
如果朝鲜入侵韩国,美国和韩国人会把他们赶回朝鲜吗?这需要多长时间? [美国媒体]


情所困 2019-01-03 阅读(143)

特朗普为什么想要从韩国撤军 [美国媒体]


别人的拥抱 2019-01-03 阅读(94)

有消息称,中国正在寻求与印度进行会谈以推动亚洲贸易协定的达成 [美国媒体]


你给的 2019-01-03 阅读(114)

日本人目前对美、中、俄、韩怀有怎样的亲近感呢? [美国媒体]


为你停留 2019-01-03 阅读(157)

中国即将登陆月球暗面 [美国媒体]


别人的拥抱 2019-01-03 阅读(127)

为什么中国那么擅长造高铁 [美国媒体]

The density of customers can allow China to grow businesses and infrastructure faster.
Any small shop that sells tea and sandwiches can earn well, as

爱情 2019-01-02 阅读(155)

中国展示其新式轻型战斗坦克 [美国媒体]

原文时间:2019-01-01 13:20:55

The Type 15 tank is reported to be a new secret weapon for China's People's Liberation

不回头 2019-01-02 阅读(133)

Netflix停止为其每年8.53亿美元的收入缴纳“苹果税” [美国媒体]


​Apple makes enough money it's just greed


Greedy greedy greedy companies! Not just apple! All of them! Thats like LG c

一颗心只 2019-01-02 阅读(77)

为什么美国不像中国那样改造和再投资基础设施? [美国媒体]

Why doesn’t the U.S. revamp and reinvest in infrastructure like China?


Ray Comeau, A decade in China, interest i

月光傾城 2019-01-02 阅读(153)

为什么中国建造了更多的佛陀雕像而不是孔子或者老子雕像呢?是为了国际化的考虑吗? [美国媒体]

Patrick Koh, studied at National University of Singapore
Answered Sun
Yes, only large Buddhas but nothing to do with internationalisation. Buddhism is a religio

天剑一决 2019-01-02 阅读(169)

既然印度软实力比中国强大,那为什么外国人更喜欢学习中文而不是印度语言呢? [美国媒体]

John Garrison, I can speak Chinese
Answered May 22, 2017
As a foreigner who learned Chinese I can tell you the exact reason.
I was very interested in learning H

仅有的 2019-01-02 阅读(220)

国家利益杂志:日本对华外交为何会失败 [美国媒体]

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe just did a disservice to Japan, its alliance with the United States, and the man he calls his friend, President Donald Trump

别人的拥抱 2019-01-02 阅读(128)

印度在印尼沙璜的军事基地可能会在马六甲海峡勒杀中国 [美国媒体]

论坛地址: Why is China anxious about Indian investment and possible military base in Sabang port in Indonesia? Indonesia permitted India to invest in Sabang port

没有小新 2019-01-01 阅读(121)

有哪些日本文化让你感到不能认同。 [美国媒体]

论坛地址:Sarah Federic

I have been teaching here in Japan for four years. I’ve also taught Japanese students both offline and online for more than 10 years so

偏执的温柔 2019-01-01 阅读(70)

迈克尔·科恩在法庭上情绪激动,请求宽大处理. [美国媒体]

Michael Cohen, in emotional courtroom pleafor leniency, says Trump made him 'cover up his dirty deeds'

迈克尔·科恩在法庭上情绪激动,请求宽大处理, 他说特朗普让

情所困 2019-01-01 阅读(82)

中国有铁路吗?外国网友:中国人是搭乘潜艇出行 [美国媒体]


情歌只为你唱 2018-12-31 阅读(203)
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