This is not something you'd expect to go through a facial scan for but in China toilet-goers now ne
This is not something you'd expect to go through a facial scan for but in China toilet-goers now need to pass a facial recognition system in order to receive tissue paper.
These camera-equipped dispensers are designed to combat the so-called 'toilet paper thieves' who would hide several metres of communal toilet paper in their bags and sneak them home.
In Fuzhou each toilet-goer would be given a piece of toilet paper measuring 70cm long (28 inches) once they have their face recognised.
The machines were first spotted in Beijing but now around 30 of them have been installed in Fuzhou the capital of Fujian province in south-eastern China.
To receive toilet paper the toilet users are required to remove their glasses or hats and look into the camera for three seconds.
Once their identity is logged into the system they wouldn't be able to get toilet paper again for another nine minutes.
If the toilet users wish to have more toilet paper they would need to talk to a bathroom attendant according to Kening Ecological Technology which builds and manages public bathrooms in Fuzhou.
honisty2 Xinhua China 14 hours ago
The reason for this is not something anyone outside of China and unfamiliar with Chinese culture would understand. In Chinese culture if something is 'free' there is no consideration to taking only what you need and leaving the rest for someone else it's the expectation that you may have as much as you want. It used to be the case that there was no toilet paper provided and you were expected to either wash yourself with water or provide your own. When the lavatories started providing paper in about the time of the Olympics so as to set a good impression for tourists Chinese locals didn't get that you couldn't just take the entire roll for their own use. So the rolls quickly disappeared. A solution had to be found. There are either machines where you can buy paper staff which sell paper or some other solution (such as this) to ensure enough paper for everyone.这种新事物出现的原因不是那些不住中国或不熟悉中国文化的人能理解的。在中国文化里,假如某样东西是免费的,那么毋庸置疑,你就会拿走所有你需要的而不考虑留些给别人,要多少取多少。过去的情况是没有任何厕纸供应,所以你只能要不用水洗或是自己带。当(北京)奥运会期间,公厕为了给外国游客留下好印象而开始提供厕纸时,中国人当地人却不明白不能带走整筒卷纸留为己用。所以这种卷筒纸很快就消失了。而新的解决方法也亟待提出。必须有可以购买厕纸的机器或其他解决办法(比如文中的那种)来保证有足够的厕纸提供给所有人。
mumof2 Brighton and Hove United Kingdom 8 hours ago
Sorry I'm not buying that. They must have understood that it was for everybody to use not just them and that they were in fact stealing it. No one is that daft. And anyway if that was the case then a simple notice pointing out their error would have sufficed rather than expensive machines being needed to force compliance.抱歉,我对这种行为不买账。他们之所以这么做,肯定是意识到有人在偷这些供大家使用的手纸。但是,人们不会那么愚蠢和贪婪。无论如何,我觉得用更简单的通知来指出这些偷窃行为的错误,要比使用昂贵机械来强迫人们规范行为,要更有效吧。
michaelsuede NY United States 9 hours ago
There's going to be a lot of people walking around with mud but because of this.得了,有了这玩意,附近肯定少不了带着泥巴的人。
wgh999 London United Kingdom 15 hours ago
28 inches is quite generous unless you have explosive diarrhea.28英寸,不少了,除非你痢疾拉肚子
Try again London Hong Kong 15 hours ago
Ha! I thought the opposite跟我想的完全相反啊
Cake or Death Magicland United Kingdom 11 hours ago
Depends if you're a folder or a scruncher.这纸够不够,得看你是把它整齐叠起来,还是攥成个蛋子
sibbear Man on Isle Isle Of Man 11 hours ago
Most public toilets in China don't even have toilet paper. You are doomed if you forgot to bring your own.中国大多数公厕没手纸,你自己如果忘了带,就等着上天安排吧
idocarenow Brockport NY United Kingdom 8 hours ago
Wouldn't do for me I take loads of paper just to put round the seat first before I even sit.跟我没啥关系,我去厕所时通常会带大卷纸,坐在马桶上之前,我得先用纸铺在上面~
Heidy44 Molenbeek Belgium 15 hours ago
Reminds me of the old days when I lived in Hong Kong in the early 70s. I sometimes used to go into the then rather swish Ocean Terminal shopping centre to cool off in the aircon. Very classy shops for rich tourists but when you went into the ladies there was an elderly woman sitting inside the door doling out just two coupons of loo roll to each person!让我想起70年代初我住在香港时的旧时光。那时我时常会去那个比较时髦的海运码头购物中心,吹一下它里面凉快的空调。对于富有的游客来说,海运码头购物中心是一种很高端的购物商店。另外在那里,当有人走进女卫生间的时候,就会有一个坐在门口的老妇人,给他们每个人分发两张卫生纸
Philip Morris West Tennessee United States 16 hours ago
I think a grateful world is happy they have any TP at all.我认为一个感恩的世界是幸福的,他们以前是没有卫生纸的。
mumof2 Brighton and Hove United Kingdom 8 hours ago
Am I to understand the facial recognition technology has cost less than a bit of bog roll? If not what's the point?我是否可以理解为面部识别技术的成本低于那些卫生纸?否则的话,那又有什么意义呢?
honisty2 Xinhua China 14 hours ago
With each piece of toilet paper being about 4 inches that's only 7 sheets.每张卫生纸约4英寸,而且仅仅只有7张
JohnyM London United Kingdom 11 hours ago
That will be fecal recognition then see what I did there?这个面部识别,会不会偷窥我在厕所里嘘嘘?
Meh... Northern Virginia United States 10 hours ago
He doesn't know how to use the three seashells!他肯定不会用摆在洗手盆上那三个贝壳!
MiaX Brooklyn United States 13 hours ago
How ridiculous这太扯了
Bagpiper13 Calgary Canada 13 hours ago
Sometimes I don't need any. Other times I need half of a roll. TMI?有时候我不用纸,有时候嘛,得用半卷~好吧,说多了
mumof2 Brighton and Hove United Kingdom 8 hours ago
Maybe you have to take some even if you won't need it and hoard it for next time!准备一些,以备不时之需嘛!
Jackunx London United Kingdom 10 hours ago
Should work better with an @ss snap Kim K will need a truck load full to wipe her MOAB.和“@ss snap ”一块用效果更佳啊,卡戴珊那个大屁股可能需要一卡车的纸才够。
-------------译者:cyber power-
NannyNannyNanny Manchester United States 4 hours ago
Are you sure it's not Fecal Recognition technology?你确定它不是粪便识别技术吗?
ant36au Albury Australia 7 hours ago
Wouldn't want to have a blow out.希望不要拉肚子。
Petrus Barba Definitely not the EU United Kingdom 14 hours ago
Take your own.各取各的。
Mike Malaga 12 hours ago
Facial recognition? I would have thought Ay.nal recognition more appropriate.面部识别?我倒认为肛门识别更好。
Jack London United Kingdom 7 hours ago
Maybe soon they will have to use both sides.也许很快他们将不得不两面都用。
craigzimmerman6 Enumclaw United States 6 hours ago
Welcome to the future. I have a feeling their will be zero privacy 20 years from now.欢迎来到未来。从现在算起20年内,我有一种感觉,他们将连一点个人隐私都没有了。
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