穆斯林泳装禁令:美国警告游客遵守法国法律 [美国媒体]


Burkini ban: US warns tourists to obey French law


Washington (AFP) - The United States said Wednesday it does not support bans by French resorts on Muslim swimwear but warned American travelers that they should obey local laws


Dozens of French resorts have banned beachwear that "conspicuously" shows a person's religion, an order targeting the "burkini" -- a full-body swimsuit worn by some Muslim women.


In response to a reporter's question as to whether the United States would update its travel advice to warn Muslim Americans, a US official advised them to obey the rules.


"Of course we believe in the ability of people to express their religious views as they see fit, and we believe that in this case as well," State Department spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau told reporters.


"US citizens are advised to comply with local law regardless of what country they visit. But on this particular very local ordinance, I would refer you to the French."


The United States has expressed concern about French attitudes to religious dress in the past, in particular its national legal ban on full-face veils in public spaces.


in-a-raw 19 minutes ago
There won't be any discussions, bans and other controversial actions toward Muslim women wearing what ever they want or need, if it won;t be about those Muslims who are called extremest terrorists. It is a real deadly rapidly growing concern world wide, and normal peaceful muslims should do something about it, at least being cooperative with the government of the western countries that welcomes them, to help to fight the spread of attacks on *infidels*. The Muslim women bark at the wrong tree, they should recognize the motive behind the ban, and comply.


World War 20 minutes ago
The French are pretty much saying they don't want Muslims in their country. But it might be too late since Muslims are 30% of the population. The muslims have built over 1500 mosques in France. How stupid can the French be? As stupid as Merkel in Germany. As stupid as Hillary to let in 200,000 from Syria. Vote for Hillary and you will see your nice neighborhoods over run with gangs and terrorists. There will be no safe place in America ever again.


Tom 13 minutes ago
It's not the government's place to tell people what type of swimsuit to wear at a public beach. If France didn't want women walking around the beach in burkinis, then maybe they shouldn't have let hundreds of thousands of Muslims into their country. What, did they expect these migrants to suddenly throw off their clothes and enthusiastically adopt the sexually explicit French culture? It doesn't work that way.


ku 4 minutes ago
We should always respect other people homes or otherwise you stay at yours.
Life is simple.


Mpo65251 1 hour ago
"The United States has expressed concern about French attitudes..."
and you think that the French care about this concern ? Mind your business as we see that we are far from being an example.


Skip 1 hour ago
The only solution to this issue is that all females should swim nude.


Paul 49 minutes ago
Full-face veils need to be banned in any country because there have been plenty of instances when male criminals eluded capture by disguising themselves as veiled Muslim women.


Al 1 hour ago
This is like saying don't park on a red zone. The sign is there, people can see it. Too much Government in our business.


Skip 35 minutes ago
This policy is simply common sense. Male police with automatic weapons need to be ordering women to undress in public.
