India growing stronger and finally becoming the world’s leader.
Now obviously we must say, India is stronger than China.
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