
Why doesn't China support India even when all other countries do?其他国家都支持印度,为什么中国不支持?以下是quora读者的评论:Er

Why doesn't China support India even when all other countries do?



Eric A
Why does India bother China’s support, as India has all other countries support already?



Darshan Singh, former Principal Commissioner of Income Tax.

It is the sense of guilt which is so deep that even China fears and hate to know anything as happened in the past.



Sujit Singh

You need to understand that every country has it’s own needs and goals. Pakistan provides shortest possible route to Arabian sea from china overcoming strangulation at Malacca strait by USA and it’s ally. Also, Gwader port will serve militarily, which India opposes.

China need Pakistan more than Pakistan need china.

Also, china can’t have a stronger force next to its’ border, reason being, just as pak is impediment to India influence outside of South Asia, same apply to India with respective to China’s influence in south Asia; also Russia as an impediment in central Asia; Pacific ocean beyond USA.



I guess, it is mutually destructive for both China and India, since they are separated by Himalayan mountains, they should ensure peace with each other.

China needs to resolve boundary dispute, the more they prolong more it becomes dangerous since outside forces will drive the wedge between them.

As I said, every country have their needs, but those have to change according to new ground realities.



