【今日俄罗斯】克里姆林宫助理:伊拉克购买“大批”T-90坦克 [俄罗斯媒体]


Iraq buys ‘large batch’ of T-90 tanks –Kremlin aide



T90-s tank © Butsenko Anton / Global LookPress

A Kremlin aide has confirmed that the Iraqiarmed forces will soon take delivery of Russian-made T-90 battle tanks.The Russian hardware will be deployed alongside the US M1A1 Abrams tanks.


“A significant contract for a large batch” of T-90 tanks, has beensigned between Baghdad and manufacturer Uralvagonzavod, Vladimir Kozhin, an aide to the Russian president onmilitary-technical cooperation told the Izvestiya daily.

“I cannot disclose the exact cost [of the tank contract] but thenumber [of tanks] is substantial,” Kozhin added.

“巴格达已经和制造商乌拉尔车辆厂签订了一份订购大量T-90主战坦克的合同”,弗拉基米尔· 科真告诉《消息报》,科真是俄罗斯军事技术合作方面的总统助理。


Earlier, Uralvagonzavod indicated that itwill deliver 73 T-90S/SK tanks to Iraq this year. A yearly report for 2016published earlier in July by the manufacturer mentioned a contract with“foreign customer 368”, i.e. Iraq, to be fulfilled in 2017.


T-90S is the designation of the exportversion of the armor while “SK” stands for the export version meantfor a unit commander.


Iraq’s Ministry of Defense has alsoconfirmed the purchase of the Russian tanks.


According to Izvestiya’s report, theshipment of 70 T-90 would be followed by more deliveries. The armor sale mayamount to “hundreds” of tanks and surpass $1 billion.


Russia’s FederalService for Military-Technical Cooperation, which supervisesMoscow’s arms trade, declined to comment on the details.


Iraq made the decision to purchase theRussian military hardware following the successful performance of the tanks inSyria, the publication noted.


Highlighting the growing demand for Russianweaponry given their effectiveness in Syria, President Vladimir Putin earlierthis month noted the need to expand Russian arms sales abroad.


Putin stressed though, that theproliferation of military technology should in no way impact negatively on thestrategic balance of power in regions where the weapons are sold to. Instead offueling conflict, weapons should be used to prevent it, the Russian leaderemphasized.


“All our decisions on supplies of arms to external markets are basedon the current international situation in various regions – in order to preventany imbalances and to avoid an escalation of conflicts. On the contrary, ourweapons must be used to contain conflicts at the early stages,” Putin underlined.


Kozhin meanwhile told the Izvestiyanewspaper that Kuwait is also interested in purchasing the T-90s.


Yuri Ivanovich
After everything the US has done for Iraqand they turn around and buy Russian military equipment.....this is a good signthey have finally seen what country is truly on their side.  Russia.


    Reality Check
    Russia is building strong relations with the Middle East,strategically vital area. People there are not stupid, they see what theAmericans have done over the last few decades,     causing instability andmurdering people. This is natural. Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria and others.Americans are very concerned.


    Yuri Ivanovich
    And the Yanks,and their allies, should be very concerned for the mess they have created.


    Reality Check
    I trulybelieve that the Americans did this on purpose. It was part of an insane planto destabilise the region with the ultimate goal to weaken Russia. Of course thesethings         don't work out that way. They are in panic mode now when Russia haltedthem in Syria. Tried to approach Russian on her Easter side via North Korea andhave been stopped  there by China. I think the U.S. is very dangerous nowbecause it is desperate. World powers know this, hence the heavy buildup ofarms. I think a major war will start.

    我是真的相信美国佬是故意这样做的。他们的最终目标是削弱俄罗斯,而破坏地区稳定正是他们疯狂计划的一部分。当俄罗斯在叙利亚阻止他们的时候,他们陷入了恐慌。 他们还试图在北朝鲜搞事,但是被中国挡下了。我认为美国现在很绝望很危险。世界各个强国都知道这件事,所以各国都在加强军备,下一次大战一触即发。

Reality Check
Wow, multi-billion dollar sale to Turkey and now this, plus hugeorders of superior MIG-35 and military drills with China anddominance in the middle-east, the balance of power in the world is changingdaily. Russia rising and America falling dramatically.


    The US has the best airsuperiority fighter on the planet and they don't sell it.


    What is the name of thisbest air superiority fighter on the planet?


    He is referring to the FY2014$299m/copy F-35C


    Very expensive.


    They are $80M.


    No, that would e theF-22.  The F-35 is not primarily an airsuperiority fighter.


    Christian Winter
    The F35 is nothing 'primarily'. It'ssupposed to do everything and is ending up doing nothing any good.


    So, you're saying"The F-35 is not primarily an air superiority fighter" is a correctstatement?


    Christian Winter
    Yep. It's supposed to be a fighter, aground attack plane with the added feature of providing CAS. The designcompromises for that makes the F-35 good in nothing of what
    it is supposed todo. It's not an "air superiority fighter", primarily or otherwise. Itbetter doesn't get in any "fair" fight in the air, it would loose.
    The best air superiority fighter in the world, and that was theissue, is the F-22. And the production for that has sadly stopped.


Even after being conquered by America, Iraq still chooses Russianweapons.


    Christian Winter
    The Russians have the better weapons, thatthey are fielded in generally incompetent armies, that's a different issue.
    There is a great analysis from the US general that led thedestruction of Iraqi armor at 73 Easting, he concluded that US forces wouldhave been wiped out in this battle if
    they had faced Russianinstead of Iraqi forces.

    俄罗斯拥有更加优秀的武器,它们只是大部分被垃圾军队使用,这是完全不同的问题。 一个曾在73区以东指挥美军摧毁伊拉克装甲部队的美国将军写了一份分析报告,在这份报告中他总结道,如果在那场战斗中面对的是俄罗斯军队而不是伊拉克军队,美国军队会被消灭。

    Reality Check
    Let's not forget the relentless sanctions and bombing of Iraq duringthe 90's by U.S. and NATO. The country was weakened. Hundreds of thousands ofchildren died as a
    result of  notreceiving medicine. A massive war crime by the U.S. and her allies. By the timethe Americans invaded Iraq, it was weak.


    Christian Winter
    Irrelevant. Arab armies, including the Iraqi army at the time, aregenerally inferior to any western army regardless what equipment you put in thehands of those conscripts.
    That has nothing to dowith sanctions or the state of the economy, it's a cultural thing.
    Right now you have a Saudi Army that is better equipped than mostwestern armies soundly beaten by people that wearing sandals, carrying AK-47's.That same Saudi army
    would be rolled over by any western force in a matter ofno matter how many new shiny M1's you put in their hands.


    Reality Check
    The U.S. and NATO were concerned about the resistance they wouldface in Iraq. That is why they weakened it with years of sanctions and bombing.Otherwise they would
     have entered immediately. The Iraqi army was strong in the90's, battle-hardened after warring with Iran.

    美国和北约害怕他们在伊拉克会遇到强烈抵抗。所以他们通过几年的经济制裁和轰炸削弱伊拉克。不然的话他们早就进入伊拉克了。 伊拉克在90年代是很强的,他们在于伊朗的战争中身经百战。

    Christian Winter
    Incompetent even than. When you look at what Iraq could bring to thebattle and what Iran had at the time, you just have to wonder how they managedto loose that. War is a little more than a collection of weapon systems, it's notfought by comparing those on excel sheets. There are a lot of things that arewrong with arab armies, hence
     they get beaten regardless how much weaponry theybring to the party. As i said, that's a cultural thing.

    那时的伊拉克军队更加无能。如果你知道两伊战争的时候伊拉克使用什么武器,伊朗使用什么武器,你就得怀疑伊拉克到底是怎么输掉那场战争的。战争不是收集武器装备,不是在EXCEL表格上拿武器装备作比较。阿拉伯军队存在很多问题,所以不管他们装备什么 武器,他们都会被打败。我说过了,这是文化的问题。

    Reality Check
    I disagree. That part of the world is the cradle of civilisation.These people have fought for centuries, still fighting. Don't forget theAmericans didn't just walk into Iraq and  take it. A lot were killed, we'llnever now how many. What about America in Vietnam? By your argument Westernerscan't fight, it's a "cultural thing". Or the Soviets in Afghanistan?It's more complex than that. Otherwise that part of the world wouldn't be sucha powder keg. I think if you went there you wouldn't think Arabs can't fight.

    我不同意你的观点。中东是世界文明的发源地。那里的人民已经战斗了数个世纪,至今仍在战斗。不要忘了美国人不是简简单单地走进伊拉克然后拿到控制权。很多美国人    士兵阵亡,我们永远不会知道到底有多少。而美国在越南的情况呢?按你的逻辑的话,西方人也打不了仗,因为这是“文化上的事”。或者你想想苏联在阿富汗失败。事情远      远没有那么简单。不然的话中东也不会是火药桶了。我想你到过那里你就不会认为阿拉伯人打不了仗了。

    applies to all except the Syrian army


    I don't know if it's a cultural thing or not, but war is a technicalthing, like a science, and when the US uses overwhelming majority and the combined use of land, air, sea, and spaceassets, and allies from dozens of vassals, supported by highly developedlogistics companies and trillions of taxpayer dollars, it's clear why theywould win
