-------------译者:黎明晖烬-The EU has urged China to clamp down on the sale of inflatable dinghies which
The EU has urged China to clamp down on the sale of inflatable dinghies which are falling into the hands of smuggling gangs and used to carry migrants on treacherous sea journeys to Europe.
About 1.4 million refugees and migrants have made their way to Europe since 2015 many fleeing Syria's bloody civil war in the biggest wave of migration the continent has seen since World War Two.
Thousands have died often while attempting to cross the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas in flimsy rubber boats.
Speaking at a press conference today Dimitris Avramopoulos the EU commissioner for migration home affairs and citizenship said: 'China can help and support the EU in its fight against migrant smugglers.'
He added: 'The rubber boats used by smuggler networks in the Mediterranean are fabricated somewhere in China.
'I requested the support and cooperation from the Chinese authorities in order to track down this business and dismantle it because what they produce is not serving the common good of the country.
That explains why so many sink难怪沉了那么多。
Ronnie Rooster
Are EU politician's really that stupid. Their comment beggars belief. Has someone been at the scotch again?难道欧盟官员真的有那么蠢么?这发言水平简直低到令人难以置信,是不是威士忌又喝多了?
The one thing the EU is very good at blaming everyone else for their mistakes. Politicians. What more needs said. Not a shred of integrity among them.欧盟擅长的为数不多的事儿就是甩锅。呵呵,政客,还用说啥?他们哪怕有一丁点正直也是好的。
Robin Jay
Rolls eyes they really are stupid他们真够蠢的,手动翻白眼。
Nothing to do with Herr Merkel's open offer for anyone to come and live in europe then. Every t. error 1st incident every death and injury. All of the disruption they have caused all of the fear and angst felt by europeans. All of the cost and all of the crime all of the attacks on women and children All of it down to no one else but the Naztie herr Merkel.默克尔想让任何人来欧洲定居,这我管不着。但是,每一起恐怖袭击、每一例伤亡、他们造成的所有破坏、所有恐慌、所有愤怒,所有的花费,所有的犯罪,所有对妇女儿童的攻击,都必须由纳粹分子默克尔一人负责。
The EU is bonkers. What a joke.欧盟疯了?开什么玩笑?
CHINA!?!!!!...It gets dafter!!..They truly are off their collective rockers!!!怪中国头上?越发愚蠢了!这些官员离开襁褓了吗?
The migrant crisis in Europe lies squarely on Merkel and her cronies shoulders. They should be ousted out of office they are not fit to run the EU. Look at how many countries have been brought to financial ruin and many on the brink and then to swamp the countries of the EU with immigrants by the thousands and insist those countries take them in is nothing short of criminal.默克尔和她的支持者必须对欧洲难民危机负全责。他们应该被赶出办公室因为他们不适合管理欧盟。
Ha ha ha no way and we are supposed to take the EU seriously哈哈哈……好了别笑了,大家都严肃点。
I can see a new directive coming from the EU Brussels loonies........ban all dinghies..我感觉一道崭新的指示在布鲁塞尔的疯子们手中呼之欲出……禁用所有小艇。
The EU are out of touch and deluded. They are fast becoming the biggest joke ever.欧盟陷入了猜忌和欺骗,他们正在沦为最大的笑话
Andrew Howitt
Perhaps the UK should reduce the production of Stilton Cheese or limit the number of tickets for entry to Blenheim Palace? What a complete load of codswhallop!也许英国应该减少斯蒂尔顿干酪产量,或者限制布莱尼姆宫游客数量?
The EU needs to blame it on themselves - they would not make the crossings if a) you stopped the pick-up and free ferry service b) Any that arrived in Europe were immediately arrested and then returned from whence they came c) you stopped them travelling from country to country in Europe and finally d) you rounded up all those hanging around border points like Northern France.欧盟应该多反思自己,如果他们当初a)停止接送和免费轮渡服务,b)落地逮捕难民并遣返原地,c)阻止他们在欧洲国家之间迁移,d)像法国北部一样在边境点将这些瞎晃的人围拢起来。那么难民根本就没机会渡海。
Clodagh Rose
Blame every one else I suggest you take a look at yourselves. This message is all your doing and still you do nothing错永远是别人的,我建议你们检查下自己。这条新闻说明了你们究竟在干什么——什么都没干。
We all got it wrong it's not Merkel's fault it's China's silly us.这么看来我们都搞错了,不是默克尔的错,是中国的错。愚蠢的我们。。
In a way they are right for the traffickers are only buying them from China and by using Turkish customs. I reality the blames really should be at the doors of the Turks whose real intention is to flood Europe of all kinds of migrants.某种意义上来说他们是对的,偷渡团伙只通过土鸡海关从中国购买橡皮艇。我真觉得作为东欧门户的土鸡要背大锅,他们的真正目的是用难民潮来冲垮欧洲。
Passing the buck now EU no too many immigrants because you have open borders and Mrs Merkel nothing to do with China. Pick them up if you wish and take them back from where they sailed from - too simple is it?欧盟你就推卸责任吧,这么多难民是因为你们开放边境和默克尔的难民政策,和中国一毛钱关系没有。如果你们想的话,完全可以把难民抓起来送他们回老家,很简单不是么?
Probably the most ludicrous excuse ever used by the eu for a problem of it's own making .这可能是迄今为止欧盟为自身问题找到的最滑稽的借口了。
I was thinking the same...Whoever makes the dinghy's they are casing in on immigrant deaths我有同感……制造小艇的人士在发灾难财。
Albert Alden
The EU caused the migrant crisis by allowing anyone into Europe. This is part of the problem.难民潮是因为欧盟允许任何人进入欧洲,而这只是问题的一部分。
What a pathetic load of codswallop ! Thank heavens we are getting out of this madhouse !真是荒谬到可悲的胡言乱语,谢天谢地我们脱离这个精神病院了!
A disgusting plague...!!令人恶心的小丑!
If you vote Tory click green if any other EU lovers click red.支持脱欧者点赞,支持留欧者点灭
You couldn't make it up could you. How stupid can they be. The migrant crisis is because instead of repatriating the tens of thousands of economic refugees they provided boats as taxis to rescue them and land them in the EU - so encouraging even more to come from even further afield. Then Mrs Merkel invited them in to the detriment of all the other EU countries who couldn't cope and of course the EU didn't help these countries either. Real refugees are in camps close to their homeland hoping to eventually go home.你们怎么能瞎编借口呢?他们究竟有多蠢?难民危机是因为他们本该把成千上万的经济难民遣返,结果反倒提供船救助并让他们在欧盟落脚,如此纵容导致大老远的难民都跑来了。然后默克尔女士邀请他们进家门,导致那些没能力应对难民的国家受害,当然欧盟也没帮过这些国家。而真正的难民正在故乡附近的难民营里眼巴巴地盼着回家。
Why does the EU blame everybody but them selves Merkel is to blame for europe getting flooded not china为什么欧盟到处甩锅唯独不怪罪自己?默克尔应该对欧盟难民潮负责,不是中国。
In other words it's EVERYONE'S fault but ours. Here at the EU we are doing our very best to ensure we are never responsible for anything mainly by doing nothing.换句话说,全是别人的错,在欧盟我们正在尽最大努力保证自己啥事儿都不干,也啥事儿都不用负责。
An unusual perspective for sure!少年,你很有想法。
Britain has to accept a lot of the blame we messed up libya and sent weapons to rebels in Syria.英国应该承担不少责任,我们搞乱了利比亚还给利比亚叛军提供武器(不容易啊,终于有个理智点儿的腐国人了,他们骂欧盟和铁娘子时很带劲儿,怎么不想想自己跟着美国屁股干了些什么#_#).
Maybe blame Big Bang that created the oceans used by boats.该怪大爆炸创造了海洋
That sounds like Trumpian logic.
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