(译者:哦哟哟)Barack Obama said, “I think his (Modi’s) impulses are to recognise Indian unity.
Barack Obama said, “I think his (Modi’s) impulses are to recognise Indian unity. I think he firmly believes unity is necessary for the progress of the nation.”
Nearly three years after he publicly asked India to guard against any efforts to divide its society, former US President Barack Obama said on Friday that when he was US president he had told Prime Minister Narendra Modi “in person” that India must not be split into sectarian lines. Speaking at the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit, Obama also emphasised that India must cherish the fact that Muslims in the country clearly identify themselves as Indians.
“A country shouldn’t be divided into sectarian lines and that is something I have told Prime Minister Modi in person as well as to people in America,” he said.
The 44th US president, who visited India twice between 2009 and 2017 and was visiting for the first time since demitting office, said, “There’s a counter-narrative taking place, at all times, but it’s particularly pronounced now… in Europe, US and sometimes in India where those old tribal impulses reassert themselves under leaders who try to push back and under leaders who try to exploit them.”
He said, “I know Prime Minister Narendra Modi believes in the unity of India. My goal here is not to disclose every private conversation I have. I think his (Modi’s) impulses are to recognise Indian unity. I think he firmly believes unity is necessary for the progress of the nation.”
Asked about his equation with Modi, Obama also referred to the previous prime minister Manmohan Singh, saying that the two leaders shared a focus on India-US ties.
“I like him (Narendra Modi). I think he has a vision for the country. I was also great friends with Dr Manmohan Singh. He laid the foundation of the modern Indian economy… The unifying theme in both leaders (Modi and Singh) during my tenure was the focus on India-US relations,” he said.
Following his remarks at the summit, the former US president met Modi over lunch at Hyderabad House. Later, the Prime Minister posted on Twitter: “It was a pleasure to meet, once again, former president @BarackObama, and learn about the new initiatives being taken forward under his leadership at the @ObamaFoundation and his perspectives on further strengthening India-US strategic partnership.”
At the summit, Obama said, “For a country like India where there is a Muslim population that is successful, integrated and considers itself as Indian, which is not the case in some other countries, this should be nourished and cultivated.”
He said that in a democracy the most important office was not that of the president or prime minister but that of citizens who need to question themselves about which ideology they encourage by supporting a particular politician.
“When you see a politician doing something questionable, ask yourself ‘am I supporting this?’ Politicians are like mirrors which reflect the community’s view. If communities across India are saying they won’t fall prey to division, then it will strengthen the hand of politicians who feel that way,” he said.
According to him, people often “see the differences between each other much too vividly and miss the commonalities”.
On January 27, 2015, a day after he had attended the Republic Day celebrations as chief guest, Obama had invoked the Indian Constitution while delivering a powerful 33-minute speech at the Siri Fort auditorium. “Every person has the right to practice his faith without any persecution, fear or discrimination. India will succeed so long it is not splintered on religious lines… We have to guard against any efforts to divide us on sectarian lines or any other thing,” Obama had said.
Anand Ch
Dec 3, 2017 at 2:23 pm
What does he mean ? Who splits India ? Non state actors and conversion specialists. Other than India and Indians, all others have a vested interest in splitting India. What Obama says will be music to those who dream to derail India.他指的是什么?谁分裂印度?是那些非国家行为者和转变专家。除了印度和印度人民,其他所有人对印度的分裂都有既得利益。奥巴马所说的在那些想着使印度脱轨的人听来将是天籁之音。
Kamal Pasha
Dec 3, 2017 at 9:11 pm
Anand Ch. Modi, Yoghi, Amit Shah, Jaitly, Rajnath and other jokers are splitting India. You don't see it but there are many anti- minorities also don't see that India is going to be divided into as many states as you have. India's future is unde Congress.阿南德,莫迪,阿米特·沙阿,杰特利,拉杰纳特还有其他小丑们正在分裂印度。你看不到但很多反民族主义是是真实存在的,你也看不到印度正在分裂成很多州。印度的未来是在国会。
Dec 3, 2017 at 1:16 pm
Modi is not sectarian. he loves all US PRESIDENTS EQUALLY !莫迪可不是什么宗派主义者。他对所有美国总统一样地爱!
Vimal Sehgal
Dec 3, 2017 at 12:53 pm
Barack Obama s real name is Mu barack Hussein Osama, half brother of Osama bin laden. And his agenda on earth is jihad. He gave billions of dollars and arms and ammunition to Pakistan for use in jihadi terrorism against India. Modi should kick Obum's bum and send him to his brother Osama.巴拉克奥巴马的真名叫巴拉克侯赛因乌萨马,乌萨马本拉登同父异母的弟弟。他在世界上的目的是伊斯兰圣战。他给巴基斯坦数十亿美元和武器弹药用于圣战恐怖主义来对付印度。莫迪应该狠揍奥巴马一顿送他去见他哥哥本拉登。
Sing Is
Dec 3, 2017 at 10:16 am
There is a famous pic of Modi and Obama sitting and having tea in India. After that attacks on Churches stopped and attacks on Muslims reduced. Modi began singing Secularism song.有一张著名的照片在印度莫迪和奥巴马坐在一起喝茶。在那之后对教堂的袭击停止了,对穆斯林的袭击也减少了。莫迪开始唱起世俗主义的歌。
Raghupal Singh Tomar
Dec 3, 2017 at 6:56 am
Barack Obama, Ex POTUS, who has recently bn in India had spoken and advised that Indian ppl shd nt be split in sectarian lines. Barack though a great orater, but shd hv kept his advice reserved for the nation who originally belongs. India from the ages never intended to conquer any country or tried to dominate our neighbors.巴拉克奥巴马,这个最近在印度发声劝告印度人不要因宗教而分裂的前美国总统,虽说是个伟大的演说家,但他本应保留他的意见因为这原本属于这个民族。所有印度人从未想要侵略任何国家抑或是统治我们的领国。
Jehangir E
Dec 3, 2017 at 6:42 am
The only way to remove the sectarian boundaries between different societies, is to have one law for all. In USA, or any civilized country, there are no separate laws of different groups, based on caste/color/religion/ height/ weight/gender...........etc. Therefore. any reader/ visitor /president ....... who is advising to remove sectarian boundary should demand Uniform Civil Code. That is what OBama must be telling us. So if you want secular country without borders between religions - DEMAND UNIFORM CIVIL CODE.要消除不同社会之间的宗派界限,唯一方法是设立一个通用的法案。在美国或是其他文明国家,并没有针对不同群体,或种姓,或肤色,或宗派,或高矮,或男女而设的不同法律。因此,任何建议消除宗派界限的读者,访客或是总统应该要求有一个统一的民法典。这就是奥巴马要告诉我们的。所以如果你要一个没有宗派界限的世俗国家,设立一个统一的民法典吧。
Dec 2, 2017 at 11:34 pm
Recently , 10 best countries for women to live in and 10 worst countries for women to live in is published , for this year . Those who want may have a look . My Deep Learning algorithm told me ALL the worst countries are islamic( includes Pakistan and Afghanistan is no 1) , NONE of the best countries are islamic .最近公布了今年十大女性最宜居国家和十大女性最糟糕居住国家,你们应该看一看。我的深层学习算法告诉我所有糟糕居住地都是伊斯兰国家,包括巴基斯坦,阿富汗是第一。最宜居国家没有一个是伊斯兰教的。
Dec 2, 2017 at 11:07 pm
This man is one of the reason why there is black white division in US that not seen in last two decades and here he preach us.How ironic!!这个人是美国出现在过去二十年间没有过的白种人黑种人分裂的原因之一,现在他又来对我们说教,真是讽刺!
Dec 2, 2017 at 11:06 pm
First Muslim should understand what secularism is. A devout Muslim can never be secular.I.e. against their one god dictation.首先穆斯林应该明白什么是世俗主义。一个虔诚的穆斯林是永不会变世俗的,也不会违背他们信奉的唯一的神。
Dec 2, 2017 at 7:50 pm
Obama must stop preaching. He who lives in glass house should not throw stones. He should first stop the use of Christian evangelist organisations in the US from funding conversion works in India and stop putting hurdles in developmental works in the guise of false environmental and social issues. He must remember that India has the largest Muslim population aside from Indonesia. India has been home to diverse ethnic and religious communities for centuries and has learnt to live together. this has been possible largely because of the Hindu ethos of this nation. US and other nations must learn this art from the Indians. India is an example that no other nation in the world can match. hence instead of sermonising, Obama should approach with a sense of learning.奥巴马必须停止说教。他住在玻璃房里就不应该扔石头。他应该首先停止美国基督教传教组织对印度转变事业的资金援助,并且停止假借环保和社会问题给印度发展事业设障碍。他必须知道印度时除印度尼西亚之外拥有最多穆斯林人口的国家。印度几百年来一直是多种族,多宗教群体学会共存的大家庭,这很大程度上是因为这个国家的印度教精神。美国和其他国家必须通过印度来认识这门艺术。印度是在这世界上其他国家无可比拟的榜样。因此,相对于说教,奥巴马更应该用学习的态度来做事。
Dec 2, 2017 at 4:42 pm
Abdul Kalam, Zakir Hussain ,Sania Mirza,A R Rehman are first Indian than Muslims and we are very proud of them .They have contributed a lot to enhance Indian repution in the world.There are lot more name i cannot remember now.阿卜杜勒·卡拉姆,扎克胡赛因,米尔扎,拉曼这些我们引以为傲的人首先是印度人再然后才是穆斯林。他们为增加印度在世界的声望作出很大贡献。还有一些很多很多人名我叫不上来的。
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