
(译者:凌云朵朵)85% of the British public are opposed to repealing fox hunting ban, poll reveals调查显示85%的英国公


85% of the British public are opposed to repealing fox hunting ban, poll reveals


The law, introduced by Labour in 2004, bans the use of dogs to hunt foxes and other wild mammals in England and Wales


Opposition to fox hunting remains at an all-time high, a new survey has revealed, with 85 per cent in support of maintaining the current ban.

一项新的调查显示, 反对猎狐的人数仍处于历史最高水平, 其中85% 支持维持目前的禁令

The poll, commissioned by the League Against Cruel Sports and carried out by Ipos Mori, also found that 90 per cent were opposed to hare hunting and coursing.

该调查是由反残酷运动联盟( League Against Cruel Sports )委托开展的,由森森公司进行的。调查还发现,90%的人反对猎兔和追逐猎物。

The law, introduced by Labour in 2004, bans the use of dogs to hunt foxes and other wild mammals in England and Wales.


The League Against Cruel Sports adds that opposition to fox hunting has steadily grown in Britain. In 2008, just over 70 per cent were opposed. And in rural areas support for the ban remains high, at 81 per cent.

反对残酷运动联盟补充说, 在英国, 反对猎狐的力量在稳步增长。2008年, 只有超过70% 的人表示反对。在农村地区, 对这项禁令的支持率仍然很高, 达到81%

It comes ahead of the annual Boxing Day hunts that tend to draw thousands across the country. Last year the pro-hunt Countryside Alliance said there were “at least 250,000” gathering in “huge crowds from Cumbria to Cornwall”.

这是在每年的节礼日狩猎活动之前举行的, 这种狩猎会在全国范围内吸引成千上万的人。去年, 支持狩猎的农村联盟表示, “从坎伯里郡到康沃尔郡的人群“中,”至少有25万人”聚集在这里。

But the contentious issue was highlighted this year after Theresa May used the snap election to include a free vote for MPs on repealing the fox hunting ban in the Conservative manifesto – a pledge that appeared to be scrapped following the loss of her party’s majority at the election.


“As it happens, personally I have always been in favour of fox hunting, and we maintain our commitment ... to allow a free vote,” the Prime Minister said during the general election at a factory visit. "

“事实上, 我个人一直支持猎狐, 我们坚持我们的承诺... 允许自由投票," 首相在工厂参观期间表示。

But the election highlighted the strength of feeling among the public on animal welfare issues – an area Michael Gove, the Environment Secretary, has prioritised since he was appointed after June’s general election.

但这次选举突显出公众对动物福利问题的强烈感受——环境大臣迈克尔?戈夫(Michael Gove)自6月份大选后被任命以来, 一直把这个问题放在优先位置

While the policy was not included in the Queen’s Speech, which outlined the legislative programme for the current parliamentary session of 2017 until 2019, it will be officially dropped in 2018, according to The Sunday Times.

根据《泰晤士报》的报道, 虽然这项政策没有被纳入女王的演讲中, 但据《泰晤士报》报道, 该政策概述了2017年至2019年议会会期的立法程序,但将于2018年正式取消。

A Downing Street source described the report as “pure speculation”, but added: “There is no vote that could change the current policy on fox hunting scheduled in this session of Parliament, which ends in 2019.”


Chris Luffingham, the director of campaigns for the League Against Cruel Sports, said: “With 85 per cent of the public saying they do not want fox hunting made legal again, there has never been a better time to strengthen the Hunting Act and bring an end to the illegal persecution of wildlife still going under the guise of ‘trail hunting’.

反对残酷运动联盟(League Against Cruel Sports)运动负责人克里斯?鲁芬汉姆(Chris Luffingham)表示:"85% 的公众表示, 他们不希望猎狐行为再次合法化, 加强《狩猎法》和结束非法迫害野生动物的行为。

“The realities of ‘trail hunting’ have been well and truly exposed this year and the extent to which foxes, hares and deer are still being chase and killed has really shocked people. Time and time again hunts are getting away with circumventing the law and that needs to stop.


“The Boxing Day hunt parades are portrayed as the celebration of a great tradition with huge public support, but the truth is very different. There is nothing to celebrate the chasing and killing of wildlife in the name of ‘sport’ and the polling figures have shown us, year after year, that the majority of the public clearly do not want hunting made legal again.



Steve Hill
May is dumping Tory policy on this like a hot potato... it's in the longest possible grass, forever. She cannot afford another defeat, she has no majority, and a fair number of Tory MPs are pledged to support the existing ban. There is zero chance of any change to the law.
So why not just come clean and say so, winning a little bit of much-needed support from the 55 million people who support the ban?
Then enforce the ban properly, because at the moment it's a bit like saying drink-driving is OK as long as nobody is looking. Hunting with dogs needs to go the way of bear baiting and cock fighting.


Doggle bird
Calling people who participate in foxhunting "toffs" is both bigoted and inaccurate, as many are nothing of the sort. Foxhunting is either a legitimate sport and an effective way of controlling foxes, or else it is an unnecessarily cruel bloodsport and pastime. I would go with the latter.


Many who hunt foxes are, in fact, toffs.

事实上, 很多猎狐的人都是纨绔子弟

Steve Hill
It is ineffective at "controlling" foxes and hunts have traditionally *bred* foxes to ensure they have something to chase.
Decades of research has proved that hunting has no effect. Foxes breed to fill the environmental space and food supply available to them. Kill one, and another cub will survive. The rise in urban foxes (which no hunt will touch) is entirely due to us throwing out more food.
The population (now about 250,000) fell sharply in the 1950s because myxamatosis wiped out many of the rabbits on which foxes fed. The numbers have recovered since, partly due to the ban on Cymag poison and ironically in part because landowners have been breeding more game birds.
Sensible farmers with a fox problem use guns. And keep hunts off their land to protect their own crops.

几十年的研究已经证明, 狩猎是没有效果的。狐狸繁殖以填补环境空间和食物供应给他们。杀死一只, 另一只幼崽就会活下来。城市狐狸数量的增加完全是因为我们扔掉了更多的食物

I'd prefer to see a law passed to allow us to hunt toffs.

我更希望通过一项法律, 允许我们狩猎

What a sad life you must have.


Damo77 77
Not sure where you get this anger and superiority from. I bet the majority would rather ship you out of the country.


Mrs May has already said there will be no vote on bringing back fox hunting. Brexit is a green revolution that will take us away from all EU barbarism towards animals.
Fox and Stag hunting with dogs goes on in France still. They also force feed ducks and geese. Spain still has bullfighting, and the EU alows the live export of animals to third world countries where they are tortured, and die in agony.
The UK will be able to ban the live export of animals once we leave the barbaric EU.

特蕾莎梅已经表示, 将不会投票支持猎狐行动。英国退欧是一场绿色革命, 它将带领我们摆脱欧盟对动物的所有野蛮行径

Lol keep telling yourself that. That sounds like painting a turd green and calling it a green revolution. What's your thoughts on Brexit allowing the import of meat?


A Masai warrior with a spear up against a lion is hunting.
Twenty toffs on horses and a hundred hounds chasing a fox is simply blood thirsty sport.


And yet every year we send millions and millions of intelligent, sensitive and sentient pigs to unnecessarily suffer and die in gas chambers across this country. The sheer hypocrisy is mind boggling.


Damo77 77
Mmmm bacon!

嗯, 培根!

Animal abuse in the name of sporting tradition - an old story being played out where the circumstances have changed, in a world that has moved on. End all animal use and abuse. The time for animal rights and liberation is now. Please watch Meat The End Documentary on YouTube.


Why oppose another vote on fox-hunting? It won't pass. Democracies should be willing to review decisions made in the past, and if right-wing policies are crushed, that's a bonus. The same democratic principle also means we must have a referendum on the terms for Brexit.


The EU is barbaric, and allows the torture of animals for fun, bullfighting, and for EU foodies, force-feeding ducks and geese.

欧盟是野蛮的, 允许为了好玩而折磨动物, 斗牛, 还允许欧盟的美食家强喂鸭子和鹅

DavidST1300 1300
That mean's 15% aren't. That's enough to call "the will of the people".


That means 15% are ignorant to the reality of blood sports or are pro animal cruelty.

这意味着15% 的人对血腥运动的现实一无所知, 或者是支持虐待动物

Brett Manangagwa 
Eighty five percent of us opposed third world immigration.
There are many who still resent this democratic deficit.
Let us take back our country.
