英媒: 白宫承认由于中美贸易战,华尔街“过山车”将给美国人带来短期阵痛

Markets regain strength after tariff panic as White House admits Wall Street roller coaster could g

Markets regain strength after tariff panic as White House admits Wall Street roller coaster could give Americans 'short-term pain' because of China trade war



The White House admitted Wednesday that the stock market's recent roller-coaster ride, widely attributed to President Trump's budding China trade war, could give investors 'short-term pain' before Wall Street rebounds.


'The president is worried that we have countries that have been taking advantage of us for decades and that he's not going to allow that to happen anymore,' Press Secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters.


'We may have a little bit of short-term pain but we're certainly going to have long-term success.'



Beijing shoved back hard Wednesday after the administration published a 43-page collection of Chinese goods it planned to hit with new tariffs, retaliating with a list of similar duties on U.S. imports including soybeans, planes, cars, beef and chemicals.


Beijing took less than 11 hours to respond, a speed that led to a steep selloff in global markets.


But by the end of the trading day, the Dow Jones Industrial Average had turned a 510-point drop – combining overnight losses and the day's trading low point – into a nearly 231-point gain on the day.



But this year the markets have appeared to be playing dice with house money, swinging more than 3,000 points from high to low – representing more than 11 per cent of the Dow's valuation.


President Donald Trump insisted Wednesday morning that the world's two most vibrant economies aren't trading potentially lethal financial blows in what could become a protracted trade war.


'We are not in a trade war with China, that war was lost many years ago by the foolish, or incompetent, people who represented the U.S.,' he tweeted in the morning.



'Now we have a Trade Deficit of $500 Billion a year, with Intellectual Property Theft of another $300 Billion. We cannot let this continue!'


He added two hours later in another tweet: 'When you’re already $500 Billion DOWN, you can’t lose!'



Jennifer, Vancouver, Canada, about 4 hours ago

Has anyone checked his deficit numbers...don't forget he made them up and was incorrect when talking with Canada PM Trudeau. Trump is a loose canon.



i180q, unavailable, United States, about 4 hours ago

If the U.S. does not man up, China will always take unfair trade policies for granted.



Carl Hansen, Hervey Bay, Australia, about 4 hours ago

I agree with @welike2moveitmoveit, the US government provide massive subsidies to US farmers. Australian and New Zealand farmers have almost ZERO subsidies.

我同意 @welike2moveitmoveit的说法,美国政服向美国农民提供了大量补助。澳大利亚和新西兰的农民可是几乎没有补助的。


i180q, unavailable, United States, about 4 hours ago

I think Trump said this well: "We are not in a trade war with China, that war was lost many years ago by the foolish, or incompetent, people who represented the U.S."



Cliff, Michigan, United States, about 4 hours ago

Raise your hands all who think Trump really cares about the American people! Anyone? . . . anyone? . . . anyone?



charlie8, Inuvik, Canada, about 3 hours ago

Raise your hand if you're sick of looking at that orange face & duck lips....anyone?



webfoot, Portland, United States, about 6 hours ago

There's just no stopping the roaring Trump economy - America got incredibly lucky in November 2016!



Gwenethlyn, Millbrook, United Kingdom, about 4 hours ago

No. They didn't. And that stockmarket uptick is not of Trump's doing. He took credit for steady economy not his own. No president in history has done,in less than 19 months, all he claims to have done. I'm not saying he's not affecting the stock market, just that he cannot own what he didn't do. Having said that, I wish he'd stop with the seesawing. My stock changes hour ro hour.



Steven, Estates at Sugarloaf Mountain, United States, about 6 hours ago

Bye, bye 'Murican pie.



welike2moveitmoveit, Christchurch, New Zealand, about 6 hours ago

The US is on target to spend 972.9 billion in direct subsidies to farmers.



DakwaBinKhomeni, UrinatingOnTheHighStreet, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago

Destroy everyone's 401K, Donnie....give Americans the old 'unpaid Polish drywalling contractors' treatment.



welike2moveitmoveit, Christchurch, New Zealand, 6 hours ago

WASHINGTON, Aug. 4, 2016 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced approximately $11.2 million in financial assistance to American dairy producers enrolled in the 2016 Margin Protection Program for Dairy (MPP-Dairy). The payment rate for May/June 2016 will be the largest since the program began in 2014



TruthChecker, Nyc, United States, 6 hours ago

Don't cry over cheap milk



StableGenius, Noneya, United States, 6 hours ago

Trump getting busy winning again...



charlie8, Inuvik, Canada, 3 hours ago

Whining on tweeterville tomorrow



welike2moveitmoveit, Christchurch, New Zealand, 6 hours ago

Support, in its various forms, equaled 73 percent of U.S. dairy farmers¿ market returns in 2015



welike2moveitmoveit, Christchurch, New Zealand, 6 hours ago

in 2015, the American government doled out approximately $22.2 billion dollars in direct and indirect subsidies to the U.S dairy sector.



Gwenethlyn, Millbrook, United Kingdom, 5 hours ago

If that is true, that was Obama's move. Trumps only adding on to what already exists, not making groundbreaking moves.



welike2moveitmoveit, Christchurch, New Zealand, 6 hours ago

Livestock Subsidies in the United States totalled $10.3 billion from 1995-2016.



welike2moveitmoveit, Christchurch, New Zealand, 6 hours ago

The United States earlier this year lost a case brought by Australia in which GATT found fault with the way the United States protects sugar farmers. (1988)



welike2moveitmoveit, Christchurch, New Zealand, 7 hours ago

Soybean Subsidies in the United States totalled $35.6 billion from 1995-2016... protectionism.. look in the mirror..



bacioglobal, New York City, United States, 7 hours ago

American economy is too strong. This is a good experiment to see who is stronger. Chinese only make what we invent and want to buy. We don't buy Chinese ideas for the USA market.



TheNobodyFromNowhere, NorCal, United States, 7 hours ago

To go to war you must first have guns. To go to trade war you first must have factories and no welfare so people are forced to work in them to eat. America has no factories and is a welfare state. Hence, they will lose a trade war unless they do the right thing and get people off their lazy butts. We have a tax rate of something like 60-80% here.



Jim from Columbus, Columbus, United States, 7 hours ago

We have farms and a strong service sector.. And factories.



dblade76, London, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago

Jesus Columbus shut the hell up. Your farms are subsidised by the government. They can't even break even.



bob barker68, Berkeley, United States, 7 hours ago

These countries know they've been rolling the US for years. They'll do the Kabuki dance for awhile and then the US will come out ahead. Great job Mr President!



dblade76, London, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago

We shall see who blinks first lol



HKer, Hong Kong, China, 7 hours ago

Tariffs on soybean is just a small gun, but this is sufficient to scare Trump to declare no trade war with China. Beijing wouldn't deploy the big gun until ireally necessary, as it would destroy US economy and China would lose a big market.



Que Locura, right there, United States, 8 hours ago

Regain what? He has caused a drop of over 11% since he took over.


