(译者:英雄贵姓)Chinese men are becoming a 'hot catch'among Western women because they are 'honest', 'carin
Chinese men are becoming a 'hot catch'among Western women because they are 'honest', 'caring', and 'respectful', saysstate newspaper
Chinese state media has been praising thebenefits of foreign women marrying Chinese men as the country faces a bachelorcrisis.
A piece by the People's Daily Onlinedescribe Chinese men as 'honest, outgoing and responsible'.
It's estimated that around 15 million menbetween the ages of 35 and 59 won't be able to find wives by 2020.中国官方媒体人民日报网站称中国男人“诚实”,“外向和有责任心”。
Chinese swimmer Ning Zetao
Chinese actor Huang Xiaoming
The piece described Chinese men as beingcaring and respectful towards women. (Left, Chinese swimmer Ning Zetao, Right,Chinese actor Huang Xiaoming)
China estimates around 15 million men won'tbe able to find wives by 2020
The site claims that Chinese men arebecoming increasingly attractive to foreign women.
It described Chinese men as being caringand respectful towards women.
Anna, a Russian lady who married a Chineseman told the People's Daily that she thinks Chinese men have more of a sense ofresponsibility.
It comes as China faces a huge bachelorproblem.
There has been an increasing trend inbachelors paying to wed women from other countries
Mao Shoulong (pictured), a dean from theRenmin University, made the claim in a column +5
It's estimated that around 15 million menbetween the ages of 35 and 59 won't be able to find wives by 2020.
By 2050, it's thought that the figure couldreach 30 million.
There has been an increasing trend in bachelorspaying to wed women from countries such as Vietnam after struggling to find apartner.
In February last year, Mao Shoulong ascholar from Renmin University called on more female immigrants to beencouraged to live and work in China sothat they could perhaps marry Chinese 'leftover men'.
Men in rural areas face the most difficultywhen finding a partner. For a typical rural marriage, a man is expected to havea house and in some cases a car.
Zhang Hu, a father who lives in amountainous village in northwest China's Gansu province, spent his entiresavings and borrowed a further 150,000 yuan (£16,496) to ensure his sonmarried.
The money has now flung the family backinto poverty as they struggle to pay back the giant sum.
banal resentive, NW Illinois, UnitedStates, 17 hours ago
"Says state newspaper". What moreis there to say?“官方媒体称”,还能说什么?
Prairie Rose, Anywhere, United States, 17hours ago
"Honest, Caring, Responsible"Seriously??? These are men whose culture dues females almost as much as theMiddle East. It's OK to kill or let a female baby die, because, really, whatgood is a baby girl? This is such a disgusting article.“诚实,体贴,有责任心”开玩笑吧。受传统文化的影响,这些男人贬低女性就差不多和中东一样。他们会杀女婴,因为他们认为女婴不好。这文章太恶心了。
Mikew, Sanityville, United States, 17 hoursago
They might be more respectful because they haveyet to be around the western women yet. Good luck men, you are going to needit.他们肯能会表现得更尊重吧,因为他们从没见过西方女人。祝你们好运,你们真的需要好运气。
MustaPekka, vaasa, Finland, 17 hours ago
This is a result of a decades-long ban ofmore than one child in a family combined with baby boys being the only ones"worth" having.这种结果是几十年来一孩政策的结果,同时男孩被认为更值得抚养。
momus_, Northeast, United States, 18 hoursago
And vice versa, American men are lookingfor Chinese women because they are family-centered and don't want to emasculatemen.于此想法,美国男人都在找中国女人,因为她们更以家庭为中心也不想要没有男性魅力的男人。
Candela, Yggdrasil, Norway, 18 hours ago
Perhaps it's about time they started toappreciate girls being born..也许他们现在已经开始希望生女孩了。
sky190176, Livingston, United Kingdom, 18hours ago
And many of them have cash中国男人在西方女人中越来越有魅力,而且这些男人大多数都很有钱。
Deathofjournalism, Southend on sea, UnitedKingdom, 18 hours ago
Nothing to do with money then ?和钱没什么关系吧?
peter holland, milton keynes, UnitedKingdom, 19 hours ago
and western women aren't asking for thehouse, car, etc. etc. that Chinese women seem to want. Plus the disparity inmen v women in China西方女人不会要房子车子等等,而中国女人会要。再加上男女比例失调。
Barry Homeowner, Lagos, Nigeria, 19 hoursago
Remember folks, it's not what you looklike, it's what's in your wallet that's important.记住了兄弟们,这可不像你看到的那样,你钱包里有多少钱才是最重要的。
eddiecurrent2000, Cardiff, United Kingdom,19 hours ago
I bet they'd still drive off if they ranyou over...我打赌他们撞了你之后还是会驾车逃逸。
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Obsidian_Grey, Otley, United Kingdom, 19hours ago
The vast majority of Western men arehonest, caring and respectful...大多数西方男人都诚实,体贴,尊重女性……
Corvus717, Baltimore, United States, 19hours ago
Honest caring and ......the most importanttrait....rich诚实体贴……最重要的特点是……有钱
ShireView, Cheltenham, United Kingdom, 19hours ago
In other words 'we have too many men,please go abroad for a wife'.换句话说就是“男人太多了,上国外找老婆去吧”。
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