-------------译者:baolei9788-A picture has emerged on social media which claims to show a new military
A picture has emerged on social media which claims to show a new military drone China is building.
The unnamed aircraft said to be a torpedo bomber is able to skim the surface of the sea and carry out 'lethal attacks' on warships said a post on Weibo the Chinese equivalent to Twitter.
In addition the alleged drone would be able to avoid radar detection as it could fly at an extremely low altitude above the waters according to Chinese news website Sina.
It looks like a left over from a Star Wars film.看着像是星球大战遗迹。
Model held up with wiresorry try again.Thunderbirds want their model back.又是东抄西借的模型,雷鸟神机队想要回他们的模型。
1.5bn c o m m i e b @ s t @ r d s with weapons like that look pretty s c a r y. I still don't get why people aren't concerned about it.15亿共档魂蛋装备这种武器很恐怖,我不明白为什么人们漠不关心。
It's probably a fake. Their CH5 is a copy of the US Predator drone and most of their 'new' aircraft are so obviously rip-offs of US designs they've stolen. This thing is so ungainly it seems improbably it'd fly much less be of actual Chinese design considering their propensity for outright design piracy.很可能是假的,他们的彩虹5无人机抄袭了美国的掠夺者。他们绝大部分“新”飞行器都抄袭了偷来的美国设计。这东西丑死了,看着都不大可能飞起来,更不可能真的是中国设计的了,因为他们习惯于毫不掩饰地抄袭。
I call photoshop bullish.it.我称它为ps出来的骗局
No it`s an Exocet by another name. Tracey You should look up Falklands War in Wikipedia.不,它的另一个名字叫飞鱼导弹。 Tracey你该去维基百科找找福克兰群岛战争。
I do hope it's made of better material that the micro oven I purchased about two years ago as it is now rusting away made in China what a laugh. Question do we actually make anything in the U.K.我真心希望这架飞机的材料质量能好点,两年前我买了一个微波炉,现在已经生锈了,中国制造真是可笑。问题是我们英国现在还有制造什么产品吗?
cheeky Monkey -> softcollar
You do know microwave should be kept in side and out of the rain numpty你该知道的,微波炉该放一边防潮 傻瓜。
Benny the Dip
I hope it's better than the remote controlled boat i bought for someone.......it sinks我希望它比遥控船好囖,,,我买过一个送人。。。。然后它沉了。
Everything that China makes militarily or commercially is either reverse-engineered or stolen.......中国制造的所有商业军事产品,不是逆向工程就是偷的。
One day all of this stuff will probably be tested somewhere in the world with malice and intent. Then it will be ratcheted up a few notches no doubt elsewhere also and that's when life as we know it will become a rather different experience for a very long time. It will only take one miscommunication or loss of patience or loss of temper and then the really hot sparks will fly with plenty of whizzbangs and other noisy projectiles that will culminate in one cataclysmic display of self-destruction. Better to talk to one another. Kim Jong-Un.... don't you agree?终有一天,这些武器将被用以实战,然后一发不可收拾,我们的生活将被彻底改变。只要一次小小的误解、冲动、发火,战争就能被点燃。炮火纷飞,生灵涂炭,最终导致大洪水那样的自我毁灭。我们最好展开对话,小金,你同意吗?
ensang -> buzzingworld
Professor Brian Coxs " the thing I fear the most that could result in the end of life on earth is Stupidity" I couldn't agree moreBrian Coxs(英国粒子物理学家)说:“在所有能导致地球毁灭的东西中,我最担忧的是愚蠢。”我举双手赞成。
China copies most of their new designs involving new technology the picture looks photoshopped.中国大部分新技术和设计都是抄来的,这张图像是PS的。
Kirk St.Moritz
Okay who's been watching Space 1999 then and copied the Interceptors protecting Earth flown by the sexy Birds with mauve hair then.好吧,是谁一直在看太空:1999(1975年出品的一部美剧,讲述1999年人类的太空探险经历),然后抄袭了里面的拦截者计划?
X20 -> Kirk St.Moritz
Oh btw it's a made up picture of something claiming to be an Ekranoplan (something Russia gave up on). So no suprises there. Fix your escalators!顺便说一句,这是张假造的图,图里的东西据称是地效翼船(俄国人放弃的东西),所以不要惊讶。先把你们的自动扶梯修好吧!
Just google "ekranoplan". Russians were developing this stuff years ago.谷歌“地效翼船”,俄国人许多年以前就一直在研究了。
Beijing is really panicking and afraid of the US military closing in so they are rolling out as much propaganda as they can FOR INTERNAL CONSUMPTION. China totally lacks the command structure to do anything else than have its generals running Karaoke "spas" and running over students in tanks.中国对美国军力恐慌不已,所以他们为了稳定民心尽可能地搞各种宣传,中国完全没有指挥结构,他们除了让他们的将军开卡拉OK水疗店和碾学生之外,什么都干不了。
cheeky Monkey -> reluctant.rodent
Did you read past the headline?你读标题了吗?
Uncanny how their stuff always looks like our stuff innit?惊了,他们的东西怎么老看着像我们的?
cheeky Monkey -> youaintseenmeright
Care to share a example of the same thing from the uk? Or was that a cheap comment.英国也有这种东西?你倒是举个例子啊,要不你就是在胡扯。
Trevor Oast
Is it strong and stable?这个够强大,不散架?
Which could be an Airfix model or a Star wars extra可能是一个遥控模型,最多是星球大战模型。
You can buy one from Aliexpress for ?19.99.......你可以在速卖通那里买一个,19.99包邮。
I BE A Penguin
I suppose Amazon have got a share in the company?...If you don't pay your bill on time it will appearing over your duckpond at wavetop height (or whatever)..我猜亚马逊在那公司有参股?。。。如果你不及时付款,它会在你家养鸭的小池塘了掀起巨浪?(不清楚,可能就是催付款催得厉害吧。。。)
are you serious
Is it compensating for something?这是用来补偿其他什么东西的吗?
I BE A Penguin -> are you serious
A small wil ly?
I BE A Penguin 回复are you serious用来替代小鸡鸡?
From the descxtion it sound more like a 'ground effect craft'...similar to that Russian craft that was in the DM not so long ago.从描述中它听起来更像一架地效飞机。。。类似于本站不久前报道的那架俄罗斯飞机。
Norm Al
It looks wrong!它看起来不对劲!
Made in China........ just like everything we buy everyday all across the world.中国制造,就像我们每天在世界各地买的东西一样质量差,价格低
Clever idea it drops a torpedo some distance out then goes under the water to hit the ship and so avoids the close in anti-missile defense systems.聪明的想法:它会扔出鱼雷一段距离,然后在水下击中航母,这样无视了导弹防御系统
Charles -> John
Where does it say it can go underwater? Oh...sorry...the torpedo goes underewater!
Charles 回复 John哪里说了这架飞机可以水下运行? 哦 抱歉,你说的是鱼雷会在水下运行!
ProperAngry -> John
If it works....如果它可以做到的话....
Just looks like a rip off of the reaper drone just like everything else they do cheap rip off of someone else's ideas. Well when it comes to war if you wait to rip off the other guys tactics then you are done.这看起来就像窃取了收割者无人机的技术,这很像他们的作为。
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