China develops underwater surveillance networks in Indian Ocean, South China Sea印媒:中国在印度洋、南海建海底观测网BE
China develops underwater surveillance networks in Indian Ocean, South China Sea
BEIJING: China has developed a new underwater surveillance network to help its submarines get a stronger lock on targets while protecting the nation's interests along the maritime Silk Road, which included the Indian Ocean, a media report said on Monday.
The system, which has already been launched, works by gathering information about the underwater environment, particularly water temperature and salinity, which the navy can then use to more accurately track target vessels as well as improve navigation and positioning, the Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post reported.
The project, led by the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), is part of an unprecedented military expansion fuelled by Beijing's desire to challenge the US in the world's oceans, the Post said.
Narayan-8 hours ago
India shouldn't boast of its Navy's capacity in tackling Rogue China's Capacity . India way behind say more than 20 years compared to Rogue China.Unless India's Economy grows faster than Rogue China and ready to suffiently to upgrade our Armed Forces ,we can't take on Rogue China Effectively.印度不该吹嘘印度海军对付中国海军的能力,印度落后中国20年。
Chandrak Baxi-Bangalore, India-8 hours ago
our hero is busy in boasting. Hopefully he wakes up (though he is far better than italian mafias)我们的英雄忙着吹牛。希望我们的英雄能醒过来,尽管他比意大利黑手党好。
Arun-8 hours ago
Serious matter! Wake up call for babus of MOD to counter this threat.问题严重!叫醒国防部的人,找出应对方法。
P S G-7 hours ago
And we are still fighting on gau raksha, babri masjid, internal water sharing disputes, etc. We are no match to the Chinese in terms of military might. They can overrun us in a matter of few week''s time wrt to our current technology usage and doctrines. The govt should stop false boasting, and should wake up我们仍在和牛粪、水资源共享问题做斗争。
India power-UK-10 hours ago
No need to worry. India is far ahead of China in everything. India can build more submarines than China.别担心,印度各方面遥遥领先中国。
Rajesh Dubey-8 hours ago
We have experience China goods. We overtake china in leadership of Modi. Take care of Pappis of India中国商品质量怎么样,我们已经体验过了。在莫迪领导下超越中国吧。
Vijay-1 hour ago
Stop using Chinese products. Automatically change will occur. We fill their pockets with money which they use against. I have stopped. What about you?别用中国货了。
Coward-Location-8 hours ago
Hey just a minute!! Did we not build submarines and trackers according to the Vedas and ancient scriptures? Just as we replaced human head with that of an elephant ...according to our prime minister Modi!!等下!我们不是照着吠陀经和古经文建造出了潜艇和跟踪器吗?
Rahul-2 hours ago
Arms race is done by rulers so they can feel more important as a world leader.What does the common man get? People in a country like1 Switzerland or Canada are as happy as population of super power USA.
Patriotism is so overrated.军事竞赛是统治者玩的,他们能因此感到作为世界领导人的重要性。
Mystore Room-Thailand-6 hours ago
Hindu dogs love Chinese Made goods so much. China earning more than US$50 billions trade deficit from Hindu dogs every year.印度很喜欢中国商品。中国每年从印度人身上赚取了超过500亿美元的贸易顺差。
vishu-7 hours ago
it will be fake as any country will not tell his propaganda.假的,任何国家都不会说出自己的计划的。这完全是宣传。
Pervinder Sangwan-8 hours ago
India should increase defence budget..In 1985 we were having 2 aircraft carrier...Now we have one..we should increase our fleet..印度应该增加国防预算。1985年,我们有两艘航母。现在我们只有一艘。我们应该增加我们的舰队。
Now Then-Guangdong-10 hours ago
India n Modi ji are the only reason why china does things at a break neck speed. But the dragon always comes up short on quality.印度和莫迪,逼得中国动作利索。
Kamalesh Banerjee-Kolkata-6 hours ago
World must join and work together to stop Chin''a aggression.世界必须团结起来,一起制止中国侵略。
Mystore Room-Thailand-6 hours ago
All countries in South Asia don''t like Hindu dogs'' country India. Luckily Hindu dogs is not a permanent member of UNSC.南亚国家不喜欢印度,幸运的是,印度不是联合国常任理事国。
Desibabu -6 hours ago
This is the top priority to have similar kind of development in India so that we have all the required information to counter any threats.当务之急,印度也应搞出类似的海底观测网,以便收集一切必要信息对抗任何威胁。
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