
The dangers of going all out against China, according to SA Aiyar资深经济评论员斯瓦米纳坦·艾亚尔:全面抵制中国的危险

 The dangers of going all out against China, according to SA Aiyar



Despite the ongoing disengagement at the India-China border following a tense weeks-long faceoff, there seems to be no let-up in calls to ban Chinese goods.


Even as concerted efforts from both sides gradually take the edge off the tension at Ladakh, local industry finds itself in considerable dilemma over what happens if/when India actually severs decades-old business linkages with its trans-Himalayan neighbour.


In an interview today, senior economy commentator Swaminathan Aiyar put the vexing issue in perspective. Rejecting the popular notion that the China story could be over for India, Aiyar highlighted the dangers of plunging headlong into an import ban. China must be sent a stern message but not in this manner, he insisted.


There is a need to draw a clear line between goods that can be banned and the ones that can't be, he said.


There is not much downside to banning Chinese apps, kites, candles, clocks or toys, Aiyar explained, because such a move will not increase consumer prices here owing to the fact that India has other options available at roughly similar price points. But if India goes and bans stuff like Chinese machinery or intermediate goods, it will hurt the Indian economy deeply because no other nation can provide us the same stuff at the cost that China does, he cautioned.


If India goes ahead with a ban on such goods, it will then lose out to other countries that continue with Chinese imports, Aiyar reasoned. He cited the example of ASEAN nations to make his point clear: These nations have a long history of bitterness with China but they have never banned Chinese goods. If India goes for a ban, it will simply lose competitiveness, he said.


Put checks and balances on finished or consumer goods by all means, but don't touch capital goods or intermediate ones — is what he said India should do at this point.


It is okay for the Swadeshi Jagran Manch to push individual consumers to boycott Chinese goods, but at the state level India must not delink from China, especially in case of cap goods or technology, Aiyar said.

艾亚尔说,Swadeshi Jagran Manch((印度民族主义极端组织RSS附属的右翼组织))可以推动个人消费者抵制中国货,但在国家层面上,印度不能与中国切断联系,特别是在资本或技术方面。

Putting in safeguards is better than altogether banning Chinese electrical equipment, an area where China supplies goods very cheap; the same goes for solar panels and battery storage, and so it is not possible for India to go big on solar without Chinese imports, he explained.


Aiyar underlined the need to be careful in certain areas such as defence production, but he also insisted that India and China are inseparable in many areas of trade and economics. The point is to not overdo it and to always have a calibrated response so that one does not go over the top, he said.


There are other countries which have just as much grievance against China as we have, but they are not going over the top and neither should we, Aiyar cautioned.



以下是印度经济时报读者的评论: 译者:Jessica.Wu

Tapas Mitra

It is ridiculous to compare India's position with other countries with respect to relationship with China. All these countries are not facing the border issue that China has intentionally threatend India with. India has to send a clear and strong message to China that the sovereign existence of India is supreme and take a position which may even asymptote stubbornness on India's part. How can economic benefits and costs be more important than a country's sovereignty? Of course India would like to do business with Chinese firms but not at the cost of disregard for India's sovereignty. Is it ok for the World order for China to think that it would continue to do business transactions with India on the oneside and encroach on India's land on the other? Also this is not a new behaviour of China. It has been the case many times earlier. This time India must not budge at any cost.






I applaud Sajjan Jindal for taking decisions to stop the Chinese imports within 2 years period, and he surely knows about the supply chain dynamics more than S Aiyar. Govt must also develop the framework of developing the local industries



Mukunda Grama Shama

As Mr aiyar said banning of China products is not the need of the hour. The Indian industries should start manufacturing the products at competitive prices which are at present imported fro China



Other Work18

We should Focus on One of the world biggest market that is India itself. If we are truly able to fulfill all our needs indiginious then we will not be having problem in competing with others in export Front.



Jothi Narayanan

Where we have gone wrong to inflict upon us a trade deficit of about sixty billion US$ with China?




Buttering to China must be stopped by Lutyens gang



Gaurav Singh

Don't you worry Mr Iyer, we can make heavy machinery , solar cells , silicon chips and batteries, focus your energy on how to go about it rather than wearing this hopeless attitude.



Sridhar N

Why don’t we make in Bharat (India)?



Narasimhan Bangalore

There is no argument for severing the ties with China. But in the modern day world mutual dependence for live and let live principles it is not wise to cut off relations completely.



Sk Kapoor

Iyer should be charged for treason for his this writing and other writings.



Nathan Bahirathan

The goal should be to get rid of imports from China. Aiyar's views are discouraging. The only reason China is cheap is due to the over productionof items and dumping them in the world market. Should this be encouraged? If that is the case then India will always be dependent on China.





ankur rastogi

how many years will we depend on china for our needs.tough decisions is need of the hour.



Pramod Shevde

Irresponsible article by S A Iyer.



Sk Kapoor

Aiyar seems to be a paid Chinese writer as always writing forChina.




China has repeatedly stated that India has nothing to sell to China. .



Bertrand Juan

China has been the world's largest exporter of goods since 2009. Official estimates suggest Chinese exports amounted to $2.097 trillion in 2017. Since 2013, China has also become the largest trading nation in the world. The United States previously held this position.



Santhanam Srinivas

Where there is a will there is a way.Rome is not built in a day.If we focus on the Swedeshi we can be successful in the long run. We should start swimming instead standing on the shore Of course plenty of difficulties but we have to face In future there will be no actual war. only Economic war Let us prepare ourselves for it.China has indicated the way for it



Kommu Kiriti

When the country's security and integrity are involved there can be no compromise and even economic considerations have to take a backseat.




ok ok well go ahead with complete ban on Chinese products, but remember China will bypass such ban through our neighbouring countries like Bangladesh, Myanmar, srilanka, Mauritius, etc. recently India banned import of palm oil from Malaysia however, Malaysia started importing through Nepal. Nepal earned lots of money through Malaysian palm oil imports and then sell the finished products to India. our neighboring countries will see this as an opportunity to import Chinese products and export it to India as their own. now you cannot ban all our neighboring countries.

