-------------译者:杨贤兵-Nigel and Amanda Hogue thought the Shimmer housing estate in Mexborough was a qu
Nigel and Amanda Hogue thought the Shimmer housing estate in Mexborough was a quiet beautiful area
Furious residents have been left 'angry and distressed' after learning that the HS2 rail lix will pass through their newly built £200000 homes.
Nigel and Amanda Hogue bought their house in the Shimmer housing estate near Mexborough because they thought it was a quiet beautiful area.
But after learning that they will have to make room for the HS2 lix they say their life has been turned upside down by the decision and have been left in limbo.
But now they've learnt that their estate will have to make room for the new HS2 line - and they are worried they will not be able to get a good price from the government
Homes in their newly-built estate will be demolished to make way for the final lix of the train line which will lix Leeds and York with Birmingham and the Midlands.
But the Hogues said that the prices being offered by the government for them to move were insulting.
Mr Hogue said: 'All that means is that you can sell it to the government but the they aren't going to give you a decent price for it.
'What they're offering is peanuts and ten per cent. To get the equivalent house is 240 grand.'
The final route of the HS2 high-speed railway was announced today with Sheffield set to be bypassed by the main line
Homes on the Shimmer housing estate in Mexborough in South Yorkshire will be bulldozed as part of the HS2 construction
Changes to London Euston train station are among the proposals included as part of HS2 which could cost up to £104 billion
The potential HS2 train design is pictured. In February Parliament granted powers to build Phase 1 of the line
HoraceforPope Exeter United Kingdom 15 hours ago
A total and utter waste of money. Apparently it will end up costing over £100 billion. I'd rather have a decent NHS and emergency services than a railway to oblivion. Shameful.完全是浪费钱!显然最终开支会涨到超过1000亿英镑。我宁愿要一个不错的国民保健服务和应急服务体系,也不想要一条无人问津的铁路。可耻!
flimmyflammy-ist scismsville Svalbard And Jan Mayen 7 hours ago
HS2...the mother of all dogs' breakfasts.HS2...所有狗狗早餐的来源。
loopylegs1955 CITY IN THE SKY United Kingdom 7 hours ago
I'm sure you and the other 70 million people in this country would as well. But some are pocketing ££££ millions if the taxpayer's contributions. Carrillion is in dire straights their CEO left the company. THE WHOLE THING STINKS AND THERE'S NI TRANSPARENCY我确信你和其他7000万国人的想法是一样的。某些人将把纳税人的钱揣进自己的口袋。Carrilion(英国建筑和支持服务公司)的CEO已经离职了。整件事都是暗箱操作,真是恶心!
neveryoumind69 nowhere United Kingdom 15 hours ago
All this money wasted just so a few people can get to London a few minutes faster. But i bet all the MP's along the route will still claim for a second home that is not needed.浪费那么多钱却只能让一小部分人到伦敦的时间缩短一点点罢了。我敢打赌这条线沿途的议员们仍然会索取第二套房产,尽管这并非必要。
Corona Somewhere in the United Kingdom 10 hours ago
Two HS2 stations for Manchester and no stations at all for other major cities. The favouritism shown by the government towards Manchester is astonishing.HS2线在曼切斯特有两站,但在其他一些城市却一站都没有。政府对曼城的偏私真令人震惊。
Torpenhow London 7 hours ago
I was told that HS2 was only one way South to North.我被告知HS2是唯一的南北纵线。
no kidding lincoln United Kingdom 15 hours ago
Another huge WHITE ELEPHANT又一个昂贵而毫无价值的投资。
Mikesell Wellingborough. UK. 12 hours ago
A white elephant to join the so called aircraft carriers.和所谓的航空母舰一样 昂贵且毫无价值的玩意。
Jim Manchester 10 hours ago
You are right by the time this is built it will be out of date with other much faster rail technologies coming on line in the next few years你说的没错,未来几年会有更快更棒的轨道交通技术出现,这条铁路刚开修就已经过时了。
Dave B Stamford 15 hours ago
I can't believe the whole scheme hasn't been scrapped. The project's cost is quite absurd in comparison with the other things that could be done with half the money e.g. reopening lines and stations shut by Beeching.难以置信这个铁路计划竟然没有被否掉。整个项目的开支简直荒唐无比,其他计划——比如重启被Beeching关停的线路和站点——仅仅需要一半的资金。
sunking101 Leeds United Kingdom 11 hours ago
@Fish Google it! 2011 EU transport white paper. High speed rail network across all member states by 2050.@Fish 谷歌一下吧!2011年的欧盟交通白皮书。到2050年高速铁路网将通过欧盟所有的成员国。
Bob Bridport United Kingdom 10 hours ago
Very good comment Dave. Sadly a lot of people reading this would have no idea who Dr Beeching was and how he decimated our railway system in the early 1960s.说的非常好,戴维。可悲的是大多数人们读完这篇文章,仍不知道比钦博士是谁,也不知他是如何在19世纪60年代初毁灭我们的铁路系统的。
Tilly44 west mids United Kingdom 15 hours ago
Stupid beyond words真是太愚蠢了
Charlie Farley Sunderland United Kingdom 12 hours ago
Just arrange the meetings 20 minutes later and use the normal railway then you don't need to build hs1-2-3.只需要把会议安排推迟20分钟,我们用普通铁路就可以了而不需要建立高铁1号、2号、3号。
Starwhisperer London United Kingdom 15 hours ago
Hs2 is a stupid money wasting idea particularly given the multiple other areas where the cash could be better spent.高速铁路2号是一个浪费钱的愚蠢主意,可以把这些钱用在更需要的地方。
NE Stoke United Kingdom 12 hours ago
We do not have the cash! We have a £1.8T debt etc.我们根本没有钱!我们还有1.8万亿英镑的债务!
Splinandero Oxford United Kingdom 12 hours ago
2nd Amendment would stop it being built.第二修正案可以阻止建设计划。
stuart39 london United Kingdom 15 hours ago
Brilliant so we are actually knocking down new builds rather than building them for a rail line that has technology so out of date already it should be cancelled and the whole white elephant project is the biggest waste of money ever!如果我们足够聪明,就不应该为了建造一条技术落后的过时铁路而拆掉新修的建筑,这个项目真应该被取缔,昂贵而无用,简直是有史以来最大的浪费!
Rots Northampton United Kingdom 12 hours ago
The sad thing is that section of HS2 probably won't be built for another 30-40 years but in the meantime no one will want to buy their house from them and they will probably now struggle with mortgages.悲剧的是HS2这条线可能再等30-40年也修不好,在这期间没人愿意去买他们的房子,他们现在可能正在为按揭贷款而斗争。
TwoTwoTwain Some Island Costa Rica 12 hours ago
Rots didn't the stugle with mortgage start when hey bought the home?Rots(楼上那位),为按揭贷款斗争应该从他们买房就开始了吧?
i_know_best London United Kingdom 15 hours ago
Massive massive waste of money. In 20 years most office workers will work from home and the rest will be using driverless cars.巨大的浪费。20年后绝大部分人都将在家工作,剩下的一小部分人也将乘坐无人驾驶汽车上班。
Andrew Yorkshire United Kingdom 1 hour ago
Jan - videoconferencing is OK for routine stuff but face-to-face is very important when negotiating.@Jan,视频会议对普通员工来说是OK的,但在商业谈判中面对面的交流依然十分重要。
Jan Warrington United Kingdom 32 minutes ago
@Andrew - but the meeting could be held a fraction later to accommodate travelling time may I suggest? You know. Like happens now.@Andrew,我觉得面对面的谈判会议可以适度延迟或通过调节避开交通高峰期,就像现在所做的一样。
Bob somewhere far North 15 hours ago
Pure vanity project. It will be out of date by the time it's finished its 20 or 30 years to late.纯面子工程。等到线路修好就已经过时20-30年了。
cactus shrewsbury 12 hours ago
Spain already has a large network of high speed trains. Partly paid for by the EU that is us as net contributors. Their total network probably cost less than our single little line.西班牙已经拥有一个巨大的高铁网络。欧盟为其提供了一部分资金,而我们却是个单纯的贡献者。
西班牙完成整个高铁网络所花费的资金可能比我们自己单修一条线路的开支还要低。TwoTwoTwain Some Island Costa Rica 12 hours ago
So are cars STOP all cars.汽车也是如此,禁止所有汽车。
Sid England 15 hours ago
I found out in January that HS2 has been moved 800 metres closer to my house. It is now only 300 metres away.我发现一月份HS2线路距离我家又近了800米,现在离我家只有300米远了。
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