China confirms ban of Australian coal imports

Beijing: Customs at China's northern port of Dalian has banned imports of Australian coal and will cap overall coal imports from all sources for 2019 at 12 million tonnes, an official at Dalian Port Group has told Reuters.

"The goals are to better safeguard the legal rights and interests of Chinese importers and to protect the environment," Mr Geng told reporters on Thursday, adding that the move was "completely normal".
Imports through Dalian comprise only 1.8 per cent of Australia's total coal exports.
However if the reported ban reflects a more significant deterioration in the trade relationship between Australia and China, it could have a broader impact, National Australia Bank chief economist of markets Ivan Colhoun said in a note on Thursday.

Piles of coal sit near port facilities as gantry cranes stand in the background at the Qinhuangdao Port.

"We continue to engage closely with industry on matters of market access ... China is a valued partner of Australia and we trust that our free trade agreement commitments to each other will continue to be honoured."

A coal-fired power station in the Chinese city of Qingdao.
Birmingham also said that Australia's exports of coal to China in the fourth quarter of 2018 were higher in volume and value than in the same period in 2017.

Dalian customs accounted for 7 per cent of China's total coal imports in 2018, according to a report from consultancy Wood Mackenzie.
It's a tactic.
The price they're paying is too high, so they'll ban it for a while, and when the price takes a dive they'll quietly buy a shitload from the stockpile.

China isn’t our biggest trading partner in regards to coal.
In 2014 China was our second biggest coal consumer.
Dummy spitting China is retaliating with their normal childish bully boy tactics. Thats why they will never be respected as a mature super power because they are such insecure, immature, vindictive and such an idiotic super power that behaves like they were born yesterday as superpower.
No mature smart nation conducts itself in such a pathetic and childish manner. They are not a mature nationhood state, but a petty, vindictive, arrogant and bitter nation. But in the long term this selfish behaviour will cost them their credibility and reputation around the world. After all who wants to deal with bitter people who dont respect a fair go and the international rule of law and fair trade. I expected this kind of behaviour from the Chinese, they think like kids in the playground and not the great nation grown up on the International stage,.
The quicker we wean ourselves off the Chinese economy the better off we will be as a nation. We should recognise Taiwan as an independent state and strengthen our ties with their people and leadership. They will be the new China once the revolution begins in China and the people of China overthrow their stupid totalitarian government. Taiwan is a more mature state and is good example how the Chinese in Beijing should behave as a state.

2014 !!!
The Imported coal market in China has changed massively since 2014 though mate. The chinese government committed to energy Independence around then and has been tapering off imported coal since. They may be a net coal exporter now.
Referring to thermal coal here, steelmaking coal is still in demand.
Well, the RBA thinks a lower dollar is a great thing (see their minutes, they've been jawboning it down for ages although less so recently). It'll probably be the threat of interest rate drops that hit the AUD more so than slightly lower coal exports. I'm also probably wrong (currency is a bugger to predict).
Our dollar trades between 70-74c constantly so it's not a huge deal. Also it's not really a complete ban on exporting coal to China, only a fraction of the market.
8 years ago it was 1.04, so not constantly. Blame labor. It is a huge deal to importers, exporters and manufacturers. Not so much to parasites like commodities and forex dabblers. Good thing they provide so many jobs eh?

Frankly, if you believe that today's Chinese government relies on a book written in the Ming Dynasty for modern day geopolitical relations, you need to get your head examined.
That's like saying NATOs plans in the event of a Russian invasion is based on the military writings of Frederick the Great. It defies common sense. The wisdom of the ancients applies to the time of the ancients.
[–]ProbynI must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer 5 6
There is zero logic in what you said. What a weak straw-man argument you put forth.
To say that Chinese negotiators rely on medi texts instead of game theory is ridiculous. I'm really not sure what world you live in where that idea is somehow taken seriously.