How South Korea won the battle sans lockdown韩国如何在没有封城的情况下赢得“战役”的?NEW DELHI: No cities h
How South Korea won the battle sans lockdown
NEW DELHI: No cities have been locked down, no transport closed and international entry is still open. Well, that’s South Korea which has not only managed to flatten the curve of rising coronavirus cases in the country but has done a remarkable job of fully curing 41% of its 9,137 infected citizens, keeping the death count at just 131 as on Wednesday.
South Korea has discharged 3,730 of its 9,137 confirmed Covid-19 patients who have fully recovered, Dr Lee Wang-jun, CEO of Myongji Hospital and chairman of Korean Hospital Association, said on Wednesday at a specially organised webinar by the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR). The video conference was organised by the UNDRR and the WHO for 900 disaster management and health specialists from 105 countries to learn from the Korean experience.
周三,在联合国减灾办公室(UNDRR)特别组织的网络研讨会上,韩国明知医院首席执行官、韩国医院协会主席Lee Wang-jun博士表示,在该国9137名确诊患者中,3730人已出院。此次视频会议是由联合国减灾办公和世卫组织为来自105个国家的900名灾害管理和卫生专家组织的,旨在学习韩国的经验。
Dr Lee explained the Korean strategy as containing four key policies. “The first policy is one of complete openness and transparency in sharing updated information on new infections through the Korean Centre for Disease Control, simultaneously with all stakeholders, including the media, on where, when and how the infections were discovered and investigated,” a UNDRR report said.
The lessons learnt from the MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) outbreak in 2015 were handy, as a result there was no confusion among the public about the drills to be followed during a pandemic to avoid spreading the virus. “No cities have been locked down, no transport closed and international entry is still open,” Dr Lee said.
The second policy was containment and mitigation — tracking all suspect cases and tracing all confirmed ones.
Mitigation involved lowering the peak of the outbreak through a social distancing campaign introduced just after the big outbreak in Daegu at the end of February, Dr Lee said. Daegu, with a population of 2.5 million, reported 735 infections in a single day as against Seoul’s 75 with a population of 25 million. Korea has managed to restrict the community spread of Covid-19 to Daegu with 85% of all cases. Though it decided to close all schools and imposed voluntary restrictions on large gatherings, no cities were put under lockdown.
“The fourth policy promoted massive screening and fasttracking of suspect cases, underpinned by accelerated production of diagnostic kits with a weekly diagnostic capability of 430,000,” Dr Lee said.
Rationalist Atheist Hindutva
If people of India were as disciplined as the Koreans, would have been easy.
Praveen Goyal
i believe you are missing the main point and thats lack of testing facility,
Dilbag Rai
Cornovirus is gulping the whole world creating havocs . South Korea desrves applause by containing it without lockdown for which all countriies should take a leaf out of its book
Sujoy Singh
Those measures are possible in South Korea due to small population but in India with such huge population it is not easy to implement those measures.
Viji Cheri User
The mindset of people in India is very much different ..... That's the biggest problem
Nageswara Rao S
The process will not work ion huge undeveloped country like India. Before calling Modi names let us remember the Europe and US have failed and the total no even today is not that big but yes the big question is we must avoid spread and ONLY WAY IS STAY HOME.
Rupam Nath
South Korea is the only country in the World, which has developed, excelled in almost all fields, they touched upon in the last few decades!!
Arun Ganguli
South Korea and India are not same compared to area and population and their stategy will not work here
our total lockdown is the answer
Chakradhara Behera
In a country where educated people and their affluent parents try to hide travel history just to avoid quarantine, no measure will work..Even this lock down will have limited effect..
Priyabrata Das
Small country. Small population. Test and Treat. Possible.
Big country. Big population. Prevention is cure. That's why lock down if that is the implicit question Mr Thakur is asking.
Rajeev Goel
South Koreans being an exceptionally disciplined people is the key driver of the success of this approach.
aaaa bbbb
This is India.... if you provide anything free... they will do anything...
MP Singh
Basic blunder which Modi Govt. did and continues doing is the lack of testing kits and centres, isolating and treating the confirmed cases. Merely lockdown may not help.
do you know indian population ? if 1 % of population have virus . think ? . don't post stupid ideas . give some good ideas .
these measures can be taken in a small country like South Korea.
This is not possible in India just because we don't spend enough on education. All these South Koreans are educated, mind you, unlike cattle class majority of India.
These things dont work in India where people don't have common sense and civic sense
Amazing job by korean administration
Jai Ho
South Koreas population is 5 crs and India's population is 135 crores
the things that worked in their are definitely a learning. but same cannot be blindely applied
it's possible only in small country like south Korea
Jeevan Gopal
Anyone with common sense can say this won't work in India....
Naresh Kumar
May be its not common sense but our mindset.. we are always have slave mentality we surrender to everything.. we never try
aaaa bbbb
Nice work. Even our govt should learn from them instead of ordering police guys to hit people like animals.
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