
Made in China swamps PM Modi's plans as backlash spreads to streets抗议蔓延至街头——中国制造使莫迪的印度制造

Made in China swamps PM Modi's plans as backlash spreads to streets


In Mohit Gogia’s stationary and gift store in Noida, near India’s capital, the only decorative lights for sale ahead of last month’s festival of lights were Chinese made.

在印度首都新德里附近的Noida 地区,在上一个月的排灯节之前,Mohit Gogia的礼物店里唯一出售的装饰灯是中国制造的。

"India-made lights cost twice as much," said Gogia, as shoppers snapped up supplies for the Diwali celebration. "Customers aren’t willing to pay that."



Two-way trade statistics tell the tale. India’s deficit with China has ballooned nine-fold over a decade to $49 billion in 2016 as China’s manufacturing edge stacks the odds against Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s three-year-old ‘Make-in-India’ program. The result: India’s current account deficit is worsening again, threatening the outlook for an economy already straining under the fallout of a snap ban on high-value notes a year ago and a new sales tax.


Now -- a century after freedom fighters in colonial India launched a movement against British goods -- the backlash against Chinese products is ramping up. Swadeshi Jagran Manch, an economic policy group linked to the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, drew more than 100,000 onto the streets in the capital New Delhi on Oct. 29 in a rally against the dominance of Chinese products. A picture in the local press showed protesters holding Indian flags and a poster of Chinese President Xi Jinping with a cross mark on it.

如今,在殖民时期的自由斗士们发起抵制英国商品运动一个世纪后,抵制中国产品的呼声不断高涨。10月29日,与执政党印度人民党有关联的一个经济政策组织Swadeshi Jagran Manch在首都新德里街头举行了超过10万人的游行示威,抗议中国商品的统治地位。

"This is the biggest-ever gathering to fight the dominance of Chinese goods," Arun Ojha, national convener of Swadeshi Jagran Manch, said in an interview in the hot, dusty protest site days ahead of the rally. "Our youth are losing jobs and we are becoming traders of Chinese products."

“这是有史以来最大的一次抗议中国商品集会,”在集会前几天,集会召集人Arun Ojha在一个炎热、尘土飞扬的抗议现场接受采访时说,“我们的年轻人正失去工作,我们正成为中国商品贸易商。”

Swadeshi Jagran Manch says its boycott movement is a "second war of economic independence" and claims support from farmers, trade and labor associations -- the same groupings that Modi will rely on for re-election in 2019. Protest leaders met with Defense Minister Nirmala Sitharaman following the demonstration. Calls to her mobile and to the office of the prime minister seeking comment went unanswered.

Swadeshi Jagran Manch将其抵制运动称作“第二次经济独立战争”,并声称得到了农民、贸易业和劳工协会的支持——这些群体是莫迪2019年连任的关键所在。抗议活动领导人在示威活动后与国防部长Nirmala Sitharaman会面。记者打给她以及总理办公室寻求置评,但未获回复。

"This flood of Chinese imports fits in very uncomfortably with the priority of the Modi government to expand India’s manufacturing base," said Harsh Pant, professor of international relations at King’s College in London. "This trade deficit is now becoming a major headache. Though this is not unique to India-China economic ties, this is a major concern for Indian policy makers now that economic restructuring is a priority for New Delhi."

伦敦国王学院国际关系学教授Harsh Pant表示:“中国进口品的大量涌入与莫迪政府发展印度制造业基础的优先任务非常不协调。这种贸易赤字正成为一个主要麻烦。虽然并非只有印度有对华贸易赤字,但这是印度政策制定者目前最为担心的,因为经济结构改革是新德里的当务之急。

In the last 10 years, there’s been a few episodes of rapid growth in India that led to rising external deficits and inflation and came to a halt because the government had to rein in demand in order to restore macroeconomic stability, said Louis Kuijs, head of Asia economics at Oxford Economics in Hong Kong.

香港牛津经济研究院亚洲经济首席研究员Louis Kuijs 说,过去10年里,印度曾经历几轮经济快速增长,因为导致赤字增加和通货膨胀,增长最终停滞了下来,因为政府为了恢复宏观经济稳定性,必须抑制需求。

"The imbalanced trade relationship reflects the fact that India’s manufacturing sector remains strongly underdeveloped," Kuijs said. "Unless it is able to develop its manufacturing sector so that it can produce a large share of the growing demand for goods in its economy, India’s economic growth will be constrained by rising current account deficits and/or inflation and their consequences."

“不平衡的贸易关系反映了印度制造业仍然高度不发达,”Kuijs 说。“除非印度能发展其制造业并在很大程度上满足国内日益增长的商品需求,否则印度经济增长将受到经常账户赤字增加和/或通货膨胀及其所带来的后果的制约。”

India and China’s frosty relationship has already been put to the test by a weeks-long military standoff in the Himalayas earlier in the year. Indeed, demands to boycott Chinese goods gathered momentum after that conflict on the Doklam plateau refreshed memories of a border war between the two nations in 1962, where China emerged the victor.


Economically, India is losing out this time too: Taiwanese electronics giant Foxconn Technology Group has reportedly delayed a plan to set up a 3 billion rupees plant in the state of Maharashtra because of the standoff. Foxconn did not directly address whether its Maharashtra plant had been delayed. In a statement it said: "We are committed to the development of India’s technology and manufacturing sectors. Details regarding any new investments will only be announced once decisions have been made and all necessary approvals have been received."


China has a different perspective on the trade relationship. The two nations could benefit from collaborating more, not less, said Wang Huiyao, director of the Beijing-based think tank Center for China and Globalization and an adviser to China’s cabinet.


A boycott "doesn’t make any economic sense -- it’s an irrational move," he said. "China’s products and China’s experience can really benefit India."


China’s Ministry of Commerce didn’t respond to faxed questions seeking comment.


To be sure, Modi’s Made in India push hasn’t been without success. Foreign direct investment rose to a record $60 billion last financial year. But the program didn’t translate into lower imports from China, nor did it give any major push to manufacturing. Ironically, the USB flash drives with electronic versions of brochures distributed at the Make-in India program announcement in 2014 were made in China.


"No one is capable of competing with the Chinese," said Neelam Deo, a director of Mumbai-based think tank Gateway House and a former diplomat.

“没有人能与中国人竞争,”孟买智库Gateway House负责人、前外交官Neelam Deo说。


Aj Topia
Bloomberg always writes against Modi and its writers always appraise Chines on all topics be it economy or defense or any other, as Blomberg is anti-Indian and paid/ owned by Chines govt. Apart from that to promot manufacturing you need, 24/7 water, electricity, transportation, stable policies, good and stable local govt support, corruption free licensing, which Modi is trying to fix while opposing party opposes anything Modi, no matter how good it is for country, be it GST or Aadhar ..


Nageswara Rao
Time to impose trade restrictions


Egg Head
What about Metro coaches being imported from China? Make in India gone for a toss.


Aj Topia
Contracted by previous Khangress govt, canceling orders are not as easy.


Manohar Deep
Citizens are very powerful. They should boycott stationery shops, mobile outlets, lighting , toys and other stores where Chinese items are stocked. This will teach a lesson to those traders who prefer to import cheap items from China and do not trade in Indian manufactured goods.


Kauilya has an answer.The state must fix the selling price taking into account the cost of manufacture, cost of transportation and a reasonable profit from which the state is to take 10% as tax. Cost of manufacturing/making will escalate with taxes and other levies.


What is Indian industry doing about bringing the prices down? Excuses are the same as they were 50 years ago. Why are Indian businesses so incompetent at competing?


Stephen Jacob
Everybody want cheat & best, it''s not the question of patriotism, if I have money in my pocket I can spend, there is no unemployment insurance in India.


Hudaf Shaikh
Modi''s Looking East and the so-called Make in India are just covers for sharply increasing the imports from China to SellInIndia - typically at cost of Indian manufacturers and millions of Indian jobs. It is shocking that when over 50% of the solar panel capacity is idle, the Government is encouraging putting up new capacity using Chinese panels by allowing imports from China at 0% duty - very strange given that China strong support of Asian terror organizations - and courage in it''s being the only country blocking international sanctions against leaders of already terror organizations.


Parmjit Singh
Our priorities are misplaced..instead of going all out for the so much publicized VIKAS ,Make in India etc. we have been diverted to issues like Ram temple, Taj Mahal, Tipu Sultan, Cows, Patel v/s Nehru, Re-Writing history.....and We the Indians really deserve it.


Nitin Chauhan
India should be scared of Chinese Hi-Tech equipment like Electric generators, 4G/5G Telecom equiment. Private sector companies like Reliance keep profits ahead of country''s security concerns and buy Chinese equipment which is lot cheaper than European and US companies

印度应该担心中国的高科技设备,比如发电机、4G / 5G电信等。像Reliance这样的私营企业将利益置于国家安全之上,购买比欧洲和美国公司便宜得多的中国设备。

Nitin Chauhan
Instead of blaming China, look inwards. India's manufacturing efficiencies, work-ethic of Indian workers, Unions and their political supporters are lynch pins for India to be a manufacturing hub. There is NO way India can match Chinese pricepoints NO matter the level of duties that are levied


It is high time India quit WTO. We should be importing what is actually not manufactured in India. Some unscroulous traders are giving designs of our gods and requirements to Chinese and are importing chinese goods. Track them and make Indian industry more robust


If Indian Govt can not make its employees work for 120 days in a year why blame Chinese...,, China would shoot and incarcerate such work shirkers .. look at projects stuck bcoz of road side, mid road temples and dargaha or graves cane the obstructionists and free riders


Truth Prevail
FUNDAMENTAL difference between people of China & India is, people of China are already discipline & have good work ethihcs which they are trained and grew up in a communist country, where people have to have behave in certain manner else they face wrath of law. India copying DITTO democracy without even knowing what that means gave free hand to poorest people who can''t even buy one time meal but have the power to sell their votes & make even good governments fall. In short Chinese Government is not blackmailed but Indian Government is & everytime. This is the ROOT cause of all the miseries that India is going through. States are once again behaving like Princely states & do not want to foster growth, innovation & investment to make country grow. Government will have to start punishing those family whose families are far larger than their econmic conditions allow.


Sasindran Ayadakandiyil
MAKE INDIA WILL NOT SUCCEED bcz we do not have ECONOMIES OF SCALE in the INFRA SECTOR : Power : 300 GW against 1200 GW. Ports : Shanghai''s capacity is HALF of all indan ports put together. Expressways : 40 times : steel production: 8 times.......nothing can be done for at least 2 decades !


Kiran Chandra Gupta
It is well known that Chinese communist party and chinese govt control everything in China, local units are party controlled and exports are subsidized; on other hand, govt in india goes on taxing more and more to meet useless expenditure to support a big cabinet and an army of babus. That is the main reason make in india will fail.


Diepak Paul
The difficulty has been created by three parts. 1) The consumer side:In India the consumer wants to pay less, and is not worried about the quality( Chalega, Chalta hai). This along with sudden rise in income and no training to find, the first product available is bought. For that there is enough Chinese Maal available.2) The Government & Supply side: The government could look at quality, security, and fair price. Keeping a clear focus on these imports will reduce, exports will rise. 3) Finally on the Supply side: China created unwanted capacities with large debt, and must sell to keep alive the industries, which keep people employed, the question quality of employment, and life can be left unanswered.


11 days ago
the labour rates in china is higher but thier productivity 3 times that of indians, secondly our workers are spolied by pampering by congres cpm combination who spend time in raising slogans and political manouring to less work and more pay. they want bonus even in loss making companies, whereas china one party COMMUNIST rules there are no labour rights. if somebody indulges in unionbaji, the leader will disappear. no qestions asked! no opposition party, human rights commission, courts can qestion chinese govt.lastly they also give lot of incentives for exportts because of thier reserves. but when the bubble will burst god only knows because thier private sector is much more in debts than indian companes. least to say worst type of capitalism in the communist country,


Srinath Sai
Comparing India with China is like chalk and cheese. The control there is absolute that entails successive planning and execution to happen quickly. We only know that but still we keep doing the comparisons out of our stupidity. Take the case of Tesla. Who deserves them more. China having over 2 lakh charging points as against India''s mere 350 charging points for the same population size. Still we don't stop our whining as if we have made everything prepared already for Tesla to take off. We need to develop labour intensive sectors but because of our being a democracy with dissipated control, we can't achieve on time to match the speed of population growth. Talking about apple or semiconductor industry is of no use as they can employ a few thousands and are not a good representative case for a country having billions of hungry-stomachs. Already a matured IT sector that has been around for 30 years that we brag about all the time, has so far managed to provide jobs for only a miniscule 0.5% of the workforce.


I think it's somewhat late to get our population on board as robots have started coming already. I think it's too little too late for us. Maybe, we can have some consolation in Stephen Hawking's words when he urged the humanity to quickly have a ''world government'' that can enable all of us to move out of earth in 100 years, once humans face redundancy in robots presence. So the problem is widespread, but only thing it's bites our country first as we are very much under-


